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Re: mirari updates

On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas.gazagnaire@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On the configuration/build side, I've been thinking that Mirari should
> also run the compiler directly using the 4.01.0+mirage-xen switch.  This
> will let the developer have their normal OPAM switch be one that can
> generate UNIX binaries (and also let Mirari depend on Core/Async/etc which
> can be part of the host toolchain and not the Xen one).
> Thomas: what's the best way to get OPAM support for this... I guess we
> need a way to spawn a subshell under a particular switch:
> e.g.: $ opam config env -s 4.01.0+mirage-xen
> That would then call obuild which would work correctly. Thoughts?

You can compile dependencies in another switch using:

opam install foo bar --switch=4.01.0+mirage-xen

And then you can indeed compile your project with the command you gave.

That's a really nice feature! I think what Vincent was looking for (correct me if I'm wrong, Vincent) is the way to run arbitrary commands without switching back and forth between compilers. I'm thinking of:

$ opam config env --switch 4.01.0+mirage-xen -- obuild build

So that I can do a mirage build in my current dir, but still use the system compiler, for instance. This would be a useful feature outside of mirari.




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