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Re: [Embedded-pv-devel] [MirageOS-devel] GSoC 2015 - Not accepted ... but some mentoring organisations which have several Xen related projects in them are

> On 4 Mar 2015, at 17:40, Amir Chaudhry <amc79@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I noticed this the other day and had a quick scout around.
> "Mozilla not accepted for Google Summer of Code 2015"
> http://blog.queze.net/post/2015/03/03/Mozilla-not-accepted-for-Google-Summer-of-Code-2015
> "Google’s program is enormously popular, and over-subscribed, meaning Google 
> has had to rotate organisation membership"
> http://news.open-bio.org/news/2015/03/sadly-obf-not-accepted-for-gsoc-2015/

I am not particularly surprised. The number of projects is growing, so is 

> Very unfortunate as we've had interest in the MirageOS projects.  I wondered 
> about talking to relevant accepted orgs about adding some MirageOS projects 
> but haven't really had a chance to look into this.

Please go ahead. Of course we will again participate in OPW. I am still one 
Advisory Board vote short for approval.

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