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[linux-linus bisection] 129409: tested test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64

branch xen-unstable
xenbranch xen-unstable
job test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64
testid xen-boot

Tree: linux git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git
Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git
Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git
Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git
Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git

For bisection revision-tuple graph see:
Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above.

Running cs-bisection-step 
 --summary-out=tmp/129409.bisection-summary --basis-template=125898 
--blessings=real,real-bisect linux-linus test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64 
Searching for failure / basis pass:
 129389 fail [host=baroque0] / 128945 ok.
Failure / basis pass flights: 129389 / 128945
(tree with no url: minios)
(tree with no url: ovmf)
(tree with no url: seabios)
Tree: linux git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git
Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git
Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git
Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git
Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git
Latest d2ff0ff2c23f1bacd35073bf50e6c18298a8d530 
Basis pass 58a0228707870c8330917f919804986855443a19 
Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator  
adhoc-revtuple-generator: tree discontiguous: linux-2.6
Loaded 2 nodes in revision graph
Searching for test results:
 107710 [host=chardonnay1]
 107753 [host=elbling0]
 107819 [host=merlot1]
 107925 [host=huxelrebe0]
 107980 [host=pinot1]
 108022 [host=chardonnay0]
 108051 [host=elbling1]
 108093 [host=baroque1]
 108160 [host=merlot0]
 108124 [host=italia1]
 108210 [host=merlot0]
 109007 []
 109048 [host=merlot0]
 109075 [host=merlot0]
 109105 [host=merlot0]
 109155 [host=merlot0]
 109127 [host=merlot0]
 109181 [host=merlot0]
 109214 [host=merlot0]
 109238 [host=merlot0]
 109292 [host=merlot0]
 109315 [host=merlot0]
 109334 [host=merlot0]
 109361 [host=merlot0]
 109390 [host=fiano0]
 109404 [host=rimava1]
 109428 [host=nobling0]
 109449 pass irrelevant
 109469 [host=huxelrebe0]
 109505 [host=merlot1]
 109552 [host=baroque1]
 109572 [host=chardonnay0]
 109598 [host=italia1]
 109633 [host=chardonnay1]
 109656 [host=nocera1]
 109697 [host=elbling1]
 109675 [host=huxelrebe1]
 109706 [host=elbling0]
 109685 [host=rimava0]
 109724 [host=nobling1]
 109758 [host=nocera0]
 109778 [host=pinot0]
 109832 pass irrelevant
 109809 [host=rimava1]
 109801 [host=pinot1]
 109821 [host=nobling0]
 109839 [host=fiano0]
 109889 [host=huxelrebe0]
 109858 [host=baroque1]
 109920 [host=merlot1]
 109943 [host=chardonnay0]
 109994 [host=italia1]
 109963 [host=chardonnay1]
 110016 [host=huxelrebe1]
 110006 [host=merlot0]
 110038 [host=nocera1]
 110025 [host=italia0]
 110060 [host=elbling0]
 110093 [host=elbling1]
 110131 [host=nobling1]
 110236 [host=nocera0]
 110346 [host=rimava0]
 110288 [host=rimava1]
 110380 [host=pinot1]
 110399 [host=nobling0]
 110427 [host=baroque1]
 110464 [host=huxelrebe0]
 110486 [host=chardonnay0]
 110515 pass irrelevant
 110547 []
 110536 []
 110560 []
 110908 []
 110950 [host=nobling1]
 110984 [host=huxelrebe1]
 111081 [host=pinot1]
 111124 [host=rimava0]
 111148 [host=italia0]
 111280 [host=nocera1]
 111183 [host=merlot1]
 111222 [host=nocera0]
 111332 [host=nobling0]
 111363 [host=baroque1]
 111374 [host=rimava1]
 111383 [host=huxelrebe0]
 111416 [host=nobling1]
 111493 pass irrelevant
 111529 [host=chardonnay0]
 111580 [host=huxelrebe1]
 111611 [host=italia1]
 111635 [host=chardonnay1]
 111654 [host=elbling0]
 111677 [host=fiano0]
 111714 [host=fiano1]
 111739 [host=italia0]
 111771 [host=pinot1]
 111800 [host=rimava0]
 111831 [host=merlot0]
 111866 [host=merlot1]
 111939 [host=elbling1]
 111972 [host=baroque1]
 112019 [host=nocera1]
 111995 [host=rimava1]
 112049 [host=nobling1]
 112083 [host=huxelrebe0]
 112182 [host=nocera0]
 112271 [host=huxelrebe1]
 112235 [host=pinot0]
 112277 [host=elbling0]
 113150 [host=nobling0]
 113166 [host=nobling0]
 113189 [host=nobling0]
 113262 [host=nobling0]
 113323 [host=nobling0]
 113353 [host=nobling0]
 113381 [host=nobling0]
 113423 [host=pinot0]
 113453 [host=pinot1]
 113472 [host=elbling1]
 113516 [host=huxelrebe0]
 113531 [host=italia0]
 113497 pass irrelevant
 113552 [host=baroque1]
 113565 [host=rimava1]
 113576 [host=huxelrebe1]
 113583 [host=nobling1]
 113594 [host=chardonnay0]
 113605 [host=merlot0]
 113629 [host=rimava0]
 113615 [host=chardonnay1]
 113650 [host=elbling0]
 113666 [host=italia1]
 113703 [host=nocera1]
 113730 [host=merlot1]
 113783 [host=fiano1]
 113765 [host=nocera0]
 113804 [host=nobling0]
 113779 [host=fiano0]
 113796 [host=pinot1]
 113809 pass irrelevant
 113818 [host=elbling1]
 113823 [host=huxelrebe0]
 113845 [host=italia0]
 113855 [host=baroque1]
 113924 [host=elbling0]
 113882 [host=huxelrebe1]
 113913 [host=merlot0]
 113896 [host=nobling1]
 113866 [host=pinot0]
 113930 [host=chardonnay0]
 113939 [host=italia1]
 113919 [host=rimava0]
 113932 [host=fiano1]
 113902 [host=rimava1]
 113935 [host=chardonnay1]
 113945 [host=nocera1]
 113970 [host=huxelrebe0]
 113982 [host=elbling1]
 114027 [host=merlot1]
 114012 [host=pinot1]
 114089 [host=nocera0]
 114051 [host=nobling0]
 114069 [host=italia0]
 114116 [host=fiano0]
 114175 pass irrelevant
 114218 [host=nobling1]
 114297 [host=chardonnay1]
 114362 [host=huxelrebe1]
 114442 [host=rimava0]
 114528 [host=elbling0]
 114500 [host=rimava1]
 114541 [host=chardonnay0]
 114643 [host=baroque1]
 114658 [host=huxelrebe0]
 114781 [host=elbling1]
 114682 [host=merlot1]
 114820 [host=italia1]
 114883 [host=nobling0]
 115009 [host=pinot1]
 115121 [host=nocera1]
 115153 pass irrelevant
 115182 [host=nobling1]
 115203 [host=huxelrebe1]
 115244 [host=nocera0]
 115279 [host=rimava0]
 115321 [host=rimava1]
 115302 [host=chardonnay1]
 115338 [host=fiano0]
 115353 [host=elbling0]
 115387 [host=italia0]
 115373 [host=chardonnay0]
 115469 [host=nobling0]
 115414 [host=fiano1]
 115459 [host=baroque1]
 115438 [host=huxelrebe0]
 115475 [host=pinot1]
 115487 [host=nobling1]
 115599 [host=rimava0]
 115543 [host=italia1]
 115573 [host=merlot0]
 115615 [host=nocera1]
 115628 [host=chardonnay1]
 115643 [host=huxelrebe1]
 115678 [host=chardonnay0]
 115690 [host=nocera0]
 115718 [host=pinot0]
 116103 [host=rimava1]
 116152 [host=fiano1]
 116119 [host=nobling0]
 116136 [host=elbling0]
 116164 [host=fiano0]
 116182 [host=baroque1]
 116215 [host=pinot1]
 116281 [host=pinot1]
 116225 [host=pinot1]
 116259 [host=pinot1]
 116228 [host=pinot1]
 116283 [host=pinot1]
 116230 [host=pinot1]
 116263 [host=pinot1]
 116226 [host=pinot1]
 116231 [host=pinot1]
 116235 [host=pinot1]
 116265 [host=pinot1]
 116238 [host=pinot1]
 116242 [host=pinot1]
 116252 [host=pinot1]
 116253 [host=pinot1]
 116254 [host=pinot1]
 116285 [host=pinot1]
 116274 [host=pinot1]
 116288 [host=pinot1]
 116268 [host=pinot1]
 116316 [host=pinot1]
 116343 [host=pinot1]
 116433 [host=pinot1]
 116461 [host=pinot1]
 116514 [host=pinot1]
 116536 [host=pinot1]
 116550 [host=pinot1]
 116577 [host=pinot1]
 116592 [host=pinot1]
 116628 [host=pinot1]
 116775 [host=pinot1]
 116735 [host=pinot1]
 116810 [host=pinot1]
 116840 [host=pinot1]
 116876 [host=pinot1]
 116921 [host=pinot1]
 116947 [host=pinot1]
 117205 [host=pinot1]
 117143 [host=pinot1]
 117251 [host=pinot1]
 117305 [host=pinot1]
 117359 [host=pinot1]
 117655 [host=elbling1]
 117694 [host=rimava0]
 117721 [host=chardonnay1]
 117748 [host=rimava1]
 117788 pass irrelevant
 117945 [host=italia1]
 117909 [host=fiano0]
 117996 [host=italia0]
 118112 [host=chardonnay0]
 118215 [host=baroque1]
 118250 [host=elbling1]
 118276 [host=chardonnay1]
 118283 [host=rimava0]
 118324 [host=pinot0]
 118445 [host=italia0]
 118362 [host=fiano0]
 118401 [host=italia1]
 118428 pass irrelevant
 118464 [host=chardonnay0]
 118538 [host=baroque1]
 118501 [host=fiano1]
 118556 [host=huxelrebe1]
 118566 [host=elbling1]
 118576 [host=pinot1]
 118586 [host=elbling0]
 118629 [host=rimava0]
 118598 [host=chardonnay1]
 118638 [host=italia0]
 118672 [host=italia0]
 118775 [host=italia0]
 118893 [host=italia0]
 118968 [host=italia0]
 119064 [host=italia0]
 119117 [host=italia0]
 119271 [host=italia0]
 119283 [host=italia0]
 119288 [host=italia0]
 119298 [host=italia0]
 119293 [host=italia0]
 119300 [host=italia0]
 119201 [host=italia0]
 119305 [host=italia0]
 119345 [host=italia0]
 119313 [host=italia0]
 119320 [host=italia0]
 119322 [host=italia0]
 119332 [host=italia0]
 119337 [host=italia0]
 119349 [host=italia0]
 119350 [host=italia0]
 119435 [host=italia0]
 119511 [host=italia0]
 119582 [host=italia0]
 119639 [host=italia0]
 119687 [host=italia0]
 119751 [host=italia0]
 119922 [host=italia0]
 119992 [host=italia0]
 120022 [host=italia0]
 120055 [host=italia0]
 120092 [host=italia0]
 120228 [host=italia0]
 120305 [host=italia0]
 120269 [host=italia0]
 120441 [host=italia0]
 120654 [host=italia0]
 120779 [host=italia0]
 120866 [host=italia0]
 120952 [host=italia0]
 121012 [host=italia0]
 121284 [host=italia0]
 121195 [host=italia0]
 121315 [host=italia0]
 121383 [host=italia0]
 121336 [host=italia0]
 121679 [host=italia0]
 121723 [host=italia0]
 121755 [host=italia0]
 121842 [host=italia0]
 121988 [host=italia0]
 122067 [host=italia0]
 122111 [host=italia0]
 122143 [host=italia0]
 122164 [host=italia0]
 122176 [host=italia0]
 122203 [host=italia0]
 122256 [host=baroque1]
 122284 [host=fiano0]
 122301 [host=chardonnay1]
 122317 pass irrelevant
 122335 [host=huxelrebe0]
 122347 [host=huxelrebe1]
 122325 [host=elbling1]
 122395 [host=rimava0]
 122358 [host=fiano1]
 122442 [host=baroque1]
 122486 [host=chardonnay1]
 122521 pass irrelevant
 122555 [host=elbling0]
 122578 [host=huxelrebe0]
 122647 [host=baroque1]
 122855 [host=elbling1]
 122911 [host=huxelrebe1]
 122982 [host=baroque1]
 123188 [host=chardonnay1]
 123218 [host=debina0]
 123271 [host=joubertin1]
 123310 [host=italia1]
 123370 [host=debina1]
 123438 [host=fiano1]
 123554 [host=huxelrebe1]
 123655 [host=elbling1]
 123792 [host=joubertin0]
 123937 [host=baroque1]
 123871 [host=baroque1]
 124013 [host=baroque1]
 124047 [host=chardonnay1]
 124066 [host=joubertin1]
 124092 [host=huxelrebe0]
 124151 [host=elbling0]
 124938 [host=debina1]
 124994 [host=huxelrebe0]
 125041 [host=debina0]
 125069 [host=baroque1]
 125167 [host=fiano1]
 125129 [host=elbling1]
 125242 [host=fiano1]
 125285 [host=fiano1]
 125401 pass irrelevant
 125501 [host=pinot0]
 125551 [host=baroque1]
 125520 [host=joubertin0]
 125585 [host=debina0]
 125648 [host=debina1]
 125639 [host=pinot1]
 125657 [host=chardonnay1]
 125676 [host=joubertin1]
 125702 [host=fiano0]
 125898 [host=debina1]
 125921 [host=joubertin1]
 126069 [host=joubertin1]
 126202 [host=joubertin1]
 126310 [host=joubertin1]
 126412 [host=joubertin1]
 126550 [host=joubertin1]
 126682 [host=joubertin1]
 126888 [host=joubertin1]
 126978 []
 127038 pass irrelevant
 127108 pass irrelevant
 127148 pass irrelevant
 127193 pass irrelevant
 127221 pass irrelevant
 127256 pass irrelevant
 127284 pass irrelevant
 127315 pass irrelevant
 127344 pass irrelevant
 127364 pass irrelevant
 127389 pass irrelevant
 127403 pass irrelevant
 127415 pass irrelevant
 127443 pass irrelevant
 127479 pass irrelevant
 127458 pass irrelevant
 127516 pass irrelevant
 127497 pass irrelevant
 127535 pass irrelevant
 127551 pass irrelevant
 127569 pass irrelevant
 127617 pass irrelevant
 127732 pass irrelevant
 127793 pass irrelevant
 127907 pass irrelevant
 127976 pass irrelevant
 127962 pass irrelevant
 127991 pass irrelevant
 128002 pass irrelevant
 128022 pass irrelevant
 128059 pass irrelevant
 128114 pass irrelevant
 128170 pass irrelevant
 128264 pass irrelevant
 128236 pass irrelevant
 128278 pass irrelevant
 128334 pass irrelevant
 128312 pass irrelevant
 128374 pass irrelevant
 128376 pass irrelevant
 128377 blocked irrelevant
 128378 pass irrelevant
 128379 blocked irrelevant
 128381 blocked irrelevant
 128382 blocked irrelevant
 128364 pass irrelevant
 128365 pass irrelevant
 128366 pass irrelevant
 128368 pass irrelevant
 128370 pass irrelevant
 128371 pass irrelevant
 128372 pass irrelevant
 128369 pass irrelevant
 128407 pass irrelevant
 128438 pass irrelevant
 128476 pass irrelevant
 128461 pass irrelevant
 128493 pass irrelevant
 128520 pass irrelevant
 128599 pass irrelevant
 128663 pass irrelevant
 128727 pass irrelevant
 128861 pass irrelevant
 128835 pass irrelevant
 128885 pass irrelevant
 128920 pass irrelevant
 128945 pass 58a0228707870c8330917f919804986855443a19 
 128970 fail irrelevant
 129005 fail irrelevant
 129072 fail irrelevant
 129167 fail irrelevant
 129258 fail irrelevant
 129304 fail irrelevant
 129408 fail irrelevant
 129389 fail d2ff0ff2c23f1bacd35073bf50e6c18298a8d530 
 129409 fail irrelevant
 129348 fail irrelevant
 129398 pass 58a0228707870c8330917f919804986855443a19 
 129401 fail irrelevant
 129403 fail irrelevant
 129404 fail irrelevant
 129407 pass irrelevant
 35642 [host=leaf-beetle]
 35790 [host=leaf-beetle]
 35883 [host=leaf-beetle]
 35942 [host=leaf-beetle]
 36691 [host=leaf-beetle]
 36746 [host=leaf-beetle]
 50276 [host=nocera0]
 50311 [host=nocera0]
 50329 [host=nocera0]
 50388 [host=nocera0]
 50366 [host=nocera0]
 64026 [host=baroque1]
 50422 [host=nocera0]
 50404 [host=nocera0]
 64147 [host=baroque1]
 64197 [host=baroque1]
 64484 [host=baroque1]
 64874 [host=baroque1]
 65024 [host=baroque1]
 64985 [host=baroque1]
 52702 [host=nocera0]
 65086 [host=baroque1]
 65059 [host=baroque1]
 65109 [host=baroque1]
 65156 [host=baroque1]
 65132 [host=baroque1]
 53016 [host=italia1]
 65180 [host=baroque1]
 65245 [host=baroque1]
 65303 [host=baroque1]
 65264 [host=baroque1]
 65285 [host=baroque1]
 65329 [host=baroque1]
 65361 [host=baroque1]
 65392 [host=baroque1]
 65420 [host=baroque1]
 65459 [host=baroque1]
 53720 [host=italia1]
 53849 [host=italia1]
 65666 [host=baroque1]
 65685 [host=baroque1]
 65690 [host=baroque1]
 65663 [host=baroque1]
 65660 [host=baroque1]
 65678 [host=baroque1]
 65670 [host=baroque1]
 65700 [host=baroque1]
 65704 [host=baroque1]
 65711 [host=baroque1]
 65715 [host=baroque1]
 65797 [host=baroque1]
 65764 [host=baroque1]
 65720 [host=baroque1]
 65746 [host=baroque1]
 65725 [host=baroque1]
 65731 [host=baroque1]
 65752 [host=baroque1]
 65735 [host=baroque1]
 65757 [host=baroque1]
 65759 [host=baroque1]
 65740 [host=baroque1]
 65760 [host=baroque1]
 65761 [host=baroque1]
 65762 [host=baroque1]
 65765 [host=baroque1]
 54095 [host=italia1]
 55255 [host=italia1]
 66414 [host=baroque1]
 55347 [host=italia1]
 55442 [host=italia1]
 66455 [host=baroque1]
 66526 [host=baroque1]
 66614 [host=baroque1]
 66750 [host=baroque1]
 56416 [host=italia1]
 56507 [host=italia1]
 56589 [host=italia1]
 66896 [host=baroque1]
 56718 [host=italia1]
 56660 [host=italia1]
 56791 [host=italia1]
 56964 [host=italia1]
 57031 [host=italia1]
 67064 [host=baroque1]
 57123 [host=italia1]
 57205 [host=italia1]
 57289 [host=italia1]
 57740 [host=italia1]
 57824 [host=italia1]
 57874 [host=italia1]
 57931 [host=italia1]
 58057 [host=italia1]
 58228 [host=italia1]
 58128 [host=italia1]
 58333 [host=italia1]
 58428 [host=italia1]
 58399 [host=italia1]
 58522 [host=italia1]
 58620 [host=italia1]
 58737 [host=italia1]
 58766 [host=italia1]
 58793 [host=italia1]
 58841 [host=italia1]
 58902 [host=italia1]
 58873 [host=italia1]
 58933 [host=italia1]
 58944 [host=italia1]
 59018 [host=italia1]
 58966 [host=italia1]
 58981 [host=italia1]
 59036 [host=italia1]
 59086 [host=italia1]
 59130 [host=italia0]
 59186 [host=huxelrebe1]
 59254 [host=elbling0]
 59348 [host=fiano0]
 59426 [host=chardonnay0]
 59462 [host=pinot0]
 59531 [host=fiano1]
 59559 [host=fiano1]
 59606 []
 59649 [host=fiano1]
 59770 [host=fiano1]
 59789 []
 59815 []
 59836 [host=italia0]
 59898 []
 59947 []
 60005 []
 60057 [host=huxelrebe0]
 60389 [host=chardonnay1]
 60594 [host=italia1]
 60709 [host=chardonnay0]
 60646 [host=italia0]
 60621 [host=pinot1]
 60659 [host=rimava1]
 60680 [host=elbling0]
 60773 [host=italia1]
 60840 [host=fiano0]
 60807 [host=merlot0]
 60877 [host=fiano1]
 60952 [host=huxelrebe1]
 60998 [host=chardonnay1]
 61119 []
 61295 [host=italia0]
 61594 [host=rimava1]
 61692 [host=elbling1]
 61780 [host=merlot0]
 61911 [host=italia1]
 62042 [host=pinot0]
 62110 [host=elbling0]
 77097 [host=baroque1]
 62197 [host=fiano1]
 62295 [host=merlot0]
 62381 [host=huxelrebe0]
 62544 [host=italia0]
 62615 [host=fiano1]
 62663 [host=pinot0]
 62694 [host=chardonnay0]
 62744 [host=italia1]
 62908 [host=huxelrebe0]
 62948 [host=rimava1]
 62940 [host=huxelrebe1]
 62958 [host=fiano0]
 62972 [host=italia0]
 63023 [host=pinot1]
 63084 [host=rimava0]
 63059 [host=merlot1]
 63208 [host=chardonnay0]
 63339 [host=fiano0]
 63372 [host=fiano1]
 63354 [host=italia0]
 63398 [host=pinot0]
 63536 [host=pinot1]
 63654 [host=baroque1]
 22171 [host=army]
 22183 [host=lake-frog]
 22247 []
 22311 [host=potato-beetle]
 22279 [host=potato-beetle]
 22304 [host=potato-beetle]
 22337 [host=earwig]
 22330 [host=potato-beetle]
 22396 [host=woodlouse]
 22377 [host=rice-weevil]
 22408 []
 22426 [host=woodlouse]
 22439 [host=woodlouse]
 22432 [host=woodlouse]
 22453 [host=woodlouse]
 22463 [host=woodlouse]
 22471 [host=woodlouse]
 22669 [host=woodlouse]
 22747 [host=woodlouse]
 22863 [host=woodlouse]
 22966 [host=woodlouse]
 23070 []
 23168 []
 23269 []
 23368 []
 23759 [host=woodlouse]
 23862 [host=woodlouse]
 23967 [host=woodlouse]
 24073 [host=woodlouse]
 24177 [host=woodlouse]
 24279 [host=woodlouse]
 24317 [host=woodlouse]
 24365 [host=woodlouse]
 24341 [host=woodlouse]
 24367 [host=woodlouse]
 24358 [host=woodlouse]
 24370 [host=woodlouse]
 24378 [host=woodlouse]
 24396 [host=woodlouse]
 24454 [host=woodlouse]
 24435 [host=woodlouse]
 24415 [host=woodlouse]
 24466 [host=woodlouse]
 24445 [host=woodlouse]
 24459 [host=woodlouse]
 24449 [host=woodlouse]
 24476 [host=woodlouse]
 24511 [host=woodlouse]
 24533 [host=woodlouse]
 24597 [host=woodlouse]
 24544 [host=woodlouse]
 24569 [host=woodlouse]
 24635 []
 24677 [host=woodlouse]
 24698 [host=woodlouse]
 24804 [host=potato-beetle]
 24783 [host=potato-beetle]
 24817 [host=potato-beetle]
 24841 [host=lace-bug]
 24854 [host=moss-bug]
 24864 [host=leaf-beetle]
 25109 [host=lace-bug]
 25122 [host=earwig]
 25139 [host=potato-beetle]
 25153 [host=rice-weevil]
 25268 [host=lace-bug]
 25284 [host=potato-beetle]
 25248 []
 25278 [host=moss-bug]
 25300 [host=rice-weevil]
 25309 [host=rice-weevil]
 25319 [host=earwig]
 25329 [host=moss-bug]
 25340 [host=bush-cricket]
 25343 [host=potato-beetle]
 25385 [host=bush-cricket]
 25345 [host=rice-weevil]
 25349 [host=earwig]
 25354 [host=grain-weevil]
 25388 [host=rice-weevil]
 25359 [host=gall-mite]
 25390 [host=itch-mite]
 25371 [host=moss-bug]
 25403 []
 25478 [host=rice-weevil]
 25545 [host=bush-cricket]
 25558 [host=leaf-beetle]
 25560 [host=lace-bug]
 25567 []
 25607 [host=moss-bug]
 25624 [host=rice-weevil]
 25613 [host=leaf-beetle]
 25627 [host=lace-bug]
 25615 [host=earwig]
 25632 [host=moss-bug]
 25653 [host=grain-weevil]
 25668 [host=earwig]
 25677 [host=gall-mite]
 25686 []
 25714 [host=grain-weevil]
 25741 [host=earwig]
 25729 [host=earwig]
 25853 [host=earwig]
 25808 [host=earwig]
 25840 [host=earwig]
 25891 [host=rice-weevil]
 25898 [host=rice-weevil]
 25904 [host=rice-weevil]
 25920 [host=rice-weevil]
 25957 [host=gall-mite]
 25934 [host=lace-bug]
 25971 [host=rice-weevil]
 25941 [host=field-cricket]
 25948 [host=grain-weevil]
 25988 [host=field-cricket]
 26121 [host=grain-weevil]
 26107 [host=field-cricket]
 26130 [host=rice-weevil]
 26140 [host=gall-mite]
 26173 [host=grain-weevil]
 26203 [host=rice-weevil]
 26216 [host=field-cricket]
 26224 [host=leaf-beetle]
 26226 [host=moss-bug]
 26347 [host=itch-mite]
 26365 [host=gall-mite]
 26495 [host=field-cricket]
 26549 [host=potato-beetle]
 26663 [host=moss-bug]
 26775 [host=gall-mite]
 26884 [host=rice-weevil]
 26931 [host=grain-weevil]
 26946 [host=field-cricket]
 26996 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27028 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27009 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27051 []
 27084 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27165 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27155 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27293 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27401 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27434 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27443 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27451 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27477 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27553 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27786 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27808 [host=leaf-beetle]
 27820 []
 27863 [host=leaf-beetle]
 28924 [host=leaf-beetle]
 28937 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29189 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29205 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29310 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29455 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29385 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29375 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29423 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29399 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29433 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29468 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29500 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29484 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29490 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29519 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29540 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29592 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29668 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29637 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29623 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29605 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29661 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29651 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29675 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29682 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29692 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29957 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29944 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29985 [host=leaf-beetle]
 29977 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30019 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30032 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30050 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30084 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30104 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30064 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30074 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30098 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30132 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30146 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30153 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30178 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30199 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30225 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30237 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30259 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30268 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30274 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30285 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30323 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30347 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30336 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30312 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30342 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30356 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30375 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30390 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30516 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30528 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30567 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30550 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30591 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30602 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30657 []
 30681 []
 30667 []
 30694 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30706 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30749 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30730 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30764 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30793 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30856 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30918 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30949 [host=leaf-beetle]
 30984 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31241 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31266 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31282 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31334 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31352 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31471 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31484 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31507 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31530 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31564 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31683 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31665 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31766 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31858 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31850 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31925 [host=leaf-beetle]
 31960 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32141 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32124 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32171 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32278 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32222 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32374 []
 32412 []
 32431 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32524 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32485 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32595 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32546 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32564 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32616 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32674 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32849 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32879 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32905 [host=leaf-beetle]
 32954 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33041 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33087 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33115 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33377 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33406 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33426 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33485 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33611 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33664 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33770 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33697 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33815 [host=leaf-beetle]
 33881 [host=leaf-beetle]
 34127 [host=leaf-beetle]
 34171 [host=leaf-beetle]
 34227 [host=leaf-beetle]
 34299 [host=leaf-beetle]
 34383 [host=leaf-beetle]
 34516 [host=leaf-beetle]
 34568 [host=leaf-beetle]
 77205 [host=baroque1]
 34622 [host=leaf-beetle]
 77145 [host=baroque1]
 77155 [host=baroque1]
 77166 [host=baroque1]
 77149 [host=baroque1]
 77151 [host=baroque1]
 77152 [host=baroque1]
 77143 [host=baroque1]
 77162 [host=baroque1]
 77182 [host=baroque1]
 77171 [host=baroque1]
 77177 [host=baroque1]
 77184 [host=baroque1]
 77192 [host=baroque1]
 77197 [host=baroque1]
 77202 [host=baroque1]
 77204 [host=baroque1]
 77218 [host=baroque1]
 77206 [host=baroque1]
 77208 [host=baroque1]
 77212 [host=baroque1]
 77213 [host=baroque1]
 77214 [host=baroque1]
 77370 [host=baroque1]
 77360 [host=baroque1]
 77514 [host=baroque1]
 77518 [host=baroque1]
 77547 [host=baroque1]
 77521 [host=baroque1]
 77523 [host=baroque1]
 77549 [host=baroque1]
 77526 [host=baroque1]
 77530 [host=baroque1]
 77534 [host=baroque1]
 77552 [host=baroque1]
 77537 [host=baroque1]
 77540 [host=baroque1]
 77554 [host=baroque1]
 77542 [host=baroque1]
 77716 [host=baroque1]
 77830 [host=nocera1]
 77902 [host=huxelrebe0]
 77965 [host=chardonnay1]
 78054 [host=rimava1]
 78147 [host=pinot1]
 78227 []
 78319 [host=huxelrebe1]
 78404 [host=chardonnay0]
 78586 [host=italia0]
 78487 [host=rimava0]
 78670 [host=italia1]
 78786 [host=pinot0]
 78977 pass irrelevant
 79068 [host=baroque1]
 79155 [host=huxelrebe0]
 79208 []
 79389 [host=rimava1]
 79450 [host=fiano1]
 79587 [host=nocera0]
 79778 [host=huxelrebe1]
 79918 [host=fiano0]
 80122 [host=chardonnay0]
 80381 [host=chardonnay1]
 80627 [host=rimava0]
 81161 pass irrelevant
 81424 [host=nocera1]
 81734 [host=baroque1]
 82065 [host=fiano1]
 82419 [host=pinot0]
 82614 [host=rimava1]
 82764 [host=italia1]
 82911 [host=chardonnay0]
 83118 [host=huxelrebe1]
 83452 [host=pinot1]
 83655 [host=merlot0]
 83810 fail irrelevant
 84169 [host=baroque1]
 84300 [host=pinot0]
 84379 [host=rimava0]
 84472 [host=fiano1]
 84616 []
 85168 [host=huxelrebe1]
 85353 [host=chardonnay0]
 85509 [host=italia1]
 85614 [host=elbling0]
 85667 [host=elbling1]
 85725 [host=merlot0]
 85776 [host=huxelrebe0]
 85870 [host=fiano0]
 85988 [host=baroque1]
 86111 pass irrelevant
 86047 [host=pinot1]
 86187 [host=pinot0]
 86279 [host=fiano1]
 86368 [host=chardonnay1]
 86449 [host=nocera0]
 86542 [host=rimava1]
 86626 [host=italia1]
 86811 [host=elbling0]
 86715 [host=chardonnay0]
 86882 [host=elbling1]
 87133 [host=italia0]
 87236 [host=huxelrebe1]
 87315 [host=baroque1]
 87418 [host=merlot1]
 87558 [host=fiano0]
 87701 pass irrelevant
 87832 [host=pinot0]
 87977 [host=merlot0]
 88131 [host=chardonnay1]
 88284 [host=italia1]
 88416 [host=rimava1]
 88539 [host=rimava0]
 88655 [host=elbling0]
 89304 [host=italia0]
 90908 [host=baroque1]
 91263 pass irrelevant
 91416 [host=pinot0]
 91591 [host=huxelrebe0]
 91700 [host=chardonnay1]
 91779 [host=merlot0]
 91862 [host=italia1]
 92005 [host=elbling1]
 92125 [host=fiano0]
 92228 [host=italia0]
 92342 [host=elbling0]
 92440 [host=fiano1]
 92532 [host=rimava0]
 92668 [host=baroque1]
 92798 [host=chardonnay0]
 104237 [host=italia0]
 104326 [host=huxelrebe0]
 104425 pass irrelevant
 104601 [host=chardonnay1]
 104578 [host=elbling1]
 104616 [host=fiano0]
 104637 [host=baroque1]
 104684 [host=nobling1]
 104860 [host=nobling0]
 104830 [host=huxelrebe1]
 104917 [host=nocera1]
 104884 [host=pinot0]
 104943 [host=rimava0]
 104984 [host=fiano1]
 105038 [host=chardonnay0]
 105012 [host=rimava1]
 105087 [host=merlot0]
 105122 [host=huxelrebe0]
 105176 [host=nocera0]
 105211 [host=italia0]
 105236 pass irrelevant
 105353 [host=chardonnay1]
 105445 [host=huxelrebe1]
 105405 [host=baroque1]
 105462 [host=fiano0]
 105484 [host=italia1]
 105515 [host=pinot1]
 105535 [host=nobling0]
 105573 [host=rimava1]
 105557 [host=pinot0]
 105588 [host=italia0]
 105594 [host=merlot1]
 105606 [host=nocera1]
 105616 [host=chardonnay0]
 105641 [host=nobling1]
 105625 [host=fiano1]
 105655 [host=rimava0]
 105672 [host=huxelrebe0]
 105687 pass irrelevant
 105713 [host=baroque1]
 105729 [host=italia1]
 105757 [host=huxelrebe1]
 105736 [host=nocera0]
 105744 [host=nobling0]
 105807 [host=pinot0]
 105748 [host=merlot0]
 105778 [host=italia0]
 105753 [host=chardonnay1]
 105767 [host=elbling1]
 105795 [host=pinot1]
 105803 [host=rimava1]
 105845 pass irrelevant
 105824 [host=fiano1]
 105893 [host=huxelrebe0]
 105867 [host=nobling1]
 105897 [host=chardonnay0]
 105898 [host=baroque1]
 105901 [host=elbling0]
 105905 [host=rimava0]
 105922 [host=chardonnay1]
 105929 [host=nobling0]
 105941 [host=merlot0]
 105984 [host=italia1]
 105960 [host=huxelrebe1]
 106083 [host=italia0]
 106152 []
 106124 [host=elbling1]
 106139 []
 106172 []
 106190 []
 106209 []
 106265 [host=fiano0]
 106224 []
 106285 [host=rimava1]
 106312 [host=rimava1]
 106354 [host=fiano1]
 106375 pass irrelevant
 106388 [host=pinot0]
 106406 [host=huxelrebe0]
 106457 [host=rimava0]
 106480 [host=nocera1]
 106471 [host=elbling0]
 106478 [host=huxelrebe1]
 106486 [host=chardonnay1]
 106509 [host=italia0]
 106520 [host=merlot0]
 106589 [host=huxelrebe0]
 106537 [host=baroque1]
 106570 [host=fiano0]
 106591 pass irrelevant
 106600 [host=fiano1]
 106597 [host=rimava1]
 106609 []
 106625 [host=chardonnay0]
 106623 [host=huxelrebe1]
 106630 [host=elbling0]
 106636 [host=rimava0]
 106660 [host=italia0]
 106699 [host=baroque1]
 106674 [host=chardonnay1]
 106714 [host=pinot1]
 106729 [host=elbling1]
 106744 [host=huxelrebe0]
 106752 [host=pinot0]
 106761 [host=merlot1]
 106806 [host=fiano1]
 106799 [host=fiano0]
 106788 [host=merlot0]
 106825 [host=elbling0]
 106976 [host=merlot1]
 106857 [host=nocera0]
 106946 [host=huxelrebe0]
 106902 [host=italia1]
 106930 [host=baroque1]
 106886 [host=chardonnay1]
 106919 [host=italia0]
 106922 [host=chardonnay0]
 106926 [host=pinot1]
 106927 [host=elbling1]
 106939 [host=rimava0]
 106998 pass irrelevant
 106987 [host=fiano0]
 107010 [host=huxelrebe1]
 107053 [host=italia0]
 107024 [host=fiano1]
 107075 [host=elbling0]
 107106 [host=chardonnay1]
 107090 [host=rimava1]
 107169 [host=nocera1]
 107123 [host=chardonnay0]
 107159 [host=merlot0]
 107142 [host=elbling1]
 107206 [host=pinot1]
 107221 [host=baroque1]
 107253 [host=pinot0]
 107367 [host=huxelrebe1]
 107406 [host=fiano0]
 107350 pass irrelevant
 107383 [host=rimava1]
 107428 [host=merlot1]
 107443 [host=pinot0]
 107452 [host=fiano1]
 107462 [host=elbling0]
 107469 [host=chardonnay1]
 107474 [host=pinot1]
 107486 [host=elbling1]
 107497 [host=italia1]
 107529 [host=huxelrebe0]
 107555 [host=huxelrebe1]
 107571 [host=nocera1]
 107621 [host=fiano1]
 107579 pass irrelevant
 107607 [host=rimava1]
 107616 []
 107592 [host=pinot0]
 107630 [host=nocera0]
 107638 [host=fiano0]
 107660 [host=italia0]
Searching for interesting versions
 Result found: flight 128945 (pass), for basis pass
 Result found: flight 129389 (fail), for basis failure
 Repro found: flight 129398 (pass), for basis pass
Need to reproduce basis failure (fail); had 1 already.
Should test d2ff0ff2c23f1bacd35073bf50e6c18298a8d530 
Revision graph left in 
129409: tolerable ALL FAIL

flight 129409 linux-linus real-bisect [real]

Failures :-/ but no regressions.

Tests which did not succeed,
including tests which could not be run:
 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64  7 xen-boot             fail baseline untested

 test-amd64-i386-freebsd10-amd64                              fail    

sg-report-flight on osstest.test-lab.xenproject.org
logs: /home/logs/logs
images: /home/logs/images

Logs, config files, etc. are available at

Explanation of these reports, and of osstest in general, is at

Test harness code can be found at

osstest-output mailing list



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