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cohttp-0.9.3 released

I just pushed a Cohttp-0.9.3 release out onto OPAM, with general improvements.  
The version in trunk (0.9.4-dev) now depends on the latest Async.

We need a non-UNIX-dependent Date/Time library to add more advanced Cookie 
support too, so if anyone spots one, let Dave or me know...

===== 0.9.3 (2012-10-27) =====

* Add basic cookie support back to the portable library.

* Cohttp_lwt.Client.post_form now uses non-chunked encoding for
  the POST instead of chunked.

* Various improvements and tests for the pipelined Lwt Client.callv

* If an Lwt callback does not consume a body, ensure it has
  been drained by the API to prevent future pipelines from stalls.

* Fix handling of Lwt server non-empty POST bodies.

* Map the `put` functions to HTTP PUT instead of POST.



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