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[linux-linus bisection] 79327: testing build-i386

branch xen-unstable
xenbranch xen-unstable
job build-i386
testid xen-build

Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git
Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git

For bisection revision-tuple graph see:
Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above.

Running cs-bisection-step 
--summary-out=tmp/79327.bisection-summary --basis-template=59254 
--blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=79327 linux-linus build-i386 xen-build
Searching for failure / basis pass:
 79208 fail [host=baroque1] / 79155 [host=rimava1] 79068 [host=pinot1] 78977 
[host=chardonnay1] 78786 [host=pinot1] 78670 [host=italia0] 78586 
[host=italia1] 78487 [host=italia1] 78404 [host=pinot0] 78319 [host=italia0] 
78227 [host=pinot1] 78147 [host=italia0] 78054 [host=pinot1] 77965 
[host=fiano0] 77902 ok.
Failure / basis pass flights: 79208 / 77902
(tree in basispass but not in latest: ovmf)
(tree in basispass but not in latest: qemu)
(tree in basispass but not in latest: seabios)
Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git
Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git
Latest 2ce1d30ef2858dfed72a281872579e5a26b090dd 
Basis pass f165e581d9a6f7cf81aa7496d3eee1e31212c8ad 
Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator  
Loaded 2008 nodes in revision graph
Searching for test results:
 76940 [host=baroque0]
 77008 [host=huxelrebe0]
 76989 [host=pinot0]
 77000 [host=pinot1]
 77029 [host=huxelrebe0]
 77021 [host=chardonnay0]
 66896 [host=chardonnay0]
 66905 [host=chardonnay0]
 66874 [host=chardonnay0]
 66886 [host=italia0]
 66894 [host=huxelrebe1]
 67024 [host=fiano0]
 67064 [host=nocera1]
 76965 [host=italia0]
 77042 [host=italia1]
 77063 [host=huxelrebe0]
 77086 [host=rimava1]
 77097 pass f165e581d9a6f7cf81aa7496d3eee1e31212c8ad 
 77145 [host=huxelrebe0]
 77155 [host=chardonnay0]
 77166 [host=pinot0]
 77149 fail irrelevant
 77151 fail irrelevant
 77152 [host=nocera0]
 77143 [host=huxelrebe1]
 77162 [host=italia1]
 77182 [host=italia0]
 77171 [host=italia0]
 77177 [host=italia0]
 77184 [host=italia0]
 77192 fail irrelevant
 77197 fail irrelevant
 77202 fail irrelevant
 77204 [host=italia0]
 77218 [host=italia1]
 77205 [host=pinot1]
 77206 [host=merlot1]
 77208 [host=nocera0]
 77212 [host=baroque0]
 77213 [host=nocera0]
 77214 [host=italia1]
 77215 [host=italia1]
 77370 [host=nocera0]
 77328 [host=pinot1]
 77342 [host=pinot1]
 77360 [host=nocera0]
 77514 [host=pinot1]
 77518 [host=chardonnay0]
 77547 [host=pinot1]
 77521 [host=chardonnay0]
 77523 [host=fiano0]
 77549 [host=baroque0]
 77526 [host=fiano0]
 77558 [host=chardonnay0]
 77530 [host=pinot0]
 77534 [host=merlot1]
 77552 [host=italia0]
 77537 [host=merlot1]
 77540 [host=baroque0]
 77554 [host=chardonnay1]
 77542 fail irrelevant
 77716 [host=fiano1]
 77837 [host=pinot1]
 77885 [host=rimava0]
 77877 [host=nocera0]
 77830 [host=italia1]
 77881 [host=pinot1]
 77891 [host=pinot0]
 77896 [host=pinot0]
 77902 pass f165e581d9a6f7cf81aa7496d3eee1e31212c8ad 
 77965 [host=fiano0]
 78054 [host=pinot1]
 78147 [host=italia0]
 78227 [host=pinot1]
 78319 [host=italia0]
 78404 [host=pinot0]
 78586 [host=italia1]
 78487 [host=italia1]
 78670 [host=italia0]
 78786 [host=pinot1]
 78977 [host=chardonnay1]
 79068 [host=pinot1]
 79155 [host=rimava1]
 79208 fail 2ce1d30ef2858dfed72a281872579e5a26b090dd 
 79320 pass f165e581d9a6f7cf81aa7496d3eee1e31212c8ad 
Searching for interesting versions
 Result found: flight 77097 (pass), for basis pass
 Result found: flight 79208 (fail), for basis failure
 Repro found: flight 79320 (pass), for basis pass
Need to reproduce basis failure (fail); had 1 already.
Should test 2ce1d30ef2858dfed72a281872579e5a26b090dd 
pnmtopng: 92 colors found
Revision graph left in 
Populating 79327...
Need 79327.build-i386 (like 79208)
Creating 79327.build-i386 (copying from 79208)
Checking for flail (since 77097)...
Flight 79327 ready to go.

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