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[xen-4.5-testing bisection] 93926: testing build-amd64

branch xen-4.5-testing
xenbranch xen-4.5-testing
job build-amd64
testid xen-build

Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git
Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git

For bisection revision-tuple graph see:
Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above.

Running cs-bisection-step 
--summary-out=tmp/93926.bisection-summary --basis-template=92345 
--blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=93926 xen-4.5-testing build-amd64 
Searching for failure / basis pass:
 93905 fail [host=rimava1] / 92345 [host=italia0] 92237 [host=godello1] 92182 
[host=chardonnay1] 87998 [host=godello0] 87892 [host=godello0] 87166 
[host=huxelrebe1] 86629 [host=godello1] 86552 [host=godello1] 85821 
[host=godello1] 85519 [host=rimava0] 85360 [host=elbling0] 85210 
[host=godello1] 85045 [host=godello0] 84927 [host=pinot0] 83135 [host=godello0] 
83003 [host=godello1] 78736 [host=godello0] 78640 [host=merlot1] 78529 
[host=godello0] 77666 [host=baroque0] 77498 [host=pinot0] 77293 [host=godello1] 
77183 [host=pinot1] 76951 [host=godello1] 66999 [host=chardonnay0] 66856 
[host=godello1] 66553 [host=baroque1] 66426 [host=fiano1] 66395 [host=godello1] 
65643 [host=godello1] 64997 [host=godello1] 64952 [host=godello1] 64767 
[host=italia0] 64277 [host=nocera0] 64056 [host=huxelrebe0] 63532 
[host=godello0] 63437 [host=huxelrebe0] 63378 [host=nocera1] 63358 
[host=godello0] 63345 [host=nocera1] 63214 [host=nocera1] 63155 [host=godello1] 
63099 [host=nocera1] 62802 [host=nocera0] 62726 [host=nocera0] 62552 
[host=nocera0] 62353 [host=godello1] 62288 [host=nocera1] 62168 [host=nocera1] 
62091 [host=nocera1] 62022 [host=nocera0] 61844 [host=nocera1] 61751 
[host=nocera1] 61513 [host=elbling1] 60723 [host=nocera0] 60695 [host=nocera1] 
60672 [host=nocera0] 60638 [host=nocera1] 60622 [host=nocera1] 60597 
[host=nocera0] 60395 [host=nocera1] 60189 [host=nocera0] 60153 [host=nocera0] 
59869 [host=huxelrebe0] 59813 [host=nocera0] 59792 [host=nocera1] 59527 
[host=nocera0] 59508 [host=pinot1] 58896 [host=nocera0] 58867 [host=nocera0] 
58837 [host=nocera1] 58826 [host=nocera1] 58776 [host=nocera0] 58748 
[host=nocera0] 58728 [host=nocera0] 58528 [host=nocera1] 58450 [host=nocera1] 
58410 [host=nocera0] 58326 [host=godello0] 58276 [host=nocera0] 57908 
[host=nocera1] 57854 [host=nocera1] 57747 [host=nocera1] 57410 [host=godello1] 
56941 [host=nocera1] 56898 [host=nocera0] 56821 [host=nocera0] 56776 
[host=nocera0] 56728 [host=nocera0] 53019 [host=godello1] 52649 [host=fiano1] 
52623 [host=nocera1] 50408 [host=italia0] 50373 [host=pinot0] 50334 
[host=pinot0] 50317 [host=italia0] 50287 [host=italia0] 50268 [host=nocera0] 
50257 [host=pinot1] 36775 [host=itch-mite] 36511 [host=rice-weevil] 35869 
[host=rice-weevil] 35650 [host=rice-weevil] 34731 [host=scape-moth] 34638 
[host=scape-moth] 34200 [host=itch-mite] 34157 [host=grain-weevil] 34088 
[host=itch-mite] 33850 [host=field-cricket] 33692 [host=grain-weevil] 33649 
[host=grain-weevil] 33603 [host=scape-moth] 33576 [host=scape-moth] 33414 
[host=lace-bug] 33395 [host=lace-bug] 33348 [host=itch-mite] 33303 
[host=itch-mite] template as basis? using template as basis.
Failure / basis pass flights: 93905 / 92345
(tree in basispass but not in latest: ovmf)
(tree in basispass but not in latest: qemu)
(tree in basispass but not in latest: seabios)
Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git
Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git
Latest 90045485cae7ba34334c5f2a6e7b007f2ab7dc2d 
Basis pass 90045485cae7ba34334c5f2a6e7b007f2ab7dc2d 
Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator  
Loaded 1001 nodes in revision graph
Searching for test results:
 92182 [host=chardonnay1]
 92237 [host=godello1]
 92239 [host=nocera1]
 92345 [host=italia0]
 92339 [host=pinot1]
 92329 [host=godello0]
 92399 [host=fiano0]
 93905 fail 90045485cae7ba34334c5f2a6e7b007f2ab7dc2d 
Searching for interesting versions
Need to reproduce basis pass (pass); had 0 already.
Should test 90045485cae7ba34334c5f2a6e7b007f2ab7dc2d 
Revision graph left in 
Populating 93926...
Need 93926.build-amd64 (like 93905)
Creating 93926.build-amd64 (copying from 93905)
Checking for flail (since 0)...
Flight 93926 ready to go.

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