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[MirageOS-devel] Building mirage-www fails


I tried to build mirage-www as perÂhttp://openmirage.org/wiki/mirage-www

$ env NET=socket FS=crunch mirage configure --unix

$ make depend

$ make
camlbuild -classic-display -use-ocamlfind -pkgs lwt.syntax,conduit.mirage,cow.syntax,cowabloga,cstruct,io-page,io-page.unix,lwt,mirage-console.unix,mirage-fs-unix,mirage-http,mirage-types,mirage-types.lwt,tcpip.stack-socket -tags "syntax(camlp4o),annot,bin_annot,strict_sequence,principal" -cflag -g -lflags -g,-linkpkg main.native
ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -annot -bin-annot -principal -strict-sequence -package tcpip.stack-socket -package mirage-types.lwt -package mirage-types -package mirage-http -package mirage-fs-unix -package mirage-console.unix -package lwt -package io-page.unix -package io-page -package cstruct -package cowabloga -package cow.syntax -package conduit.mirage -package lwt.syntax -syntax camlp4o -o main.cmo main.ml
+ ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -annot -bin-annot -principal -strict-sequence -package tcpip.stack-socket -package mirage-types.lwt -package mirage-types -package mirage-http -package mirage-fs-unix -package mirage-console.unix -package lwt -package io-page.unix -package io-page -package cstruct -package cowabloga -package cow.syntax -package conduit.mirage -package lwt.syntax -syntax camlp4o -o main.cmo main.ml
File "main.ml", line 98, characters 2-13:
Error: Unbound module OS
Command exited with code 2.
make: *** [main.native] Error 10

To try to ensure that this was reproducible I also tried starting from the "avsm/docker-opam:ubuntu-trusty-4.01.0" Docker image and got the same error. However, I had to change the ounit package URL because forge.ocamlcore.org is apparently down.

Also, I had to "apt-get install libssl-dev" to get past the "configure" / "make depend" step because it was apparently required to compile ssl-0.4.7, so maybe that is related to the problem?

Caveats: I am very new to OCaml and Docker.


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