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[linux-linus bisection] unreproducible build-amd64-xsm

branch xen-unstable
xenbranch xen-unstable
job build-amd64-xsm
testid xen-build

Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git
Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git
Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git

*** Not reproducible - supposed basis pass ***
  Could not reproduce problem, or could not reproduce basis pass.
  Inconsistent test results; at this revision (supposed basis pass):
   flight 105535 (blessed real) result pass
   flight 105557 (blessed real) result fail

For bisection revision-tuple graph see:
Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above.

Running cs-bisection-step 
--summary-out=tmp/105587.bisection-summary --basis-template=59254 
--blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=105587 linux-linus build-amd64-xsm 
Searching for failure / basis pass:
 105557 fail [host=huxelrebe0] / 105535 ok.
Failure / basis pass flights: 105557 / 105535
(tree with no url: minios)
(tree with no url: ovmf)
(tree with no url: seabios)
Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git
Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git
Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git
Latest b669e922b37b8957248798a5eb7aa96a666cd3fe 
Basis pass b669e922b37b8957248798a5eb7aa96a666cd3fe 
Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator  
Loaded 1 nodes in revision graph
Searching for test results:
 77218 [host=nocera0]
 77360 [host=godello1]
 77554 [host=godello0]
 77721 [host=nocera0]
 77716 [host=nocera0]
 77822 [host=godello0]
 77813 [host=pinot1]
 77830 [host=godello1]
 77902 pass irrelevant
 77965 [host=rimava0]
 78054 [host=merlot1]
 78147 [host=godello1]
 78227 [host=godello1]
 78319 [host=godello1]
 78404 [host=pinot1]
 78480 [host=baroque1]
 78586 [host=godello0]
 78487 [host=godello0]
 78670 [host=fiano1]
 78786 [host=fiano0]
 78977 [host=rimava0]
 79068 [host=godello1]
 79155 [host=rimava0]
 79208 [host=godello0]
 79331 [host=godello0]
 79335 [host=godello0]
 79389 [host=godello0]
 79450 [host=godello1]
 79587 [host=pinot1]
 79778 [host=baroque0]
 79918 [host=godello0]
 80122 [host=godello1]
 80381 [host=godello0]
 80627 [host=godello0]
 81161 [host=godello0]
 81424 [host=godello0]
 81734 [host=huxelrebe1]
 82065 [host=baroque0]
 82419 [host=italia1]
 82614 [host=godello0]
 82764 [host=italia1]
 82911 [host=godello1]
 83118 [host=godello1]
 83452 pass irrelevant
 83655 [host=italia0]
 83810 [host=baroque1]
 84169 [host=godello1]
 84300 [host=godello1]
 84379 [host=godello1]
 84472 [host=godello0]
 84616 [host=godello0]
 85168 [host=godello0]
 85353 [host=godello0]
 85509 pass irrelevant
 85614 [host=godello1]
 85667 [host=godello1]
 85725 [host=godello0]
 85776 [host=godello0]
 85870 [host=godello0]
 85988 [host=godello0]
 86111 [host=godello1]
 86047 [host=godello0]
 86187 [host=italia1]
 86279 [host=godello1]
 86368 [host=fiano0]
 86449 [host=italia1]
 86542 [host=elbling0]
 86626 [host=elbling1]
 86811 [host=godello0]
 86715 [host=elbling1]
 86882 [host=italia1]
 87133 [host=godello1]
 87236 [host=godello1]
 87315 [host=godello0]
 87418 [host=godello0]
 87558 [host=elbling0]
 87701 [host=godello0]
 87832 [host=godello0]
 87977 [host=italia1]
 88131 [host=italia1]
 88284 [host=godello0]
 88416 [host=godello1]
 88539 [host=pinot0]
 88655 [host=godello0]
 89304 [host=chardonnay1]
 90908 [host=godello0]
 91263 [host=italia1]
 91416 [host=elbling0]
 91591 [host=baroque1]
 91700 [host=merlot0]
 91779 [host=fiano0]
 91862 [host=merlot1]
 92005 [host=italia1]
 92125 [host=godello1]
 92228 [host=nocera1]
 92342 [host=chardonnay0]
 92440 pass irrelevant
 92532 [host=godello0]
 92668 [host=italia1]
 92798 [host=baroque1]
 104237 [host=baroque0]
 104326 pass irrelevant
 104425 [host=nobling1]
 104595 pass irrelevant
 104601 [host=godello0]
 104578 [host=godello0]
 104593 [host=rimava1]
 104619 pass irrelevant
 104616 [host=nobling1]
 104623 pass irrelevant
 104637 [host=nobling0]
 104684 [host=italia1]
 104860 [host=nobling1]
 104830 [host=nobling0]
 104917 [host=baroque0]
 104884 [host=godello1]
 104943 [host=godello1]
 104984 [host=baroque0]
 105038 [host=nobling1]
 105012 [host=baroque0]
 105095 [host=nobling1]
 105097 [host=huxelrebe1]
 105101 [host=godello0]
 105103 [host=nobling0]
 105104 [host=nobling0]
 105087 [host=nobling1]
 105105 [host=nobling0]
 105153 [host=nobling1]
 105143 [host=nobling1]
 105129 [host=godello1]
 105149 [host=nobling1]
 105139 [host=nobling1]
 105145 [host=nobling1]
 105141 [host=nobling1]
 105147 [host=nobling1]
 105151 [host=nobling1]
 105154 [host=nobling1]
 105160 [host=nobling1]
 105122 [host=godello1]
 105162 [host=nobling1]
 105164 [host=nobling1]
 105240 [host=fiano1]
 105166 [host=nobling1]
 105167 [host=nobling1]
 105170 [host=nobling1]
 105171 [host=godello1]
 105173 [host=godello1]
 105175 fail irrelevant
 105178 fail irrelevant
 105273 [host=nobling0]
 105179 [host=godello0]
 105181 [host=nobling1]
 105184 [host=godello0]
 105186 fail irrelevant
 105233 [host=godello0]
 105176 pass irrelevant
 105211 [host=godello0]
 105241 [host=nobling1]
 105247 [host=nobling0]
 105243 [host=nobling1]
 105264 [host=nobling1]
 105259 [host=nobling0]
 105260 [host=nobling0]
 105261 [host=italia1]
 105263 [host=italia1]
 105265 [host=nobling0]
 105266 [host=nobling0]
 105267 [host=nobling0]
 105268 [host=nobling0]
 105269 [host=nobling0]
 105270 [host=nobling0]
 105271 [host=nobling0]
 105272 [host=nobling0]
 105236 [host=baroque0]
 105280 [host=italia1]
 105281 [host=huxelrebe1]
 105282 [host=italia1]
 105284 [host=italia1]
 105285 [host=italia1]
 105286 [host=italia1]
 105302 [host=nobling0]
 105299 [host=italia1]
 105301 pass irrelevant
 105309 [host=nobling0]
 105351 [host=elbling1]
 105353 pass irrelevant
 105415 [host=nobling1]
 105418 [host=nobling1]
 105419 pass irrelevant
 105445 [host=nobling0]
 105410 [host=nobling1]
 105430 [host=nobling0]
 105423 pass irrelevant
 105405 [host=nobling1]
 105442 [host=nobling0]
 105462 [host=godello0]
 105484 [host=nobling1]
 105515 [host=godello0]
 105535 pass b669e922b37b8957248798a5eb7aa96a666cd3fe 
 105557 fail b669e922b37b8957248798a5eb7aa96a666cd3fe 
 36746 [host=grain-weevil]
 50276 [host=pinot1]
 50311 [host=fiano0]
 50329 [host=fiano1]
 50388 [host=godello0]
 50366 [host=baroque0]
 64026 [host=nocera0]
 50422 [host=godello1]
 50404 [host=fiano0]
 64147 [host=italia0]
 64197 [host=nocera1]
 64484 [host=godello1]
 64874 [host=godello1]
 65024 [host=rimava1]
 64985 [host=rimava0]
 52702 [host=baroque1]
 65086 [host=godello1]
 65059 [host=rimava1]
 65109 [host=rimava1]
 65156 [host=godello1]
 65132 [host=godello1]
 53016 [host=godello0]
 65220 [host=pinot1]
 65234 [host=godello1]
 65223 [host=godello0]
 65218 [host=pinot0]
 65225 [host=godello1]
 65230 [host=baroque1]
 65228 [host=godello0]
 65236 [host=godello1]
 65239 [host=pinot0]
 65242 [host=chardonnay0]
 65180 [host=godello1]
 65245 [host=godello1]
 65303 [host=fiano1]
 65264 [host=godello1]
 65285 [host=fiano1]
 65329 [host=godello0]
 65361 [host=huxelrebe1]
 65392 [host=godello0]
 65467 [host=italia1]
 65471 [host=godello0]
 65473 [host=huxelrebe1]
 65476 [host=baroque0]
 65481 [host=godello0]
 65420 [host=godello1]
 65459 [host=rimava1]
 53720 [host=godello0]
 65496 [host=godello0]
 65507 [host=godello0]
 53849 [host=italia0]
 65663 [host=godello0]
 65797 [host=godello1]
 65765 [host=godello0]
 54095 [host=italia0]
 55255 [host=nocera0]
 66414 [host=godello1]
 55347 [host=nocera0]
 55442 [host=nocera0]
 66455 [host=godello1]
 66526 [host=godello1]
 66614 [host=godello1]
 66750 [host=godello1]
 56416 [host=godello1]
 56507 [host=godello1]
 56589 [host=nocera0]
 66896 [host=pinot1]
 56718 [host=nocera0]
 56660 [host=godello0]
 56791 [host=nocera0]
 56964 [host=godello0]
 57031 [host=nocera0]
 67064 [host=godello0]
 57123 [host=godello0]
 57205 [host=godello1]
 57289 [host=godello1]
 57740 [host=godello1]
 57824 [host=nocera1]
 57874 [host=godello1]
 57931 [host=nocera1]
 58057 [host=nocera1]
 58228 [host=godello1]
 58128 [host=nocera1]
 58333 [host=nocera1]
 58428 [host=nocera1]
 58399 [host=nocera0]
 58522 [host=nocera1]
 58620 [host=pinot0]
 58737 [host=nocera1]
 58766 [host=nocera0]
 58793 [host=nocera0]
 58841 [host=nocera0]
 58902 [host=nocera1]
 58873 [host=nocera0]
 58933 [host=nocera1]
 58944 [host=godello0]
 59018 [host=nocera1]
 58966 [host=nocera0]
 58981 [host=chardonnay1]
 59036 [host=nocera0]
 59086 [host=nocera1]
 59130 [host=nocera0]
 59186 [host=nocera0]
 59254 [host=nocera0]
 59348 [host=nocera1]
 59426 [host=nocera0]
 59462 [host=nocera1]
 59531 [host=godello1]
 59559 [host=godello0]
 59606 [host=godello1]
 59635 [host=godello1]
 59649 [host=nocera0]
 59770 [host=godello1]
 59801 [host=nocera0]
 59789 [host=nocera1]
 59802 [host=elbling1]
 59815 [host=nocera1]
 59836 [host=pinot0]
 59874 [host=nocera0]
 59886 [host=nocera1]
 59882 [host=nocera1]
 59879 [host=pinot0]
 59890 [host=pinot0]
 59894 [host=nocera1]
 59898 [host=godello1]
 59947 [host=nocera0]
 60005 [host=nocera0]
 60057 [host=nocera0]
 60190 [host=nocera1]
 60389 [host=nocera1]
 60594 [host=nocera1]
 60596 [host=nocera1]
 60709 [host=nocera0]
 60646 [host=nocera1]
 60621 [host=nocera1]
 60659 [host=nocera1]
 60680 [host=nocera1]
 60773 [host=nocera0]
 60840 [host=nocera0]
 60807 [host=nocera1]
 60772 [host=nocera0]
 60834 [host=nocera1]
 60877 [host=nocera1]
 60952 [host=nocera0]
 60998 [host=nocera0]
 60997 [host=nocera0]
 61119 [host=nocera1]
 61274 [host=nocera1]
 61279 [host=nocera1]
 61295 [host=nocera1]
 61594 [host=nocera1]
 61692 [host=nocera0]
 61780 [host=nocera0]
 61911 [host=nocera0]
 62042 [host=nocera0]
 62110 [host=nocera1]
 77097 [host=italia0]
 62197 [host=nocera0]
 62295 [host=nocera1]
 62381 [host=godello1]
 62544 [host=nocera1]
 62576 [host=nocera1]
 62615 [host=nocera0]
 62663 [host=nocera1]
 62694 [host=nocera0]
 62744 [host=nocera1]
 62908 [host=nocera1]
 62948 [host=nocera1]
 62940 [host=nocera1]
 62958 [host=nocera1]
 62972 [host=nocera0]
 63023 [host=nocera0]
 63084 [host=nocera0]
 63059 [host=nocera1]
 63208 [host=nocera0]
 63339 [host=baroque0]
 63372 [host=nocera0]
 63354 [host=baroque0]
 63399 [host=nocera1]
 63398 [host=nocera1]
 63474 [host=nocera0]
 63536 [host=nocera0]
 63654 [host=nocera0]
Searching for interesting versions

*** Not reproducible - supposed basis pass ***
  Could not reproduce problem, or could not reproduce basis pass.
  Inconsistent test results; at this revision (supposed basis pass):
   flight 105535 (blessed real) result pass
   flight 105557 (blessed real) result fail

Revision graph left in 
No revision to test.

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