[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] [linux-4.9 bisection] 109521: testing test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1
branch xen-unstable xenbranch xen-unstable job test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 testid guest-stop Tree: linux git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git For bisection revision-tuple graph see: http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/results/bisect/linux-4.9/test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1.guest-stop.html Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above. ---------------------------------------- Running cs-bisection-step --graph-out=/home/logs/results/bisect/linux-4.9/test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1.guest-stop --summary-out=tmp/109521.bisection-summary --basis-template=107358 --blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=109521 linux-4.9 test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 guest-stop Searching for failure / basis pass: 109475 fail [host=nobling0] / 109410 [host=chardonnay0] 109393 [host=huxelrebe1] 109338 [host=fiano1] 109317 [host=italia1] 109296 [host=rimava1] 109260 [host=chardonnay1] 109240 [host=baroque1] 109218 [host=fiano0] 109195 [host=rimava0] 109171 [host=huxelrebe0] 109142 [host=elbling1] 109117 [host=elbling1] 109095 [host=elbling1] 109066 [host=elbling1] 109020 [host=elbling1] 108207 [host=elbling1] 108164 [host=elbling1] 108127 [host=elbling1] 108099 [host=elbling1] 108058 [host=elbling1] 108026 [host=baroque0] 107983 [host=chardonnay0] 107927 [host=italia0] 107879 [host=huxelrebe1] 107776 [host=italia1] 107721 [host=merlot0] 107662 [host=rimava1] 107639 [host=baroque1] 107633 [host=pinot0] 107624 [host=elbling0] 107618 [host=chardonnay1] 107612 [host=pinot1] 107600 [host=nocera1] 107573 [host=fiano0] 107558 [host=merlot1] 107546 [host=huxelrebe0] 107532 [host=nocera0] 107502 [host=italia0] 107491 [host=elbling1] 107487 [host=fiano1] 107482 [host=baroque1] 107477 [host=chardonnay0] 107454 [host=rimava1] 107444 [host=merlot0] 107437 [host=fiano0] 107396 [host=italia0] 107358 [host=pinot0] 107238 [host=huxelrebe0] template as basis? using template as basis. Failure / basis pass flights: 109475 / 107358 (tree with no url: minios) (tree with no url: ovmf) (tree with no url: seabios) Tree: linux git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git Latest 58cd97ff374b7c6c39c9a78595a5eb75a56a08ac c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 8839be5c1fe339a1310b4e05e88c5a0230b7959d Basis pass 37feaf8095d352014555b82adb4a04609ca17d3f c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 de5f36a266b41cafc47c876700a9c1a494aa296f Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git#37feaf8095d352014555b82adb4a04609ca17d3f-58cd97ff374b7c6c39c9a78595a5eb75a56a08ac git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git#c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860-c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git#8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d-8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git#e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7-e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git#de5f36a266b41cafc47c876700a9c1a494aa296f-8839be5c1fe339a1310b4e05e88c5a0230b7959d Loaded 2001 nodes in revision graph Searching for test results: 107358 [host=pinot0] 107396 [host=italia0] 107437 [host=fiano0] 107444 [host=merlot0] 107454 [host=rimava1] 107487 [host=fiano1] 107491 [host=elbling1] 107477 [host=chardonnay0] 107482 [host=baroque1] 107546 [host=huxelrebe0] 107532 [host=nocera0] 107502 [host=italia0] 107558 [host=merlot1] 107573 [host=fiano0] 107639 [host=baroque1] 107600 [host=nocera1] 107624 [host=elbling0] 107582 [] 107612 [host=pinot1] 107618 [host=chardonnay1] 107633 [host=pinot0] 107662 [host=rimava1] 107721 [host=merlot0] 107776 [host=italia1] 107879 [host=huxelrebe1] 107927 [host=italia0] 107983 [host=chardonnay0] 108026 [host=baroque0] 108058 [host=elbling1] 108099 [host=elbling1] 108127 [host=elbling1] 108164 [host=elbling1] 108207 [host=elbling1] 109003 [] 109095 [host=elbling1] 109020 [host=elbling1] 109066 [host=elbling1] 109130 [host=elbling1] 109110 [host=elbling1] 109113 [host=elbling1] 109135 [host=elbling1] 109118 [host=elbling1] 109164 [host=elbling1] 109117 [host=elbling1] 109138 [host=elbling1] 109123 [host=elbling1] 109126 [host=elbling1] 109150 [host=elbling1] 109140 [host=elbling1] 109171 [host=huxelrebe0] 109146 [host=elbling1] 109142 [host=elbling1] 109158 [host=elbling1] 109168 [host=elbling1] 109195 [host=rimava0] 109218 [host=fiano0] 109240 [host=baroque1] 109260 [host=chardonnay1] 109317 [host=italia1] 109296 [host=rimava1] 109338 [host=fiano1] 109364 [host=huxelrebe1] 109393 [host=huxelrebe1] 109435 fail 58cd97ff374b7c6c39c9a78595a5eb75a56a08ac c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 8839be5c1fe339a1310b4e05e88c5a0230b7959d 109410 [host=chardonnay0] 109499 pass a8c90ef62281db933118aa84489eb0e1e9cc347c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 109484 fail b1fc1b057b8eb26ac2a8f7a54b7e240b419b8458 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 109451 fail 58cd97ff374b7c6c39c9a78595a5eb75a56a08ac c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 8839be5c1fe339a1310b4e05e88c5a0230b7959d 109471 pass 37feaf8095d352014555b82adb4a04609ca17d3f c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 de5f36a266b41cafc47c876700a9c1a494aa296f 109510 fail 1f49c8cd2c9a53ea04bd86bce01247415d12aa26 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 109474 fail 58cd97ff374b7c6c39c9a78595a5eb75a56a08ac c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 8839be5c1fe339a1310b4e05e88c5a0230b7959d 109479 pass 37feaf8095d352014555b82adb4a04609ca17d3f c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 de5f36a266b41cafc47c876700a9c1a494aa296f 109480 fail 58cd97ff374b7c6c39c9a78595a5eb75a56a08ac c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 8839be5c1fe339a1310b4e05e88c5a0230b7959d 109483 pass 5ef6f4dec559007650c762b11ca30dd74866299a c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 de22e0dd0df7244052b978fdd939aae7a0937077 109513 fail 3ae0fc950603dcc1716eba1f3a99d6119509c505 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 109502 fail 479beb4c6554bab1f944a5cfb9672a0f9c6892b2 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 109491 pass 2f5e58ec793f56f9ac1c6736b4638a4b81d6f099 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 dc93246b504a4cdd90a7d79bfffd42255f9af83f 109507 pass 501299e643814d2367aeeae8439129f0facc4183 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 109475 fail 58cd97ff374b7c6c39c9a78595a5eb75a56a08ac c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 8839be5c1fe339a1310b4e05e88c5a0230b7959d Searching for interesting versions Result found: flight 109471 (pass), for basis pass Result found: flight 109474 (fail), for basis failure Repro found: flight 109479 (pass), for basis pass Repro found: flight 109480 (fail), for basis failure 1 revisions at 59bc404b382967a41250cc01299b0419e61392c0 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Looking 0 below 59bc404b382967a41250cc01299b0419e61392c0 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288. Should test 59bc404b382967a41250cc01299b0419e61392c0 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288. dot: graph is too large for cairo-renderer bitmaps. Scaling by 0.963367 to fit pnmtopng: 67 colors found Revision graph left in /home/logs/results/bisect/linux-4.9/test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1.guest-stop.{dot,ps,png,html,svg}. Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-i386 to reuse... Can reuse build 109239.build-i386. DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during write. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " UPDATE runvars SET val=? WHERE flight=? AND job=? AND name=? " with ParamValues: 1='109239.build-i386', 2='109521', 3='test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1', 4='buildjob'] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Can reuse build 109239.build-i386. Need 109521.build-i386-pvops (like 109475) revision_linux=59bc404b382967a41250cc01299b0419e61392c0 revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for 109521.build-i386-pvops to reuse... Creating 109521.build-i386-pvops (copying from 109475) DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during write. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " INSERT INTO jobs VALUES (?, ?, ?, 'queued') "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Can reuse build 109239.build-i386. Need 109521.build-i386-pvops (like 109475) revision_linux=59bc404b382967a41250cc01299b0419e61392c0 revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Creating 109521.build-i386-pvops (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-amd64 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Searching for 109521.build-amd64 to reuse... Can reuse build 109017.build-amd64. DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during write. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " UPDATE runvars SET val=? WHERE flight=? AND job=? AND name=? " with ParamValues: 1='109017.build-amd64', 2='109521', 3='test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1', 4='xenbuildjob'] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 109521... Need 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (like 109475) Creating 109521.test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-winxpsp3-vcpus1 (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-i386 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Can reuse build 109239.build-i386. Need 109521.build-i386-pvops (like 109475) revision_linux=59bc404b382967a41250cc01299b0419e61392c0 revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Creating 109521.build-i386-pvops (copying from 109475) Need 109521.build-amd64 (like 109475) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 revision_xen=ba10dbc7ae6c92816109913c6c25ba66c7aa7288 Can reuse build 109017.build-amd64. Checking for flail (since 109471)... Flight 109521 ready to go. _______________________________________________ osstest-output mailing list osstest-output@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.xenproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/osstest-output
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