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[MirageOS-devel] mirage/skeleton/xen/static_website failing compilation


I'm trying to work out why this example is failing to compile, as it was OK not so long ago :) -

File "dispatch.ml", line 14, characters 22-23:
Error: Signature mismatch:
       Modules do not match:
         functor (C : V1.CLOCK) (T : V1_LWT.TIME) ->
             type buffer = Cstruct.t
             type ethif = E.t
             type ipaddr = Ipaddr.V4.t
             type prefix = Ipaddr.V4.t
             type error = [ `Unimplemented | `Unknown of string ]
             type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
             type t = Ipv4.Make(E)(C)(T).t
             val disconnect : t -> unit io
             type callback = src:ipaddr -> dst:ipaddr -> buffer -> unit io
             val input :
               t ->
               tcp:callback ->
               udp:callback ->
               default:(proto:int -> callback) -> buffer -> unit io
             val allocate_frame :
               t ->
               dst:ipaddr -> proto:[ `ICMP | `TCP | `UDP ] -> buffer * int
             val write : t -> buffer -> buffer -> unit io
             val writev : t -> buffer -> buffer list -> unit io
             val checksum : buffer -> buffer list -> int
             val get_source : t -> dst:ipaddr -> ipaddr
             val set_ip : t -> ipaddr -> unit io
             val get_ip : t -> ipaddr list
             val set_ip_netmask : t -> prefix -> unit io
             val get_ip_netmasks : t -> prefix list
             val set_ip_gateways : t -> ipaddr list -> unit io
             val get_ip_gateways : t -> ipaddr list
             type uipaddr = Ipaddr.t
             val to_uipaddr : ipaddr -> uipaddr
             val of_uipaddr : uipaddr -> ipaddr option
             val input_arpv4 : t -> buffer -> unit io
             val connect : ethif -> [> `Error of error | `Ok of t ] Lwt.t
       is not included in

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