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[Minios-devel] [UNIKRAFT PATCH] Update docs for `kraft` and User guides

This series commit updates the documentation with details of the new
command-line utility `kraft`.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Jung <a.jung@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 doc/guides/kraft.rst          | 211 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/guides/users-advanced.rst | 102 ++++++++++++++++
 doc/guides/users.rst          |  19 ++-
 3 files changed, 331 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/kraft.rst
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/users-advanced.rst

diff --git a/doc/guides/kraft.rst b/doc/guides/kraft.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e53276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/guides/kraft.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+Getting started with ``kraft``
+To begin using `Unikraft <https://unikraft.org>`_ you can use the command-line
+utility ``kraft``  which is a companion tool used for defining, configuring,
+building, and running Unikraft unikernel applications.  With ``kraft``, you can
+create a build environment for your unikernel and manage dependencies for its
+build.  Whilst ``kraft`` itself is an abstraction layer to the Unikraft build
+system, it proves as a useful mechanic and starting ground for developing
+unikernel applications.
+Quick start
+``kraft`` can be installed by directly cloning its source from `GitHub 
<https://github.com/unikraft/tools.git>`_: ::
+  git clone https://github.com/unikraft/tools.git
+  cd tools && python setup.py install
+.. note::
+  Additional dependencies include `git`, `make`, ncurses, `flex`, `wget`,
+  `unzip`, `tar`, `python3` and `gcc`.  Details on how to configure how
+  ``kraft`` interacts with gcc and the Unikraft build system in addition on how
+  to use ``kraft`` with Docker is covered in :ref:`advanced_usage`.
+Once ``kraft`` it installed you can begin by initializing a new unikernel
+repository using ``kraft init``.  As an example, you can build a Python 3
+unikernel application by running the following: ::
+  kraft init -a python3 ./my-first-unikernel
+.. note::
+  If this is the first time you are running ``kraft``, you will be prompted to 
+  run an update which will download Unikraft core and additional library pool
+  sources.  These sources are saved to directory set at the environmental
+  variable ``UK_WORKDIR`` which defaults to ``~/.unikraft``.
+With a newly initialized unikernel application, the ``./my-first-unikernel``
+directory  will be populated with a ``deps.json`` file which contains 
+to the the relevant library dependencies which are required to build a 
+with support for Python 3.  This file is used by ``kraft`` to configure and
+build  against certain Unikraft library versions.  In addition to this file, a
+new ``.config`` file will also be placed into the directory.  This file is used
+by Unikraft's build system to switch on or off features depending on your
+application's use case.
+The unikernel application must now be configured against the Unikraft build
+system so that you and it can resolve any additional requirements: ::
+  kraft configure ./my-first-unikernel
+.. note::
+  This step can be made more interactive by launching into Unikraft's Kconfig
+  configuration system.  Launch an ncurses window in your terminal with
+  ``kraft configure --menuconfig``.
+The configuration step used in ``kraft`` will perform necessary checks
+pertaining to compatibility and availability of source code and will populate
+your application directory with new files and folders, including:
+  * ``deps.json`` -- This file holds information about which version of the
+    Unikraft core and additional libraries to use for the build.
+  * ``Makefile.uk`` -- A Kconfig target file you can use to create compile-time
+    toggles for your application. 
+  * ``build/`` -- All build artifacts are placed in this directory including 
+    intermediate object files and unikernel images.
+  * ``.config`` -- The selection of options for architecture, platform,
+    libraries and your application (specified in ``Makefile.uk``) to use with
+    Unikraft.
+When your unikernel has been configured to your needs, you can build the
+the unikernel to all relevant architectures and platforms using: ::
+  kraft build ./my-first-unikernel
+This step will begin the build process.  All artifacts created during this step
+will be located under ``./my-first-unikernel/build``.
+.. _kraft_cli:
+Overview of commands
+  Usage: kraft [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
+  Options:
+    -v, --verbose  Enables verbose mode.
+    -V, --version  Print the version and exit.
+    --help         Show this message and exit.
+  Commands:
+    build      Build the unikraft appliance.
+    configure  Sets the default configuration for an appliance.
+    createfs   Generate a static filesystem for the unikraft appliance.
+    init       Initialize a new unikraft project.
+    list       List supported unikraft architectures, platforms, libraries or
+               applications via remote repositories.
+    run        Run the unikraft appliance.
+    update     List supported unikraft architectures, platforms, libraries or
+               applications via remote repositories.
+.. _kraft_update:
+Updating Unikraft library pools
+  Usage: kraft update [OPTIONS]
+    This subcommand retrieves lists of available architectures, platforms,
+    libraries and applications supported by unikraft.
+  Options:
+    -s, --staging  Use staging branch (here be dragons).
+    --help         Show this message and exit.
+.. _kraft_init:
+Initializing a Unikraft project
+  Usage: kraft init [OPTIONS] [PATH] [NAME]
+    This subcommand initializes a new unikraft application at a selected path.
+    Start here if this is your first time using (uni)kraft.
+  Options:
+    -m, --arch TEXT  Target architecture  [default: (dynamic)]
+    -p, --plat TEXT  Target platform  [default: linuxu]
+    -l, --lib TEXT   Target platform
+    -a, --app TEXT   Target application
+    -F, --force      Overwrite any existing files.
+    --help           Show this message and exit.
+.. _kraft_configure:
+Configuring a Unikraft application
+  Usage: kraft configure [OPTIONS] [PATH]
+    This subcommand populates the local .config for the unikraft appliance
+    with with the default values found for the target application.
+  Options:
+    -n, --menuconfig     Use Unikraft's ncurses Kconfig editor.
+    -d, --dump-makefile  Write a Makefile compatible Unikraft's build system.
+    -u, --dump-unikraft  Copy Unikraft and source libraries into the path.
+    --help               Show this message and exit.
+.. _kraft_build:
+Building a Unikraft application
+  Usage: kraft build [OPTIONS] [PATH]
+    This builds the unikraft appliance for the target architecture, platform
+    and with all additional libraries and configurations.
+  Options:
+    -j, --fast  Use all CPU cores to build the application.
+    --help      Show this message and exit.
+.. _advanced_usage:
+Advanced Usage
+``kraft`` itself can be configured to meet the needs of your development
+workflow.  If you are working directly the Unikraft source code or a library
+then you can change ``kraft``'s behavior so that it recognizes changes which
+you make.
+.. _env_vars:
+Influential environmental variables
+``kraft`` uses environmental variables to determine the location of the 
+core source code and all library pools.  This is set using the following:
+| Environmental variable | Default value            | Usage                    
+| ``UK_WORKDIR``         | ``~/.unikraft``          | The root directory for 
all sources |
+| ``UK_ROOT``            | ``$UK_WORKDIR/unikraft`` | The Unikraft core source 
code      |
+| ``UK_LIBS``            | ``$UK_WORKDIR/libs``     | Library pool sources     
+| ``UK_APPS``            | ``$UK_WORKDIR/apps``     | Applications and 
templates         |
diff --git a/doc/guides/users-advanced.rst b/doc/guides/users-advanced.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0dbb54
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+++ b/doc/guides/users-advanced.rst
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+Unikraft Intrinsics
+The Unikraft build system relies on knowing the search paths or both the 
+Unikraft core source code and any additional libraries.   By setting these 
+directories, you can create a simple ``Makefile`` which acts as proxy into the
+main build system.
+To begin using Unikraft you'll need to have the following dependencies
+installed: ::
+  apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential libncurses-dev 
flex git wget bison unzip
+Once these are installed, you can clone the Unikraft main repo: ::
+  git clone http://github.com/unikraft/unikraft.git
+If you'll be using Unikraft external libraries, this would be the time
+to clone those too.  You can see a list of available libraries on `Github 
+with the prefix ``lib-``.  You will need to clone each one separately.
+We recommend the following directory structure for the Unikraft source code and
+any additional libraries:  ::
+  ├── unikraft/
+  ├── apps/
+  │  ├── app-1/
+  │  ├── ...
+  │  └── app-2/
+  └── libs/
+     ├── lib-1/
+     ├── ...
+     └── lib-N/
+Once this is in place, you can create a ``Makefile`` inside your application
+directory which uses these locations and uses the special Make target 
+``$(MAKECMDGOALS)`` which returns the target used when calling ``make``: ::
+  UK_ROOT ?= $(PWD)/../../unikraft
+  UK_LIBS ?= $(PWD)/../../libs
+  LIBS :=
+  all:
+      @$(MAKE) -C $(UK_ROOT) A=$(PWD) L=$(LIBS)
+      @$(MAKE) -C $(UK_ROOT) A=$(PWD) L=$(LIBS) $(MAKECMDGOALS)
+Now edit the Makefile in your application directory.  In particular, set the
+``UK_ROOT`` and ``UK_LIBS`` variables to point to the directories where you
+cloned the repos above.
+Application structure
+To get quickly started, the easiest is to clone the hello world app (once 
+each Unikraft app has its own repo): ::
+  git clone http://github.com/unikraft/app-helloworld.git
+where your app is located at ``apps/helloworld``, you would set
+those variables as follows: ::
+  UK_ROOT ?= $(PWD)/../../unikraft
+  UK_LIBS ?= $(PWD)/../../libs
+Finally, if your app will be using external libraries, set the ``LIBS``
+variable to reflect this. For instance : ::
+  LIBS := $(UK_LIBS)/lib-1:$(UK_LIBS)/lib-2:$(UK_LIBS)/lib-N
+.. note::
+  The list of libraries must be colon-separated (``:``).
+With all of this in place, we're now ready to start configuring the
+application image via Unikraft's menu.  To access it, from within the
+app's directory simply type ::
+  make menuconfig
+The menu system is fairly self-explanatory and will be familiar to
+anyone who has configured a Linux kernel before. Select the options
+you want, the libraries you'll like to include and don't forget to
+select at least one platform (e.g., KVM, Xen or Linux user-space --
+the latter is quite useful for quick testing and debugging).
+Finally, quit the menu while saving the configuration changes you've
+made and build your application by just typing ``make``. Unikraft will
+then build each library in turn as well as the source files for your
+application, producing one image in the ``./build`` directory for each
+platform type you selected.
+Running the image will depend on which platform you targeted. For
+Linux user-space, for instance, the image is just a standard ELF, so
+you can simply run it with ::
+  ./build/helloworld_linuxu-x86_64
+For more information regarding porting and developing apps (and
+libraries) in Unikraft please read the developer's guide.
diff --git a/doc/guides/users.rst b/doc/guides/users.rst
index 0500b8f..f95ad72 100644
--- a/doc/guides/users.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/users.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 User's Guide
+<<<<<<< Updated upstream
 This section of the guide provides all the information you should need
 to  get started  with and  to  use Unikraft.  If you  have never  used
@@ -13,3 +14,19 @@ through the tutorials.
+Unikraft is an extensive build system in addition to the core and external
+libraries which facilitate the underlying functionality of a unikernel.  
+on how to begin using Unikraft for your applications have been broken down into
+two guides.   In the first guide, we introduce ``kraft``, a command-line 
+which aids in abstracting many of Unikraft-specific internals.  We later cover
+how to use these leverage this functionality for advanced usage.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 3
+   kraft
+   users-advanced
+>>>>>>> Stashed changes

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