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[MirageOS-devel] COW XML questions

Hi everyone,

In order to learn OCaml and thence Mirage, I've been working a little
bit on an automatically generated, complete AWS client along the lines
of https://github.com/stripe/aws-go using camlp4. I've got the types
generated, and now need to generate to/from XML functions for each
record type.

Some of the field names in the XML are not valid or idiomatic OCaml
record fields, for example they might be capitalized. Is there an
easyish way to get COW to do things like the following?

type t = {foo: int; bar: string} with xml;;
xml_of_t {foo=0; bar="hello"};
# yields <:xml< <Bar>hello</Bar> <Foo>0</Foo> >>


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