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Re: POSTPONED Re: OCaml Labs Meeting - Friday 30th August at 4pm in the Computer Lab

Hi Amir,

Thanks for the update. Sadly, I'll be moving away from Cambridge soon, and will probably miss the next meeting. Do you plan to have a dial-in for these meetings in the future? I would be grateful if you would. Thanks!


On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 11:07 AM, Amir Chaudhry <amc79@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear all,

We're postponing OCaml Labs meeting as many people are away.
The meeting will be re-scheduled and I'll send an invitation when we've chosen a new date.

Best wishes,

On 8 Aug 2013, at 12:27, Amir Chaudhry <amc79@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Dear all,
> The next OCaml Labs meeting will take place on the 30th of August at 4pm in the Lab.
> Please note that we'll be in SS03 on the top floor again.
> A skeleton agenda is below and a more detailed one will follow in advance of the meeting.
> Please do let me know if you will be attending.
> -- Details --
> OCaml Labs Meeting
> 30th August 2013
> 4pm – 5pm
> Room SS03 - Cambridge Computer Laboratory
> William Gates Building
> JJ Thomson Avenue
> Cambridge CB3 0FD
> -- Agenda --
> OCL Updates
> - Platform projects
> - Systems projects
> - Compiler projects
> Open discussion
> Close
> Best wishes,
> Amir



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