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[MirageOS-devel] [Cohttp] Sockaddr Information


I had asked a question on this mailing list in connection with the sockaddr information (missing side Lwt). I was advised to change the Connection module (because its type is abstract and that I would not take the risk of breaking all) .

Unfortunately (but maybe I'm wrong) , I do not think it is relevant to consider the type t of Connection module as a Lwt_unix.sockaddr (or any other ) since this part is the common trunk between Async and Lwt (even though deep Core_unix.sockaddr = Lwt_unix.sockaddr = Unix.sockaddr ... but do not forget Windows so far).

The problem is therefore to ensure that the core is always independent of the system and the library used while filling the necessary information. As it stands, this is not possible (you may even notice that the section on Async does not use the Connection module).

So I fork the project ocaml-conduit that gives the sockaddr to the callback and I reflected to ocaml-cohttp . I do not do pull-request because I do not think he can convince you. That's why I prefer to send an email.

Romain Calascibetta - http://din.osau.re/

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