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[MirageOS-devel] OCaml Labs meeting - Wed 21st May in the Computer Lab

Dear all,

Please save the date for the next OCaml Labs meeting. Please also note the 
unusual start time of 3:30pm and that we've scheduled 2 hours for the meeting, 
though we do expect to finish sooner.

The details are below as well as a provisional agenda with brief abstracts.
A final agenda will be circulated before the meeting.

-- Details --
OCaml Labs Meeting
21st May 2014
3:30pm – 5:30pm
Room FW26 - Cambridge Computer Laboratory
William Gates Building
JJ Thomson Avenue
Cambridge CB3 0FD

-- Provisional Agenda --

* Overview

* Ctypes
Ctypes now includes a new backend that statically generates the C and OCaml 
code for binding to libraries. Jeremy will show what this looks like from a 
user perspective and how it translates into additional type safety, simpler 
linking and more efficient execution.

* Multicore Runtime
Lack of support for shared-memory parallelism is often cited as a short-coming 
of OCaml. This talk will describe the design of an OCaml runtime with support 
for parallelism, focusing on the garbage collector for this runtime.

* Modular Implicits
Taking inspiration from "Modular Type-classes" and Scala's implicits, this talk 
will outline the design and implementation of "modular implicits". Modular 
implicits allow functions to take implicit module arguments which will be 
filled-in by the compiler by searching the environment for a module with the 
appropriate type. This enables ad-hoc polymorphism in a very similar way to 
Haskell's type classes.

* (others to be confirmed)

vCal: http://talks.cam.ac.uk/talk/vcal/51901
webcal feed: webcal://talks.cam.ac.uk/show/ics/41277

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Best wishes,
MirageOS-devel mailing list



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