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[xen-4.4-testing baseline-only test] 67805: trouble: blocked/broken

This run is configured for baseline tests only.

flight 67805 xen-4.4-testing real [real]

Failures and problems with tests :-(

Tests which did not succeed and are blocking,
including tests which could not be run:
 build-i386-xend               2 hosts-allocate          broken REGR. vs. 67679
 build-i386                    2 hosts-allocate          broken REGR. vs. 67679
 build-armhf                   2 hosts-allocate          broken REGR. vs. 67679
 build-armhf-pvops             2 hosts-allocate          broken REGR. vs. 67679
 build-amd64-pvops             2 hosts-allocate          broken REGR. vs. 67679
 build-amd64                   2 hosts-allocate          broken REGR. vs. 67679
 build-i386-pvops              2 hosts-allocate          broken REGR. vs. 67679
 build-amd64-xend              2 hosts-allocate          broken REGR. vs. 67679

Regressions which are regarded as allowable (not blocking):
 build-i386-xend               3 capture-logs           broken blocked in 67679
 build-i386-pvops              3 capture-logs           broken blocked in 67679
 build-i386                    3 capture-logs           broken blocked in 67679
 build-armhf                   3 capture-logs           broken blocked in 67679
 build-armhf-pvops             3 capture-logs           broken blocked in 67679
 build-amd64-xend              3 capture-logs           broken blocked in 67679
 build-amd64-pvops             3 capture-logs           broken blocked in 67679
 build-amd64                   3 capture-logs           broken blocked in 67679

Tests which did not succeed, but are not blocking:
 test-amd64-i386-rumprun-i386  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 build-amd64-libvirt           1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-raw  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 build-amd64-rumprun           1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt      1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-pair  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-qcow2  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt       1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 build-armhf-libvirt           1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-vhd  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-rumprun-amd64  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt      1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 build-i386-libvirt            1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 build-i386-rumprun            1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-1        1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-midway    1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2   1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-2        1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64  1 build-check(1)         blocked n/a
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-4        1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-3        1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-xl-raw        1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-5        1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3-vcpus1  1 build-check(1)         blocked n/a
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64  1 build-check(1)         blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-amd64-pvgrub  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64  1 build-check(1)              blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-i386-pvgrub  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl           1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1  1 build-check(1)         blocked n/a
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-intel  1 build-check(1)             blocked n/a
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-vhd       1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64  1 build-check(1)              blocked n/a
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win7-amd64  1 build-check(1)              blocked n/a
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-intel  1 build-check(1)             blocked n/a
 test-amd64-i386-xl            1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-amd  1 build-check(1)               blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-qemuu-nested-intel  1 build-check(1)              blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-pv           1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-pair         1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-pv            1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-pair          1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-qemuu-nested-amd  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-amd  1 build-check(1)               blocked n/a
 test-amd64-i386-xend-qemut-winxpsp3  1 build-check(1)              blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64  1 build-check(1)        blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-pygrub       1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3  1 build-check(1)               blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qcow2     1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-win7-amd64  1 build-check(1)             blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-credit2   1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-winxpsp3  1 build-check(1)               blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl           1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-i386  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-multivcpu  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64  1 build-check(1)               blocked  n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64  1 build-check(1)             blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64  1 build-check(1)             blocked n/a
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64  1 build-check(1)        blocked n/a
 build-amd64-xtf               2 hosts-allocate               broken never pass
 build-amd64-xtf               3 capture-logs                 broken never pass

version targeted for testing:
 xen                  488b7d28abe3f79f2d2d17ee25c7948a58d6970b
baseline version:
 xen                  dfddbf35d9df666fa731dcaf35afd8cf24ac8ecf

Last test of basis    67679  2016-09-09 04:15:40 Z   26 days
Testing same since    67805  2016-10-05 17:46:10 Z    0 days    1 attempts

People who touched revisions under test:
  Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>

 build-amd64-xend                                             broken  
 build-i386-xend                                              broken  
 build-amd64-xtf                                              broken  
 build-amd64                                                  broken  
 build-armhf                                                  broken  
 build-i386                                                   broken  
 build-amd64-libvirt                                          blocked 
 build-armhf-libvirt                                          blocked 
 build-i386-libvirt                                           blocked 
 build-amd64-pvops                                            broken  
 build-armhf-pvops                                            broken  
 build-i386-pvops                                             broken  
 build-amd64-rumprun                                          blocked 
 build-i386-rumprun                                           blocked 
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-1                                       blocked 
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-2                                       blocked 
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-3                                       blocked 
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-4                                       blocked 
 test-xtf-amd64-amd64-5                                       blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl                                          blocked 
 test-armhf-armhf-xl                                          blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-xl                                           blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-qemuu-nested-amd                            blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-amd                           blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-amd                           blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64                    blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-debianhvm-amd64                     blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64                    blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64                     blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64                              blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64                         blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-ovmf-amd64                          blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-rumprun-amd64                               blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-win7-amd64                         blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-win7-amd64                          blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64                         blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-win7-amd64                          blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-credit2                                  blocked 
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-credit2                                  blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-i386                               blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-rumprun-i386                                 blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-qemuu-nested-intel                          blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-qemut-rhel6hvm-intel                         blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-qemuu-rhel6hvm-intel                         blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt                                     blocked 
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt                                     blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt                                      blocked 
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-midway                                   blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-multivcpu                                blocked 
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu                                blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-pair                                        blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-pair                                         blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair                                blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-libvirt-pair                                 blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-pv                                          blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-pv                                           blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-amd64-pvgrub                                blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-i386-pvgrub                                 blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-pygrub                                      blocked 
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-qcow2                               blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qcow2                                    blocked 
 test-armhf-armhf-libvirt-raw                                 blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-xl-raw                                       blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1                     blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3-vcpus1                     blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-vhd                                 blocked 
 test-armhf-armhf-xl-vhd                                      blocked 
 test-amd64-i386-xend-qemut-winxpsp3                          blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemut-winxpsp3                           blocked 
 test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-winxpsp3                           blocked 

sg-report-flight on osstest.xs.citrite.net
logs: /home/osstest/logs
images: /home/osstest/images

Logs, config files, etc. are available at

Test harness code can be found at

broken-step build-i386-xend hosts-allocate
broken-step build-i386 hosts-allocate
broken-step build-armhf hosts-allocate
broken-step build-amd64-xtf hosts-allocate
broken-step build-armhf-pvops hosts-allocate
broken-step build-amd64-pvops hosts-allocate
broken-step build-amd64 hosts-allocate
broken-step build-i386-pvops hosts-allocate
broken-step build-amd64-xend hosts-allocate
broken-step build-i386-xend capture-logs
broken-step build-i386-pvops capture-logs
broken-step build-i386 capture-logs
broken-step build-armhf capture-logs
broken-step build-armhf-pvops capture-logs
broken-step build-amd64-xtf capture-logs
broken-step build-amd64-xend capture-logs
broken-step build-amd64-pvops capture-logs
broken-step build-amd64 capture-logs

Push not applicable.

commit 488b7d28abe3f79f2d2d17ee25c7948a58d6970b
Author: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Oct 4 14:06:16 2016 +0100

    x86emul: honor guest CR0.TS and CR0.EM
    We must not emulate any instructions accessing respective registers
    when either of these flags is set in the guest view of the register, or
    else we may do so on data not belonging to the guest's current task.
    Being architecturally required behavior, the logic gets placed in the
    instruction emulator instead of hvmemul_get_fpu(). It should be noted,
    though, that hvmemul_get_fpu() being the only current handler for the
    get_fpu() callback, we don't have an active problem with CR4: Both
    CR4.OSFXSR and CR4.OSXSAVE get handled as necessary by that function.
    This is XSA-190.
    Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>

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