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Re: [MirageOS-devel] csrs and self-signed certs for TLS

On 15 June 2015 at 14:32, Hannes Mehnert <hannes@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hash: SHA384
> On 06/12/2015 10:10, Mindy wrote:
>> We don't have a nice way to generate certificate signing requests
>> or self-signed certificates ourselves yet, right?  I'm writing up a
>> thing on getting HTTPS up and running with mirage-seal and those
>> are places where I have to say "invoke openssl or your favorite
>> alternative, but we got nothin' for you".
>> If I'm incorrect, I'd appreciate a pointer on where to go looking.
>> :)
> While there is not yet any command-line tool, there is support for
> creating and signing certificate signing requests on a branch [0]:

Great :-)

> ````
>   let write filename data =
>     Lwt_unix.openfile filename [Unix.O_WRONLY ; Unix.O_CREAT] 0o400
>>> = fun fd ->
>     Lwt_unix.write fd (Cstruct.to_string data) 0 (Cstruct.len data)
>>> = fun l ->
>     assert (l = Cstruct.len data) ;
>     Lwt_unix.close fd
>   in
>   let create_key filename =
>     (* initialise our Rng *)
>     Nocrypto_entropy_lwt.initialize () >>= fun () ->
>     (* generate RSA private key *)
>     let key = `RSA (Nocrypto.Rsa.generate 2048) in

One suggestion: this code is going to get copied and pasted into a lot
of projects, but good defaults (algorithm, key size, etc) get out of
date over time. It would be really nice to have a `generate_key`
library function that provides sensible defaults, so we only have to
update it in one place.

>     (* dump to disk *)
>     let pem = X509.Encoding.Pem.Private_key.to_pem_cstruct1 key in
>     write filename pem >|= fun () ->
>     key
>   in
>   let create_signing_request ?extensions filename name priv =
>     let extensions = match extensions with
>       | None -> []
>       | Some x -> [`Extensions x]
>     in
>     let csr = X509.CA.generate name ~extensions priv in
>     let pem =
> X509.Encoding.Pem.Certificate_signing_request.to_pem_cstruct1 csr in
>     write filename pem >|= fun () ->
>     csr
>   in
>   let sign_request filename ?extensions req priv =
>     let cert = X509.CA.sign req ?extensions priv [ `CN "authority" ] in
>     let pem = X509.Encoding.Pem.Cert.to_pem_cstruct1 cert in
>     write filename pem >|= fun () ->
>     cert
>   in
>   create_key "server.key" >>= fun key ->
>   let name = [`CN "mirage.io"] in
>   let extensions =
>     [(false, `Key_usage [ `Digital_signature ; `Data_encipherment ]) ;
>      (true, `Basic_constraints (false, None)) ;
>      (false, `Subject_alt_name [ `DNS "mirage.io" ; `DNS
> "www.mirage.io" ])]
>   in
>   create_signing_request "server.csr" ~extensions name key >>= fun csr ->
>   sign_request "server.pem" ~extensions csr key
> ````
> This code snippet will generate a certificate request server.csr
> (which can be submitted to a certificate authority) self-signed
> certificate server.pem (valid for a single day, using SHA256 as digest
> algorithm) and private key server.key.
> There are certainly some rough edges... e.g. `sign` does not respect
> the proposed extensions of the signing request (to run a CA, a policy
> is needed here: who is allowed to add which extensions, and how to
> overwrite them; otherwise clients can easily request certificates
> which are valid as certificate authorities)...
> Hannes
> 0: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-x509/tree/naming
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> =jihz
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