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Re: [Minios-devel] Unikraft: Question about binary buddy allocator

On 15.03.2018 16:44, Bruno Alvisio wrote:

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 1:18 AM, Simon Kuenzer <simon.kuenzer@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:simon.kuenzer@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hey Bruno,

    you are right, this looks suspicious. The units (page address vs.
    byte address) are definitely mixed up right now.

    On 08.03.2018 17:34, Bruno Alvisio wrote:

        Hello all,

        I was reading the binary buddy memory allocator code and I am
        confused by the meaning of a variable “(struct uk_bbpalloc_memr)
        memr->nr_pages”. From its name, it seems to hold the number of
        pages that belong to the memory region. However, in
        lib/ukallocbbuddy/bbuddy.c:365 :

        memr->nr_pages = max - min;

        which seems to be the actual memory size of the region rather
        than the number of pages. If my understanding is correct, the
        following modifications would be needed:

        diff --git a/lib/ukallocbbuddy/bbuddy.c b/lib/ukallocbbuddy/bbuddy.c

        index b830995..c927524 100644

        --- a/lib/ukallocbbuddy/bbuddy.c

        +++ b/lib/ukallocbbuddy/bbuddy.c

        @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ static inline struct uk_bbpalloc_memr
        *map_get_memr(struct uk_bbpalloc *b,


        for (memr = b->memr_head; memr != NULL; memr = memr->next) {

        if ((page_num >= memr->first_page)

        -&& (page_num < (memr->first_page + memr->nr_pages)))

        +&& (page_num < (memr->first_page + memr->nr_pages * __PAGE_SIZE)))

    Use __PAGE_SHIFT instead. This operation should be faster:

    +&& (page_num < (memr->first_page + (memr->nr_pages << __PAGE_SHIFT))))


        return memr;


        @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ static void map_alloc(struct uk_bbpalloc *b,
        uintptr_t first_page,

        memr = map_get_memr(b, first_page);

        UK_ASSERT(memr != NULL);

        UK_ASSERT((first_page + nr_pages)

        -<= (memr->first_page + memr->nr_pages));

        +<= (memr->first_page + memr->nr_pages * __PAGE_SIZE));

    +<= (memr->first_page + (memr->nr_pages << __PAGE_SHIFT)));


        first_page -= memr->first_page;

        curr_idx = first_page / PAGES_PER_MAPWORD;

        @@ -362,7 +362,9 @@ static int bbuddy_addmem(struct uk_alloc *a,
        void *base, size_t len)

        * Initialize region's bitmap


        memr->first_page = min;

        -memr->nr_pages = max - min;

        +int spare = (min - max) % __PAGE_SIZE;

        +UK_ASSERT(spare == 0);

    Is this spare variable used somewhere else? I guess you want to make
    sure that min and max are aligned to pages - which happens a few
    lines ahead.
    In general, we should keep the ability to let libukdebug remove code
    that is used for a assertions only. This means that the operation
    should be self-contained within the UK_ASSERT. So, I would do

    UK_ASSERT((min - max) % __PAGE_SIZE);

    instead of introducing the spare variable and doing the operation
    for the check outside of the assertion.

The reason I didn't do it as above is that when using % in the assertion I was getting some formatting errors while compiling. Yes, spare is not used anywhere.

Oh, right. I found that the UK_ASSERT and UK_WARNIF macro is not handling the string conversion correctly. The problem is that the condition is handed over stringified to the format of uk_printd() to print a message. In your case, the modulo operation ('%') is causing a problem. I am going to send out a patch that fixes this.

    Alternatively you could also just check that the alignment was working:

    UK_ASSERT(max & __PAGE_MASK == max);
    UK_ASSERT(min & __PAGE_MASK == min);

    But in principle I do not think this check is really required.


        +memr->nr_pages = (max - min)/__PAGE_SIZE;

    (max - min) >> __PAGE_SHIFT;


        /* add to list */

        memr->next = b->memr_head;

        b->memr_head = memr;

        Let me know if I am missing something. If the change looks
        correct I can provide a patch.

    This would be great. Thanks a lot!

I just sent the patch.



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