embedded-pv-devel - Mail Index

February 24, 16
18:51 [Embedded-pv-devel] Call for nominations for new Hypervisor subproject maintainers and committers Lars Kurth
February 10, 16
16:45 Re: [Embedded-pv-devel] Urgent: Cleaning up project list in preparation for GSoc and the next Outreachy round Lars Kurth
05:40 Re: [Embedded-pv-devel] Xen with RTOS (such as Windows CE) Meng Xu
04:37 Re: [Embedded-pv-devel] Xen with RTOS (such as Windows CE) Emir Elkholy
February 09, 16
23:28 Re: [Embedded-pv-devel] Xen with RTOS (such as Windows CE) Dario Faggioli
22:27 Re: [Embedded-pv-devel] Xen with RTOS (such as Windows CE) Emir Elkholy
22:23 Re: [Embedded-pv-devel] Xen with RTOS (such as Windows CE) Adam Wick
22:09 Re: [Embedded-pv-devel] Xen with RTOS (such as Windows CE) Emir Elkholy
21:58 Re: [Embedded-pv-devel] Xen with RTOS (such as Windows CE) Adam Wick
12:37 [Embedded-pv-devel] Urgent: Cleaning up project list in preparation for GSoc and the next Outreachy round Lars Kurth
February 08, 16
17:59 [Embedded-pv-devel] Xen with RTOS (such as Windows CE) Emir Elkholy

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