[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] [linux-3.18 bisection] 136212: testing test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow
branch xen-unstable xenbranch xen-unstable job test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow testid xen-boot Tree: linux git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git Tree: ovmf git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/ovmf.git Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git For bisection revision-tuple graph see: http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/results/bisect/linux-3.18/test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow.xen-boot.html Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above. ---------------------------------------- Running cs-bisection-step --graph-out=/home/logs/results/bisect/linux-3.18/test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow.xen-boot --summary-out=tmp/136212.bisection-summary --basis-template=128858 --blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=136212 linux-3.18 test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow xen-boot Searching for failure / basis pass: 136089 fail [host=debina1] / 132066 [host=fiano0] 131990 [host=italia0] 131969 [host=rimava1] 131769 [host=joubertin0] 131749 [host=fiano0] 131729 [host=huxelrebe1] 131705 [host=huxelrebe0] 131673 [host=italia0] 131666 [host=albana0] 131641 [host=baroque1] 131619 [host=godello0] 131593 [host=baroque0] 131580 [host=joubertin0] 131563 [host=italia0] 131535 [host=godello1] 131512 [host=fiano0] 131479 [host=huxelrebe1] 131442 [host=huxelrebe0] 131420 [host=albana0] 131370 [host=rimava1] 131336 [hos\ t=baroque1] 131307 [host=godello0] 131279 [host=italia0] 131231 [host=joubertin0] 131192 [host=godello1] 131149 [host=fiano0] 131095 [host=huxelrebe1] 131035 [host=albana0] 130939 [host=elbling0] 130876 [host=godello0] 130843 [host=rimava1] 130367 [host=godello0] 130203 [host=italia0] 130067 [host=rimava1] 129845 [host=baroque0] 129760 [host=godello1] 128858 [host=rimava1] 128841 [host=italia0] 128807 [host=godello0] 128691 [host=joubertin0] 128258 ok. Failure / basis pass flights: 136089 / 128258 (tree with no url: minios) (tree with no url: seabios) Tree: linux git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git Tree: ovmf git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/ovmf.git Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git Tree: qemuu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git Latest dc3e913edf94d54de5678e726cf95b38327e5d09 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 cd5147734cbe82f0c1665eb232608d75643944b0 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 9cca02d8ffc23e9688a971d858e4ffdff5389b11 cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Basis pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 9c0eed618f37dd5b4a57c8b3fbc48ef8913e3149 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 940185b2f6f343251c2b83bd96e599398cea51ec Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git#921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c-dc3e913edf94d54de5678e726cf95b38327e5d09 git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git#c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860-c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/ovmf.git#ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56-cd5147734cbe82f0c1665eb232608d75643944b0 git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional\ .git#9c0eed618f37dd5b4a57c8b3fbc48ef8913e3149-d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen.git#de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986-9cca02d8ffc23e9688a971d858e4ffdff5389b11 git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git#940185b2f6f343251c2b83bd96e599398cea51ec-cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b adhoc-revtuple-generator: tree discontiguous: linux-stable adhoc-revtuple-generator: tree discontiguous: ovmf adhoc-revtuple-generator: tree discontiguous: qemu-xen Loaded 2007 nodes in revision graph Searching for test results: 128096 [host=rimava1] 128177 [host=albana0] 128232 [host=godello0] 128258 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 9c0eed618f37dd5b4a57c8b3fbc48ef8913e3149 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 940185b2f6f343251c2b83bd96e599398cea51ec 128691 [host=joubertin0] 128807 [host=godello0] 128858 [host=rimava1] 128841 [host=italia0] 129760 [host=godello1] 129845 [host=baroque0] 130067 [host=rimava1] 130203 [host=italia0] 130367 [host=godello0] 130843 [host=rimava1] 130876 [host=godello0] 130939 [host=elbling0] 131095 [host=huxelrebe1] 131035 [host=albana0] 131149 [host=fiano0] 131192 [host=godello1] 131279 [host=italia0] 131231 [host=joubertin0] 131307 [host=godello0] 131336 [host=baroque1] 131420 [host=albana0] 131370 [host=rimava1] 131442 [host=huxelrebe0] 131479 [host=huxelrebe1] 131512 [host=fiano0] 131535 [host=godello1] 131563 [host=italia0] 131580 [host=joubertin0] 131593 [host=baroque0] 131641 [host=baroque1] 131619 [host=godello0] 131666 [host=albana0] 131673 [host=italia0] 131705 [host=huxelrebe0] 131749 [host=fiano0] 131729 [host=huxelrebe1] 131769 [host=joubertin0] 131990 [host=italia0] 131969 [host=rimava1] 132066 [host=fiano0] 132179 fail irrelevant 132290 fail irrelevant 132408 fail irrelevant 132456 fail irrelevant 132579 fail irrelevant 132652 fail irrelevant 132741 fail irrelevant 132798 fail irrelevant 132969 fail irrelevant 133139 pass irrelevant 133113 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 9c0eed618f37dd5b4a57c8b3fbc48ef8913e3149 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 940185b2f6f343251c2b83bd96e599398cea51ec 133115 fail irrelevant 133117 fail irrelevant 133118 pass irrelevant 133119 pass irrelevant 133120 blocked irrelevant 133140 fail irrelevant 133121 pass irrelevant 133122 fail irrelevant 133124 fail irrelevant 133125 fail irrelevant 133128 pass irrelevant 133130 fail irrelevant 133131 pass irrelevant 133133 fail irrelevant 133135 pass irrelevant 133138 fail irrelevant 133275 fail irrelevant 133288 fail irrelevant 133464 fail irrelevant 133499 fail irrelevant 133565 fail irrelevant 133539 fail irrelevant 133630 fail irrelevant 133577 fail irrelevant 133671 fail irrelevant 133693 fail irrelevant 133774 fail irrelevant 133736 fail irrelevant 133819 fail irrelevant 133856 fail irrelevant 133891 fail irrelevant 133918 fail irrelevant 133953 fail irrelevant 134758 fail irrelevant 134917 fail irrelevant 135000 fail irrelevant 135113 fail irrelevant 135441 fail irrelevant 135538 fail irrelevant 135739 fail irrelevant 135872 fail irrelevant 135981 fail irrelevant 136089 fail dc3e913edf94d54de5678e726cf95b38327e5d09 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 cd5147734cbe82f0c1665eb232608d75643944b0 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 9cca02d8ffc23e9688a971d858e4ffdff5389b11 cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b 136108 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 9c0eed618f37dd5b4a57c8b3fbc48ef8913e3149 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 940185b2f6f343251c2b83bd96e599398cea51ec 136182 fail irrelevant 136183 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 68292c94a60eab24514ab4a8e4772af24dead807 136208 fail dc3e913edf94d54de5678e726cf95b38327e5d09 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b 136185 blocked 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 7f8d8632b6cc3ee7bec566e21267b45d436aa391 136186 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 83335e987c8d546e975883f391e6f37d89f45e36 136187 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 39644e9f13886d9c1b4736f69ed6ca77de7e6171 136189 blocked 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 1c8ca185e3c6e003398471edd9dbac0cd118137c 136191 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 b9e1368af14ded6aee3bdf64e8329628b16291ff 136192 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 75e383fa93f8012a74ba99cce46d5a9677f1df3e 136193 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 17f74242ccf0ce6e51c03a5860947865c0ef0dc2 136195 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 210eb89ed52c0fef15941093d8f399e1938949a8 136196 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 c16d22fce85b736bf0f748e18878c51db348a968 136199 fail dc3e913edf94d54de5678e726cf95b38327e5d09 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b 136200 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b 136202 fail dc3e913edf94d54de5678e726cf95b38327e5d09 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b 136204 pass 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b 136205 fail dc3e913edf94d54de5678e726cf95b38327e5d09 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 cd5147734cbe82f0c1665eb232608d75643944b0 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 9cca02d8ffc23e9688a971d858e4ffdff5389b11 cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Searching for interesting versions Result found: flight 128258 (pass), for basis pass Result found: flight 136089 (fail), for basis failure Repro found: flight 136108 (pass), for basis pass Repro found: flight 136205 (fail), for basis failure 0 revisions at 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b No revisions left to test, checking graph state. Result found: flight 136200 (pass), for last pass Result found: flight 136202 (fail), for first failure Repro found: flight 136204 (pass), for last pass Repro found: flight 136208 (fail), for first failure Need to reproduce last pass (pass); had 2 already. Should test 921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b. dot: graph is too large for cairo-renderer bitmaps. Scaling by 0.679081 to fit pnmtopng: 79 colors found Revision graph left in /home/logs/results/bisect/linux-3.18/test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow.xen-boot.{dot,ps,png,html,svg}. Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Searching for build-amd64 (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Searching for build-amd64 (like 136089) to reuse... Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during write. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " UPDATE runvars SET val=? WHERE flight=? AND job=? AND name=? " with ParamValues: 1='135471.build-amd64', 2='136212', 3='test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow', 4='buildjob'] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) to reuse... Can reuse build-kern 136108.build-amd64-pvops. DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during write. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " UPDATE runvars SET val=? WHERE flight=? AND job=? AND name=? " with ParamValues: 1='136108.build-amd64-pvops', 2='136212', 3='test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow', 4='kernbuildjob'] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 136212... Need 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (like 136089) Creating 136212.test-amd64-amd64-xl-shadow (copying from 136089) Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Need 136212.build-amd64-pvops (like 136089) revision_linux=921b2fed6a79439ef1609ef4af0ada5cccb3555c revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Can reuse build-kern 136108.build-amd64-pvops. Need 136212.build-amd64 (like 136089) revision_ovmf=ef529e6ab7c31290a33045bb1f1837447cc0eb56 revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=de5b678ca4dcdfa83e322491d478d66df56c1986 revision_xen=cb70a26f78848fe45f593f7ebc9cfaac760a791b Can reuse build 135471.build-amd64. Checking for flail (since 128258)... Flight 136212 ready to go. _______________________________________________ osstest-output mailing list osstest-output@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.xenproject.org/mailman/listinfo/osstest-output
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