[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] [linux-linus bisection] 111533: testing test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair
branch xen-unstable xenbranch xen-unstable job test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair testid guest-start/debian Tree: libvirt git://xenbits.xen.org/libvirt.git Tree: libvirt_gnulib git://git.sv.gnu.org/gnulib.git Tree: libvirt_keycodemapdb https://gitlab.com/keycodemap/keycodemapdb.git Tree: linux git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git For bisection revision-tuple graph see: http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/results/bisect/linux-linus/test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair.guest-start--debian.html Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above. ---------------------------------------- Running cs-bisection-step --graph-out=/home/logs/results/bisect/linux-linus/test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair.guest-start--debian --summary-out=tmp/111533.bisection-summary --basis-template=110515 --blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=111533 linux-linus test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair guest-start/debian Searching for failure / basis pass: 111493 fail [dst_host=pinot0,src_host=pinot1] / 111363 [dst_host=nobling0,src_host=nobling1] 111332 [dst_host=fiano0,src_host=fiano1] 111280 [dst_host=rimava1,src_host=rimava0] 111222 [dst_host=chardonnay1,src_host=chardonnay0] 111183 [dst_host=fiano1,src_host=fiano0] 111148 [dst_host=godello0,src_host=godello1] 111124 [dst_host=elbling0,src_host=elbling1] 111081 [dst_host=huxelrebe1,src_host=huxelrebe0] 110984 [dst_host=italia1,src_host=italia0] 110950 [dst_host=nocera1,src_host=nocera0] 110908 [dst_host=godello1,src_host=godello0] 110560 [dst_host=elbling1,src_host=elbling0] 110547 [dst_host=chardonnay0,src_host=chardonnay1] 110536 [dst_host=italia0,src_host=italia1] 110515 [dst_host=rimava0,src_host=rimava1] 110486 [dst_host=pinot1,src_host=pinot0] 110464 [dst_host=rimava1,src_host=rimava0] 110427 [dst_host=nocera0,src_host=nocera1] 110399 [dst_host=chardonnay1,src_host=chardonnay0] 110380 [dst_host=huxelrebe1,src_host=huxelrebe0] 110346 [dst_host=elbling0,src_host=elbling1] 110288 [dst_host=godello0,src_host=godello1] 110236 [dst_host=baroque0,src_host=baroque1] 110131 [dst_host=fiano0,src_host=fiano1] 110093 [dst_host=nobling0,src_host=nobling1] 110060 [dst_host=nobling1,src_host=nobling0] 110038 [dst_host=fiano1,src_host=fiano0] 110025 [dst_host=baroque1,src_host=baroque0] 110016 [dst_host=huxelrebe0,src_host=huxelrebe1] 110006 [dst_host=elbling1,src_host=elbling0] 109994 [dst_host=chardonnay0,src_host=chardonnay1] 109963 [dst_host=rimava0,src_host=rimava1] 109943 [dst_host=godello1,src_host=godello0] 109920 ok. Failure / basis pass flights: 111493 / 109920 (tree with no url: minios) (tree with no url: ovmf) (tree with no url: seabios) Tree: libvirt git://xenbits.xen.org/libvirt.git Tree: libvirt_gnulib git://git.sv.gnu.org/gnulib.git Tree: libvirt_keycodemapdb https://gitlab.com/keycodemap/keycodemapdb.git Tree: linux git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git Latest b771263182b8ef8d734b4b9a84e30510ca5d56b9 ce4ee4cbb596a9d7de2786cf8c48cf62a4edede7 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 9ced560b82606b35adb33a27012a148d418a4c1f c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d 414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 a7d802bca13489d303749177127089af48844f29 Basis pass 981e2c70973454cad360f7c9eec2d6ded0a86747 da830b5146cb553ac2a4bcfe76caeb57bda24cc3 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 876800d5f9de8b15355172794cb82f505dd26e18 Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator git://xenbits.xen.org/libvirt.git#981e2c70973454cad360f7c9eec2d6ded0a86747-b771263182b8ef8d734b4b9a84e30510ca5d56b9 git://git.sv.gnu.org/gnulib.git#da830b5146cb553ac2a4bcfe76caeb57bda24cc3-ce4ee4cbb596a9d7de2786cf8c48cf62a4edede7 https://gitlab.com/keycodemap/keycodemapdb.git#7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0-7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git#a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c-9ced560b82606b35adb33a27012a148d418a4c1f git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git#c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860-c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git#8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d-8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git#e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7-414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git#876800d5f9de8b15355172794cb82f505dd26e18-a7d802bca13489d303749177127089af48844f29 adhoc-revtuple-generator: tree discontiguous: linux-2.6 Loaded 4007 nodes in revision graph Searching for test results: 109778 [dst_host=italia1,src_host=italia0] 109832 [dst_host=huxelrebe1,src_host=huxelrebe0] 109809 [dst_host=chardonnay1,src_host=chardonnay0] 109801 [dst_host=italia0,src_host=italia1] 109821 [dst_host=elbling0,src_host=elbling1] 109839 [dst_host=rimava1,src_host=rimava0] 109889 [dst_host=nocera1,src_host=nocera0] 109858 [dst_host=pinot1,src_host=pinot0] 109920 pass 981e2c70973454cad360f7c9eec2d6ded0a86747 da830b5146cb553ac2a4bcfe76caeb57bda24cc3 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 876800d5f9de8b15355172794cb82f505dd26e18 109943 [dst_host=godello1,src_host=godello0] 109994 [dst_host=chardonnay0,src_host=chardonnay1] 109963 [dst_host=rimava0,src_host=rimava1] 110016 [dst_host=huxelrebe0,src_host=huxelrebe1] 110006 [dst_host=elbling1,src_host=elbling0] 110038 [dst_host=fiano1,src_host=fiano0] 110025 [dst_host=baroque1,src_host=baroque0] 110060 [dst_host=nobling1,src_host=nobling0] 110093 [dst_host=nobling0,src_host=nobling1] 110131 [dst_host=fiano0,src_host=fiano1] 110236 [dst_host=baroque0,src_host=baroque1] 110346 [dst_host=elbling0,src_host=elbling1] 110288 [dst_host=godello0,src_host=godello1] 110380 [dst_host=huxelrebe1,src_host=huxelrebe0] 110399 [dst_host=chardonnay1,src_host=chardonnay0] 110427 [dst_host=nocera0,src_host=nocera1] 110464 [dst_host=rimava1,src_host=rimava0] 110486 [dst_host=pinot1,src_host=pinot0] 110515 [dst_host=rimava0,src_host=rimava1] 110547 [dst_host=chardonnay0,src_host=chardonnay1] 110536 [dst_host=italia0,src_host=italia1] 110560 [dst_host=elbling1,src_host=elbling0] 110908 [dst_host=godello1,src_host=godello0] 110950 [dst_host=nocera1,src_host=nocera0] 110984 [dst_host=italia1,src_host=italia0] 111081 [dst_host=huxelrebe1,src_host=huxelrebe0] 111124 [dst_host=elbling0,src_host=elbling1] 111148 [dst_host=godello0,src_host=godello1] 111280 [dst_host=rimava1,src_host=rimava0] 111183 [dst_host=fiano1,src_host=fiano0] 111222 [dst_host=chardonnay1,src_host=chardonnay0] 111332 [dst_host=fiano0,src_host=fiano1] 111363 [dst_host=nobling0,src_host=nobling1] 111374 fail irrelevant 111383 fail irrelevant 111416 fail irrelevant 111524 pass 981e2c70973454cad360f7c9eec2d6ded0a86747 da830b5146cb553ac2a4bcfe76caeb57bda24cc3 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 876800d5f9de8b15355172794cb82f505dd26e18 111528 fail b771263182b8ef8d734b4b9a84e30510ca5d56b9 ce4ee4cbb596a9d7de2786cf8c48cf62a4edede7 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 9ced560b82606b35adb33a27012a148d418a4c1f c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d 414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 a7d802bca13489d303749177127089af48844f29 111493 fail b771263182b8ef8d734b4b9a84e30510ca5d56b9 ce4ee4cbb596a9d7de2786cf8c48cf62a4edede7 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 9ced560b82606b35adb33a27012a148d418a4c1f c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d 414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 a7d802bca13489d303749177127089af48844f29 111530 pass f0a3fe1b0a2996272dd167501bb5de752d9d1956 ce4ee4cbb596a9d7de2786cf8c48cf62a4edede7 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d e97832ec6b2a7ddd48b8e6d1d848ffdfee6a31c7 a3c32b833254b16dcdc08227c13646ab8bba931c 111532 pass 8a129b75e2149d46724d95fd7c717f90f309ee89 ce4ee4cbb596a9d7de2786cf8c48cf62a4edede7 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d 414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 31777889db4a379da66c35a68d60ccbcf290971c Searching for interesting versions Result found: flight 109920 (pass), for basis pass Result found: flight 111493 (fail), for basis failure Repro found: flight 111524 (pass), for basis pass Repro found: flight 111528 (fail), for basis failure 137 revisions at b771263182b8ef8d734b4b9a84e30510ca5d56b9 ce4ee4cbb596a9d7de2786cf8c48cf62a4edede7 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d 414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 a7d802bca13489d303749177127089af48844f29 Looking 68 below b771263182b8ef8d734b4b9a84e30510ca5d56b9 ce4ee4cbb596a9d7de2786cf8c48cf62a4edede7 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d 414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 a7d802bca13489d303749177127089af48844f29. Should test fdeac7a05fdf85458d72e89efcfa0f444525aaad ce4ee4cbb596a9d7de2786cf8c48cf62a4edede7 7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d 414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd. pnmtopng: 54 colors found Revision graph left in /home/logs/results/bisect/linux-linus/test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair.guest-start--debian.{dot,ps,png,html,svg}. Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Searching for 111533.build-amd64 to reuse... Creating 111533.build-amd64 (copying from 111493) DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during write. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " INSERT INTO jobs (flight, job, recipe, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 'queued') "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Creating 111533.build-amd64 (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64-pvops (like 111493) revision_linux=a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for 111533.build-amd64-pvops to reuse... Can reuse build-kern 111524.build-amd64-pvops. DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during write. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " UPDATE runvars SET val=? WHERE flight=? AND job=? AND name=? " with ParamValues: 1='111524.build-amd64-pvops', 2='111533', 3='test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair', 4='kernbuildjob'] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 111533... Need 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (like 111493) Creating 111533.test-amd64-amd64-libvirt-pair (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64 (like 111493) revision_qemu=8051789e982499050680a26febeada7467e18a8d revision_qemuu=414d069b38ab114b89085e44989bf57604ea86d7 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Creating 111533.build-amd64 (copying from 111493) Need 111533.build-amd64-pvops (like 111493) revision_linux=a37484638ca5e0aa7c205ecb91c9ace92e83c32c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Can reuse build-kern 111524.build-amd64-pvops. Need 111533.build-amd64-libvirt (like 111493) revision_libvirt=fdeac7a05fdf85458d72e89efcfa0f444525aaad revision_libvirt_gnulib=ce4ee4cbb596a9d7de2786cf8c48cf62a4edede7 revision_libvirt_keycodemapdb=7bf5710b22aa8d58b7eeaaf3dc6960c26cade4f0 revision_xen=8b9793bfe614ee53029d2b1672e1080170809dcd Creating 111533.build-amd64-libvirt (copying from 111493) Already created build-amd64 Already created build-amd64 Checking for flail (since 109920)... Flight 111533 ready to go. _______________________________________________ osstest-output mailing list osstest-output@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.xenproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/osstest-output
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