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[MirageOS-devel] V2 interface updates

Hi all,

Since we want to release soon it's time we made some of the backwards incompatible interface changes. This will affect you!

Here's a rough outline of a plan:

1. I'll update and tag mirage/opam-repository so we have a set of known working V1 things. If we need to jump back in time to that for any reason (say to test something or build a quick app) we can use that during the transitionary period.

2. I'll fork mirage/types/V1.mli to mirage/types/V2.mli. If you want to propose a new interface, add it to V2.mli. V1 will be considered deprecated and will be removed later.

We can work on each V2 improvement item in parallel:

If you intend to work on an item, edit the issue and add your name. Add a link to the resulting pull requests -- this will help people understand exactly what repos they'll need to 'opam pin' to make a working system. For example, I plan to work on making the CONSOLE signature satisfy FLOW. When I make these changes you'll need to 'opam pin' mirage/mirage and mirage/mirage-console-{unix,xen} together.

3. When we've made enough changes we can make a simultaneous release of the affected components, add the releases in opam *and* add the version constraints on the previous releases all at once.

We'll probably need to do a few rounds of this before we're happy with the changes.

Does this sound like a reasonable plan? I'll not start pushing changes until later today, so shout if there's a problem of if there's a better way :-)

Also: if you know of other potentially beneficial interface changes, now is the time to send an email to the list so we can think about them and discuss.

Dave Scott
MirageOS-devel mailing list



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