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[xen-4.3-testing bisection] unreproducible build-i386-prev

branch xen-4.3-testing
xenbranch xen-4.3-testing
job build-i386-prev
testid xen-build

Tree: xen prev git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git

*** Not reproducible - supposed basis pass ***
  Could not reproduce problem, or could not reproduce basis pass.
  Unexpected test results; at this revision (supposed basis pass):
   flight 66536 (blessed real) result fail

For bisection revision-tuple graph see:
Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above.

Running cs-bisection-step 
--summary-out=tmp/66747.bisection-summary --basis-template=65650 
--blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=66747 xen-4.3-testing build-i386-prev 
Searching for failure / basis pass:
 66536 fail [host=fiano1] / 66463 [host=huxelrebe1] 65650 [host=nocera0] 64765 
[host=pinot1] 64434 [host=nocera0] 64287 [host=italia0] 64176 [host=pinot1] 
64090 [host=nocera1] 63948 [host=nocera1] 63700 [host=nocera0] 63569 
[host=italia0] 63464 [host=nocera0] 63381 [host=nocera1] 63360 [host=nocera1] 
63212 [host=nocera0] 63151 [host=italia1] 63098 [host=baroque1] 62742 
[host=nocera1] template as basis? using template as basis.
Failure / basis pass flights: 66536 / 65650
Tree: xen prev git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git
Latest 80a11b92a47cb8278c074f83f9ea29b7825eaa74
Basis pass 80a11b92a47cb8278c074f83f9ea29b7825eaa74
Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator  
Loaded 1 nodes in revision graph
Searching for test results:
 63948 [host=nocera1]
 64090 [host=nocera1]
 64176 [host=pinot1]
 64287 [host=italia0]
 64434 [host=nocera0]
 64765 [host=pinot1]
 65650 [host=nocera0]
 66463 [host=huxelrebe1]
 66536 fail 80a11b92a47cb8278c074f83f9ea29b7825eaa74
 61140 [host=nocera1]
 61790 [host=nocera1]
 61961 [host=nocera1]
 62128 [host=nocera1]
 62056 [host=nocera1]
 62208 [host=nocera1]
 62392 [host=nocera1]
 62742 [host=nocera1]
 63098 [host=baroque1]
 63151 [host=italia1]
 63212 [host=nocera0]
 63360 [host=nocera1]
 63381 [host=nocera1]
 63464 [host=nocera0]
 63569 [host=italia0]
 63700 [host=nocera0]
Searching for interesting versions

*** Not reproducible - supposed basis pass ***
  Could not reproduce problem, or could not reproduce basis pass.
  Unexpected test results; at this revision (supposed basis pass):
   flight 66536 (blessed real) result fail

Revision graph left in 
No revision to test.

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