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[linux-3.14 bisection] 66387: testing build-i386

branch xen-unstable
xenbranch xen-unstable
job build-i386
testid xen-build

Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git
Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git

For bisection revision-tuple graph see:
Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above.

Running cs-bisection-step 
--summary-out=tmp/66387.bisection-summary --basis-template=64562 
--blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=66387 linux-3.14 build-i386 xen-build
Searching for failure / basis pass:
 66306 fail [host=italia1] / 65787 [host=chardonnay0] 65709 [host=pinot0] 65633 
[host=chardonnay0] 64562 [host=pinot1] 64435 [host=nocera0] 64293 
[host=nocera1] 64127 [host=pinot1] 64002 [host=merlot1] 63707 [host=nocera0] 
63634 [host=nocera1] 63533 [host=nocera0] 63470 [host=nocera1] 63395 
[host=nocera0] 63368 [host=nocera1] 63348 [host=nocera1] 63336 [host=nocera0] 
63225 [host=nocera0] 62648 [host=italia0] 62587 [host=nocera0] 62520 
[host=nocera1] 62420 [host=nocera1] 62326 [host=nocera1] 62161 [host=nocera0] 
62085 [host=nocera1] 62012 [host=nocera0] 61827 [host=nocera0] 61742 
[host=nocera1] 61641 [host=nocera1] 61263 [host=nocera1] 61096 [host=nocera0] 
60987 [host=nocera0] 60949 [host=nocera1] 60858 [host=nocera1] 60823 
[host=nocera0] 60787 [host=nocera1] 60747 [host=nocera1] 60666 [host=nocera1] 
60655 [host=nocera1] 60549 [host=nocera1] 59396 [host=nocera0] 59052 
[host=nocera0] 58990 [host=nocera0] 58978 [host=elbling1] 58861 [host=nocera0] 
58838 [host=nocera0] 58046 [host=nocera0] 56650 [host=nocera1] 56625 
[host=nocera1] 55528 [host=nocera0] 53933 [host=nocera1] 53818 [host=nocera0] 
53495 [host=baroque0] 53014 [host=fiano0] 52650 [host=fiano0] 50398 
[host=baroque1] 50380 [host=pinot1] 50327 [host=pinot0] 50280 [host=fiano0] 
50269 [host=fiano1] 50262 ok.
Failure / basis pass flights: 66306 / 50262
(tree with no url: ovmf)
(tree with no url: seabios)
(tree in basispass but not in latest: qemu)
Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git
Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git
Latest f6787aedc9043bffc5ee5b64c6d46b8fc7298a96 
Basis pass 42ffdf360dd9df66b0a4a7ada059c02a3cf3a8de 
Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator  
adhoc-revtuple-generator: tree discontiguous: qemu-xen
From git://cache:9419/git://xenbits.xen.org/xen
   6285ff9..18fcef8  staging    -> origin/staging
   8fc45c1..d0b73c9  staging-4.4 -> origin/staging-4.4
   a84cecd..4c11414  staging-4.5 -> origin/staging-4.5
   850bcd0..fea8dbb  staging-4.6 -> origin/staging-4.6
adhoc-revtuple-generator: tree discontiguous: xen
Loaded 3 nodes in revision graph
Searching for test results:
 64002 [host=merlot1]
 35580 [host=scape-moth]
 36515 [host=grain-weevil]
 36608 [host=grain-weevil]
 50280 [host=fiano0]
 50269 [host=fiano1]
 50327 [host=pinot0]
 50380 [host=pinot1]
 50398 [host=baroque1]
 50262 pass 42ffdf360dd9df66b0a4a7ada059c02a3cf3a8de 
 64127 [host=pinot1]
 64293 [host=nocera1]
 64435 [host=nocera0]
 64562 [host=pinot1]
 52650 [host=fiano0]
 52641 [host=fiano0]
 52625 [host=fiano0]
 52722 [host=fiano0]
 52997 [host=fiano1]
 53014 [host=fiano0]
 53495 [host=baroque0]
 53812 [host=nocera0]
 53818 [host=nocera0]
 53933 [host=nocera1]
 65710 [host=rimava1]
 65709 [host=pinot0]
 65633 [host=chardonnay0]
 65787 [host=chardonnay0]
 66306 fail f6787aedc9043bffc5ee5b64c6d46b8fc7298a96 
 66347 [host=rimava1]
 66333 [host=pinot0]
 66341 pass irrelevant
 55528 [host=nocera0]
 56625 [host=nocera1]
 56650 [host=nocera1]
 58046 [host=nocera0]
 58838 [host=nocera0]
 58860 [host=nocera0]
 58887 [host=pinot0]
 58861 [host=nocera0]
 58978 [host=elbling1]
 58990 [host=nocera0]
 59052 [host=nocera0]
 59396 [host=nocera0]
 60549 [host=nocera1]
 60655 [host=nocera1]
 60666 [host=nocera1]
 60747 [host=nocera1]
 60787 [host=nocera1]
 60823 [host=nocera0]
 60824 [host=nocera1]
 60850 [host=pinot1]
 60942 [host=nocera1]
 60858 [host=nocera1]
 60911 [host=nocera1]
 60949 [host=nocera1]
 60976 [host=nocera1]
 60987 [host=nocera0]
 61082 [host=nocera0]
 61096 [host=nocera0]
 61283 [host=nocera0]
 61263 [host=nocera1]
 61641 [host=nocera1]
 61704 [host=nocera1]
 61742 [host=nocera1]
 61827 [host=nocera0]
 62012 [host=nocera0]
 62155 [host=nocera1]
 62085 [host=nocera1]
 62161 [host=nocera0]
 62326 [host=nocera1]
 62420 [host=nocera1]
 62520 [host=nocera1]
 62587 [host=nocera0]
 62648 [host=italia0]
 63225 [host=nocera0]
 63368 [host=nocera1]
 63348 [host=nocera1]
 63336 [host=nocera0]
 63395 [host=nocera0]
 63470 [host=nocera1]
 63533 [host=nocera0]
 63634 [host=nocera1]
 63707 [host=nocera0]
 29473 [host=itch-mite]
 29485 [host=lace-bug]
 29493 [host=rice-weevil]
 29492 [host=bush-cricket]
 29529 [host=gall-mite]
 29572 [host=grain-weevil]
 29595 [host=field-cricket]
 29655 [host=bush-cricket]
 29643 [host=grain-weevil]
 29612 [host=gall-mite]
 29695 [host=itch-mite]
 29685 [host=bush-cricket]
 29671 [host=gall-mite]
 29678 [host=grain-weevil]
 29665 [host=grain-weevil]
 29932 [host=itch-mite]
 29954 [host=bush-cricket]
 29984 [host=bush-cricket]
 30028 [host=worm-moth]
 29953 [host=bush-cricket]
 29965 [host=bush-cricket]
 29971 [host=worm-moth]
 30018 [host=scape-moth]
 29978 [host=bush-cricket]
 29992 [host=itch-mite]
 30001 [host=worm-moth]
 30039 [host=scape-moth]
 30053 [host=scape-moth]
 30128 [host=gall-mite]
 30069 [host=worm-moth]
 30304 [host=worm-moth]
 30318 [host=gall-mite]
 30311 [host=worm-moth]
 30607 [host=scape-moth]
 30645 [host=lace-bug]
 30677 [host=scape-moth]
 30750 [host=lace-bug]
 30757 [host=scape-moth]
 30755 [host=grain-weevil]
 31292 [host=field-cricket]
 31277 [host=grain-weevil]
 31318 [host=bush-cricket]
 31363 [host=field-cricket]
 31341 [host=scape-moth]
 31429 [host=moss-bug]
 31444 [host=grain-weevil]
 31438 [host=moss-bug]
 31388 [host=grain-weevil]
 31452 [host=moss-bug]
 31433 [host=itch-mite]
 31411 [host=worm-moth]
 31479 [host=worm-moth]
 31462 [host=field-cricket]
 31504 [host=worm-moth]
 31556 [host=worm-moth]
 31528 [host=worm-moth]
 31636 [host=field-cricket]
 31748 [host=moss-bug]
 31838 [host=field-cricket]
 32131 [host=bush-cricket]
 32149 [host=itch-mite]
 32177 [host=scape-moth]
 32425 [host=scape-moth]
 32481 [host=scape-moth]
 32447 [host=scape-moth]
 32448 [host=bush-cricket]
 33341 [host=rice-weevil]
 33560 [host=lace-bug]
 33494 [host=bush-cricket]
 33580 [host=rice-weevil]
 33679 [host=bush-cricket]
 33676 [host=bush-cricket]
 33635 [host=grain-weevil]
 33675 [host=rice-weevil]
 33634 [host=grain-weevil]
 33689 [host=bush-cricket]
 33704 [host=bush-cricket]
 33712 [host=rice-weevil]
 33760 [host=bush-cricket]
 33780 [host=bush-cricket]
 33820 [host=field-cricket]
 33814 [host=rice-weevil]
 33886 [host=bush-cricket]
 33889 [host=rice-weevil]
 33848 [host=lace-bug]
 33882 [host=field-cricket]
 33884 [host=rice-weevil]
 33844 [host=scape-moth]
 33918 [host=scape-moth]
 33943 [host=scape-moth]
 34092 [host=rice-weevil]
 34268 [host=bush-cricket]
 34468 [host=rice-weevil]
 34513 [host=gall-mite]
Searching for interesting versions
 Result found: flight 50262 (pass), for basis pass
 Result found: flight 66306 (fail), for basis failure
Need to reproduce basis pass (pass); had 1 already.
Should test 42ffdf360dd9df66b0a4a7ada059c02a3cf3a8de 
Revision graph left in 
Populating 66387...
Need 66387.build-i386 (like 66306)
Creating 66387.build-i386 (copying from 66306)
Checking for flail (since 50262)...
Flight 66387 ready to go.

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