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Re: I am confused by Mirage_kv.S.batch

Er, s/Mirage_kv\.S/Mirage_kv.RW/g below. :sweat_smile:

On 1/2/22 16:13, Mindy wrote:
Hi all,

I've been working on a block-backed Mirage_kv.S implementation inspired by (and largely interoperable with) littlefs[1] . I'm approaching readiness for release, but there remains one large unimplemented piece of Mirage_kv.S : `batch`. The relevant excerpt of mirage_kv.mli is reproduced below:


  val batch: t -> ?retries:int -> (t -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
  (** [batch t f] run [f] in batch. Ensure the durability of

      Since a batch is applied at once, the readings inside a batch
     will return the state before the entire batch. Concurrent
     operations will not affect other ones executed during the batch.

      Batch applications can fail to apply if other operations are
     happening concurrently. In case of failure, [f] will run again
     with the most recent version of [t]. The result is
     [Error `Too_many_retries] if [f] is run for more then [retries] attemps
     (default is [13]). *)

I confess to being uncertain how to implement the "readings inside a batch" portion of this. Given an arbitrary function `t -> 'a Lwt.t`, how is the implementer expected to differentiate between operations within such a function, possibly implemented as a series of sequential binds?

Currently my implementation simply runs the given function against the filesystem, but this is clearly semantically wrong given the explanation in the docstring.

I see `wodan` implements this by differentiating between a `t` used for read operations and one used for write operations[2] , but I lack the understanding of `wodan` necessary to understand how this can work for a `t -> 'a Lwt.t` that mixes read and write operations, which I think the docstring implies to be an expected use of `batch`.

Thanks for your help,


[1] https://github.com/littlefs-project/littlefs

[2] https://github.com/mirage/wodan/blob/main/src/wodan-irmin/wodan_irmin.ml#L345



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