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[MirageOS-devel] More troubles with tcp on ARM

My attempts to get tcp working in a VM on ARM continue.

Now I've dropped cohttp and moved down to straight tcp/udp instead.
The following is the code of a simple server:

open V1_LWT
open Lwt
open Printf

module Main (C:CONSOLE) (S:STACKV4) = struct

    module T = S.TCPV4

    let rec tcp_echo console flow =
        T.read flow
        >>= function
            | `Eof -> T.close flow
            | `Error _ -> T.close flow
            | `Ok b -> C.log_s console (sprintf " %d - %s" (Cstruct.len b) 
(Cstruct.to_string b))
                >>= fun () -> T.write flow b
                >>= function
                    | `Eof -> T.close flow
                    | `Error _ -> T.close flow
                    | `Ok () -> tcp_echo console flow

    let start console stack =
        S.listen_udpv4 stack 18081 (
            fun ~src ~dst ~src_port b ->
                C.log_s console (sprintf "udp: %s:%d" (Ipaddr.V4.to_string src) 
                >>= fun () -> C.log_s console (sprintf " udp: %d - %s" 
(Cstruct.len b) (Cstruct.to_string b))

        S.listen_tcpv4 stack 18080 (
            fun flow ->
                let dst, dst_port = T.get_dest flow in
                C.log_s console (sprintf "tcp: %s:%d" (Ipaddr.V4.to_string dst) 
                >>= fun () -> tcp_echo console flow

        S.listen stack

It works fine in Unix mode, both on x86 and on my cubietruck board.
When built in Xen mode though it doesn't work as well.

When run in Unix mode I see the expected behaviour:

  shell                                         my server console
  -----                                         -----------------
  % echo hello | ncat -4 -u localhost 18081 ->  udp:
                                                 udp: 6 - hello

  % echo hello | ncat -4 localhost 18080    ->  tcp:
  hello                                          6 - hello

  % echo foobar | ncat -4 localhost 18080   ->  tcp:
  foobar                                         6 - foobar

When running the server in a VM on ARM I see the same behaviour for
UDP, but for TCP it changes.

  shell                                         my server console
  -----                                         -----------------
  % echo hello | ncat -4 -u localhost 18081 ->  udp:
                                                 udp: 6 - hello

  % echo hello | ncat -4 localhost 18080    ->  tcp:
                                                 6 -
                                                 6 -

Yupp, the string is printed twice, it has a length, but it's missing
actual data!

Any pointers as to where to start looking would be much appreciated,
as well as confirmation that this really is an issue and not just a
user error ;)


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: magnus@xxxxxxxxxxxx   jabber: magnus@xxxxxxxxxxxx
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public
relations, for nature cannot be fooled.
     -- R.P. Feynman

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