Problem demonstrated below: violating a unique constraint in sqlite3 seems to leave things in an inconsistent state.
Also, tangentially, I discovered this while trying to maintain my own id on a table because my app is serving json objects over a rest api, and I need some sort of unique id for clients to be able to send updates to existing objects. If there were a way to have the autogenerated sql __id__ column be a record field, that would be extremely useful.
$ cat
type item = {
id: int;
} with orm (
unique: item<id>
let db_name = "test.db"
$ cat
open Db
let _ =
let db = item_init Db.db_name in
let item = {
id = 1;
} in
item_save db item
$ ./init_db.native
$ ./init_db.native
Fatal error: exception Sqlite3.Error("CONSTRAINT")
$ sqlite3 test.db
sqlite> select * from item;
__id__ id
---------- ----------
1 1
sqlite> delete from item;
Error: no such function: SYNC_CACHE_item
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