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Re: [MirageOS-devel] An HTTP server with TLS

On 7 January 2015 at 10:56, Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 7 Jan 2015, at 10:45, Thomas Leonard <talex5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 7 January 2015 at 10:42, Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On 5 Jan 2015, at 09:53, Thomas Leonard <talex5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I'd like to add TLS to my Mirage web server. What's the best way to do 
>>>> this?
>>>> My Unikernel.Main functor currently takes a (H : Cohttp_lwt.Server)
>>>> argument. I see that main.ml configures this using:
>>>> module Conduit1 = Conduit_mirage.Make(Stackv41)(Vchan1)
>>>> module Http1 = HTTP.Make(Conduit1)
>>>> Can conduit deal with TLS for me? The conduit docs say "The reason
>>>> this library exists is to provide a degree of abstraction from the
>>>> precise SSL library used", which suggests that it should.
>>> Conduit_mirage doesn't support this yet -- just Conduit_lwt_unix.
>>> Before adding it in, I was waiting for xentropyd and the C bindings
>>> to work, which should all be in the trees.  If we could now get a
>>> mirage-skeleton example of a manual SSL server using the TCP/IP
>>> stack directly, then the Conduit_mirage version won't be too far
>>> behind.
>> tls/mirage/example has a direct example that works on Xen. I'm going
>> to look at getting HTTPS support working now, unless you want to do it
>> first.
> Go for it!  I'm taking a shot at pulling the OCaml runtime out of
> mirage-platform at the moment.

OK. Could someone clarify the buffer-alignment rules for me again?

V1.mli says:

module type NETWORK = sig
  type page_aligned_buffer
  (** Abstract type for a page-aligned memory buffer *)


module type ETHIF = sig
  type buffer
  (** Abstract type for a memory buffer that may not be page aligned *)

tcpip's ethif.ml just passes the (non-aligned) buffer straight through
to Netif, which seems wrong.

V1_LWT restricts the types with:

module type NETWORK = NETWORK
   with type page_aligned_buffer = Io_page.t

module type ETHIF = ETHIF
   with type buffer = Cstruct.t

io-page is a bit vague about what an Io_page.t is:

type t = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
(** Type of memory blocks. *)

Io_page.get n returns "a memory block of [n] pages", so an Io_page.t
isn't a single page of memory.

The actual problem I'm seeing with TLS on Xen is:

Invalid page: offset=2920, length=1245

This comes from Netif. The buffer underlying buffer is page aligned
(it's allocated by Tls_mirage.conv_io), so I assume tcpip is splitting
it at an unfortunate point.

It appears it was working before because HTTP_IO buffers its writes
using tcpip's Channel module, which batches them into single IO pages.
With TLS, these page-sized chunks don't go directly to TCP, but got
via TLS instead.


1. What does "page-aligned memory buffer" really mean?

gnttab_stubs.c checks that the underlying Bigarray starts on a page boundary.

netif.ml checks that the cstruct's off + len <= page_size.

So from this, it seems that it means a page-aligned buffer no larger
than a page.

2. Should Ethif split requests that cross page boundaries into
multiple requests to Netif? Or do the APIs need changing?

3. Where should buffering happen? Between HTTP and TLS (as now), or
between TLS and TCP?

4. Should we propagate buffer sizes backwards somehow, so that TCP can
suggest to TLS to send data as TCP-sized chunks of data within a
single Io_page?

Dr Thomas Leonard        http://0install.net/
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