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Re: [MirageOS-devel] [Xen-devel] [For community review] Windows PV Drivers Incubation Sub-project Proposal
Il 28/05/2014 14:42, Lars Kurth ha
Hi all,
please find attached a link to a new subproject to proposal to
host and develop the Windows PV drivers. The proposal is at
(but I also attached the text below).
Anyone can comment on the proposal. The review period will be open
until June 6th. I will then incorporate any comments and go for a
formal vote.
Best Regards
Thanks, this seems a good project.
I do not have ms visual
studio needed to build it.
Let me know as soon as
the public test build
will be available
and I'll help to test
Thanks for any reply and sorry for my bad english.
== Windows PV Drivers Project Proposal ==
=== Roles ===
* Project Lead: Paul Durrant - Paul is Windows subsystem architect
for XenServer and has authored the majority of the driver code.
* Project Sponsor: Matt Wilson - Matt is Xen Project AB member
representing Amazon
* Project Mentor: Lars Kurth - Lars is the Community Manager for
the Xen Project and has agreed to act as the project’s Mentor.
=== Background =""
ParaVirtualization aware (PV) device drivers are an important part
of HVM guests running under Xen. Citrix has provided a set of PV
for Windows since the inception of XenServer. These drivers have
evolved over the years and recently the full set has been made
source with a BSD license and are therefore available to the
community to modify and build.
I gave a talk at the 2013 Xen Developer Summit in Edinburgh (see
http://www.slideshare.net/xen_com_mgr/open-source-pv-drivers) to
introduce the drivers. This proposal is intended to be a logical
next step to that initial offering to the community.
=== Relevance to Xen and its Community ===
The drivers have a dependency on Xen as they are
ParaVirtualization aware. They are not tied in any way to Citrix
commercial Xen offerings;
they are designed to function on any build of Xen since 3.4. They
encompass high performance network and storage frontends and
functionality such as memory ballooning, and clean shutdown or
reboot via the xl toolstack. They are well tested and supported,
since they
are crucial to Citrix products, and are of benefit to anyone
wishing to run Windows (i386 or x86_64) as a guest under Xen.
=== Current Status ===
Recent builds of the drivers are currently being tested by Citrix
and Amazon using the Microsoft HCK and Citrix will be providing
logo-signed builds of the drivers in future commercial Xen
offerings. Amazon are evaluating the drivers and may ship them in
future AMIs.
Citrix may also provide logo-signed drivers via Microsoft's
Windows Update mechanism, making them widely available to anyone
Windows under Xen (not just XenServer) without the need for them
to build the drivers themselves. Any other organization is also
free to do
the same by registering a top level PV device with the Xen
community (see
evice-reservations.txt) and logo-signing their driver builds.
=== Incubation ===
The aim of making the Windows PV Drivers an incubated project is
to raise their profile to members of the Xen community other than
and Amazon and hopefully gain more developer interest and
contribution. The driver set provide APIs to fundamental Xen
subsystems such
as grant tables, event channels and xenstore and therefore provide
a basis for further frontends, e.g. HID (keyboard and mouse), PV
and possibly framebuffer. Current maintainers of the driver
repositories are all employed by Citrix but by becoming an
incubated project we
hope gain maintainers from the community as we build interest.
We hope we can work with the maintainers of the GPLPV Windows
Drivers to standardize Windows PV drivers for the Xen project.
=== Required Infrastructure ===
==== Repositories ====
As a Xen Project sub-project we would wish the driver repositories
to be hosted on xenbits, but mirrored to GitHub to allow use of
the the
GitHub workflow. It makes sense to maintain a separate repository
for each driver as:
Each driver is separately installable with no compile-time linkage
to any other driver. Some headers may be imported from one
repository to another to facilitate run-time discovery of
interfaces provided by one driver and consumed by another, but it
is desirable
that this is an explicit step to move from one version of an
interface to another.
A continuous integration server project can be created for each
repository such that the only a modified driver is re-built,
rather than
the entire set.
The set of drivers (and hence repositories) is currently:
* XENBUS: Bus driver binding to the top-level PCI device (and
providing most of the interfaces to Xen)
* XENVIF: Network class driver (hosting the code necessary to
drive the netif ring protocol)
* XENNET: Network device driver (client of the class driver,
provides VIFs to Windows network stack)
* XENVBD: Storage class driver (hosting the code necessary to
drive the blkif ring protocol)
* XENIFACE: Interface driver (providing user-space access to
==== Build and Test ====
We request build infrastructure to make new builds of driver
repositories immediately available for use by community members.
A build machine (physical or virtual), possibly part of the Xen
Project test framework, running Jenkins or some such continuous
integration server to monitor the repositories
A license for Microsoft Visual Studio (~ $1000)
Storage, either on the build machine or elsewhere, to act as a
public facing symbol server for the convenience of developers
===== Approval Status =====
The Advisory Board agreed to fund a Visual Studio license and two
vendors in the community offered VM's to host the build
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