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[linux-3.14 bisection] unreproducible build-i386-pvops

branch xen-unstable
xen branch xen-unstable
job build-i386-pvops
test kernel-build

Tree: linux 
Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git

*** Not reproducible - supposed basis pass ***
  Could not reproduce problem, or could not reproduce basis pass.
  Inconsistent test results; at this revision (supposed basis pass):
   flight 60747 (blessed real) result pass
   flight 60787 (blessed real) result pass
   flight 60823 (blessed real) result pass
   flight 60858 (blessed real) result pass
   flight 60911 (blessed real) result fail

For bisection revision-tuple graph see:
Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above.

Searching for failure / basis pass:
 60911 fail [host=nocera1] / 60858 ok.
Failure / basis pass flights: 60911 / 60858
Tree: linux 
Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git
Latest 318ff69ca4c275bae4b875b87df5bdbd7988486a 
Basis pass 318ff69ca4c275bae4b875b87df5bdbd7988486a 
Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator  
Loaded 1 nodes in revision graph
Searching for test results:
 35580 [host=scape-moth]
 36515 [host=itch-mite]
 36608 [host=rice-weevil]
 50280 [host=fiano0]
 50269 pass irrelevant
 50327 [host=fiano0]
 50380 [host=baroque1]
 50398 pass irrelevant
 50262 fail irrelevant
 52650 [host=fiano0]
 52625 [host=fiano0]
 52917 [host=fiano0]
 52923 [host=fiano0]
 52997 [host=fiano0]
 53014 [host=fiano1]
 53495 [host=baroque0]
 53812 [host=nocera0]
 53818 [host=nocera0]
 53933 [host=nocera0]
 55528 [host=baroque0]
 56625 pass irrelevant
 56650 pass irrelevant
 58046 [host=nocera0]
 58838 [host=nocera0]
 58860 [host=nocera0]
 58861 [host=nocera0]
 58978 pass irrelevant
 58990 [host=nocera0]
 59052 [host=italia0]
 59396 [host=nocera0]
 60549 pass irrelevant
 60655 pass irrelevant
 60666 pass irrelevant
 60821 [host=pinot0]
 60747 pass 318ff69ca4c275bae4b875b87df5bdbd7988486a 
 60787 pass 318ff69ca4c275bae4b875b87df5bdbd7988486a 
 60823 pass 318ff69ca4c275bae4b875b87df5bdbd7988486a 
 60885 pass irrelevant
 60854 [host=pinot0]
 60855 pass irrelevant
 60857 [host=nocera0]
 60858 pass 318ff69ca4c275bae4b875b87df5bdbd7988486a 
 60859 pass irrelevant
 60883 pass irrelevant
 60911 fail 318ff69ca4c275bae4b875b87df5bdbd7988486a 
 29473 [host=itch-mite]
 29485 [host=lace-bug]
 29493 [host=rice-weevil]
 29492 [host=rice-weevil]
 29529 [host=gall-mite]
 29572 [host=bush-cricket]
 29595 [host=grain-weevil]
 29655 [host=bush-cricket]
 29643 [host=moss-bug]
 29612 [host=itch-mite]
 29695 [host=rice-weevil]
 29685 [host=bush-cricket]
 29671 [host=gall-mite]
 29678 [host=gall-mite]
 29665 [host=gall-mite]
 29932 [host=itch-mite]
 29954 [host=bush-cricket]
 29984 [host=bush-cricket]
 30028 [host=bush-cricket]
 29953 [host=bush-cricket]
 29971 [host=worm-moth]
 30018 [host=scape-moth]
 29978 [host=worm-moth]
 29992 [host=itch-mite]
 30001 [host=bush-cricket]
 30039 [host=scape-moth]
 30053 [host=scape-moth]
 30128 [host=gall-mite]
 30069 [host=worm-moth]
 30304 [host=scape-moth]
 30311 [host=worm-moth]
 30607 [host=scape-moth]
 30645 [host=lace-bug]
 30677 [host=scape-moth]
 30750 [host=lace-bug]
 30755 [host=grain-weevil]
 31292 [host=grain-weevil]
 31277 [host=grain-weevil]
 31318 [host=bush-cricket]
 31363 [host=scape-moth]
 31341 [host=scape-moth]
 31429 [host=moss-bug]
 31444 [host=grain-weevil]
 31438 [host=moss-bug]
 31388 [host=grain-weevil]
 31452 [host=moss-bug]
 31433 [host=itch-mite]
 31411 [host=moss-bug]
 31479 [host=gall-mite]
 31462 [host=field-cricket]
 31504 [host=worm-moth]
 31636 [host=field-cricket]
 31748 [host=moss-bug]
 31838 [host=field-cricket]
 32131 [host=moss-bug]
 32149 [host=moss-bug]
 32177 [host=scape-moth]
 32425 [host=scape-moth]
 32447 [host=moss-bug]
 32448 [host=moss-bug]
 33341 [host=rice-weevil]
 33560 [host=lace-bug]
 33494 [host=rice-weevil]
 33580 [host=rice-weevil]
 33679 [host=bush-cricket]
 33635 [host=rice-weevil]
 33670 [host=bush-cricket]
 33675 [host=rice-weevil]
 33674 [host=lace-bug]
 33634 [host=grain-weevil]
 33689 [host=grain-weevil]
 33776 [host=rice-weevil]
 33722 [host=grain-weevil]
 33704 [host=lace-bug]
 33729 [host=rice-weevil]
 33712 [host=rice-weevil]
 33731 [host=grain-weevil]
 33716 [host=rice-weevil]
 33719 [host=moss-bug]
 33735 [host=grain-weevil]
 33741 [host=grain-weevil]
 33780 [host=bush-cricket]
 33768 [host=rice-weevil]
 33763 [host=rice-weevil]
 33775 [host=rice-weevil]
 33779 [host=moss-bug]
 33820 [host=bush-cricket]
 33817 [host=scape-moth]
 33843 [host=field-cricket]
 33895 [host=rice-weevil]
 33886 [host=bush-cricket]
 33822 [host=bush-cricket]
 33896 [host=rice-weevil]
 33890 [host=grain-weevil]
 33844 [host=rice-weevil]
 33918 [host=lace-bug]
 34092 [host=rice-weevil]
 34268 [host=field-cricket]
 34468 [host=rice-weevil]
 34515 [host=rice-weevil]
 34513 [host=rice-weevil]
Searching for interesting versions

*** Not reproducible - supposed basis pass ***
  Could not reproduce problem, or could not reproduce basis pass.
  Inconsistent test results; at this revision (supposed basis pass):
   flight 60747 (blessed real) result pass
   flight 60787 (blessed real) result pass
   flight 60823 (blessed real) result pass
   flight 60858 (blessed real) result pass
   flight 60911 (blessed real) result fail

Revision graph left in 
No revision to test.

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