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Re: the profiling patch

Thanks, I'm CCing cl-mirage in case anyone else has time to try out Mark's
amazing new native code profiling support.  You should be able to:

$ opam remote add shinwell git://github.com/mshinwell/opam-repo-dev

and find the new compiler switch he describes below.  I'm going to give
this a shot over the DNS queryperf benchmarks later.


On 26 Feb 2013, at 13:48, Mark Shinwell <mshinwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 0. Use my 4.00.1-allocation-tracing branch (look in my opam repo
> on github for the compiler description).
> 1. Use -allocation-tracing to ocamlopt.
> 3. Either:
>  external decode : unit -> unit
>    = "caml_dump_allocation_tracing_arrays"
>  ...
>  Pervasives.at_exit decode
> or: run under gdb, break on [exit] or similar, then run:
>  call caml_dump_allocation_tracing_arrays(0)
> 4. Copy and paste the output into two files, one for minor, one for
> major, and strip off the first column which says "minor" or "major".
> 5. Run through the decoding script (below).  Syntax:
>  ./decode.sh <executable> <allocation output file>
> Mark
> --
> #!/bin/bash
> set -eu -o pipefail
> exe="$1"
> allocs="$2"
> commands=$(mktemp)
> lines=$(mktemp)
> nums=$(mktemp)
> addrs=$(mktemp)
> cat $allocs | sed 's/,.*//' > $addrs
> cat $addrs | sed 's/^/inf line */' > $commands
> paste <(sed -e 's/.*,//' $allocs) <(gdb $exe -batch -x $commands) | \
>  sed 's/__/./g' | \
>  sed 's/<caml\([A-Z]\)/<\1/g' | \
>  sed 's/ starts at address /: /' | \
>  sed 's/and ends at/->/' | \
>  sort -k 1 -n -r



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