[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] [xen-4.9-testing bisection] doubtful build-amd64-prev
branch xen-4.9-testing xenbranch xen-4.9-testing job build-amd64-prev testid xen-build Tree: xen prev git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git *** Flailing - >=5 identical flights to no useful effect *** Bisector is flailing: >=5 identical flights generated. Problem occurs when attempting to test this revision: dee593780213a4997ae6206cc4d103e608613098 Identical previous flights on this branch: 146191 started 2020-01-17 09:52:34 Z blessed real-bisect 146189 started 2020-01-17 09:44:45 Z blessed real-bisect 146188 started 2020-01-17 09:41:56 Z blessed real-bisect 146187 started 2020-01-17 09:25:10 Z blessed real-bisect 146181 started 2020-01-17 05:07:19 Z blessed real-bisect 146192 just generated ---------------------------------------- Running cs-bisection-step --graph-out=/home/logs/results/bisect/xen-4.9-testing/build-amd64-prev.xen-build --summary-out=tmp/146192.bisection-summary --basis-template=144758 --blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=146192 xen-4.9-testing build-amd64-prev xen-build Searching for failure / basis pass: 146139 fail [host=huxelrebe1] / 146097 [host=albana0] 146075 [host=godello1] 144758 [host=godello1] 144723 [host=godello1] 144545 [host=albana0] 144481 [host=albana1] 144463 [host=albana0] 144430 [host=huxelrebe0] 144412 [host=albana0] 144381 [host=albana1] 143882 [host=albana1] 143735 [host=albana0] 139047 [host=godello0] 139019 [host=albana0] 138992 [host=godello1] 138951 [host=albana0] 138919 [host=godello1] 138898 [host=godello0] 138875 [host=albana1] 134000 [host=godello1] 133979 [host=god\ ello0] 133941 [host=godello1] 133914 [host=baroque1] 133881 [host=godello0] 133850 [host=godello0] 133800 [host=albana0] 133756 [host=godello0] 133712 [host=godello0] 133684 [host=godello1] 133666 [host=albana0] 133628 [host=albana1] 133603 [host=albana0] 133578 [host=godello1] 133566 [host=godello0] 133542 [host=albana0] 133502 [host=godello1] 133466 [host=godello0] 133295 [host=debina1] 133281 [host=albana0] 132889 [host=godello0] 132783 [host=baroque0] 132747 [host=baroque1] 132582 [host=gode\ llo0] 132484 [host=godello1] 130954 [host=godello1] 130890 [host=godello0] 130851 [host=albana0] 130212 [host=albana0] 130041 [host=godello0] 129796 [host=albana0] 129694 [host=albana0] 129541 [host=godello1] 129461 ok. Failure / basis pass flights: 146139 / 129461 (tree in latest but not in basispass: ovmf prev) (tree in latest but not in basispass: seabios prev) Tree: xen prev git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git Latest 8db85532cbb80c6396e5dab8809feb7b7b0d5c45 Basis pass dee593780213a4997ae6206cc4d103e608613098 Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git#dee593780213a4997ae6206cc4d103e608613098-8db85532cbb80c6396e5dab8809feb7b7b0d5c45 Loaded 5001 nodes in revision graph Searching for test results: 128685 [host=albana0] 128844 [host=albana0] 128804 [host=godello1] 128900 [host=godello0] 128868 [host=godello0] 128966 [host=debina0] 128977 [host=debina0] 129040 [host=pinot0] 129090 [host=godello1] 129541 [host=godello1] 129461 pass dee593780213a4997ae6206cc4d103e608613098 129694 [host=albana0] 129796 [host=albana0] 130041 [host=godello0] 130212 [host=albana0] 130890 [host=godello0] 130851 [host=albana0] 130954 [host=godello1] 132484 [host=godello1] 132582 [host=godello0] 132747 [host=baroque1] 132783 [host=baroque0] 132889 [host=godello0] 133295 [host=debina1] 133281 [host=albana0] 133466 [host=godello0] 133502 [host=godello1] 133542 [host=albana0] 133566 [host=godello0] 133603 [host=albana0] 133578 [host=godello1] 133628 [host=albana1] 133684 [host=godello1] 133666 [host=albana0] 133712 [host=godello0] 133756 [host=godello0] 133800 [host=albana0] 133881 [host=godello0] 133850 [host=godello0] 133914 [host=baroque1] 133979 [host=godello0] 133941 [host=godello1] 134000 [host=godello1] 134721 [host=godello1] 134855 [host=godello1] 134971 [host=godello1] 135037 [host=godello1] 135185 [host=godello0] 135421 [host=godello0] 135453 [host=godello1] 135624 [host=godello1] 135761 [host=godello1] 135883 [host=godello1] 135991 [host=godello1] 136213 [host=godello0] 136098 [host=godello0] 136332 [host=godello0] 136493 [host=godello0] 136640 [host=godello0] 136918 [host=godello1] 136845 [host=godello1] 137020 [host=godello0] 136989 [host=godello1] 137080 [host=albana0] 137108 [host=albana0] 137169 [host=albana0] 137267 [host=albana0] 137371 [host=godello1] 137461 [host=albana0] 137567 [host=godello0] 137721 [host=albana0] 137664 [host=godello0] 137849 [host=albana1] 138225 [host=albana1] 138368 [host=albana0] 138842 [host=albana1] 138772 [host=albana0] 138810 [host=albana0] 138898 [host=godello0] 138951 [host=albana0] 138875 [host=albana1] 138919 [host=godello1] 138992 [host=godello1] 139019 [host=albana0] 139047 [host=godello0] 143735 [host=albana0] 143882 [host=albana1] 144412 [host=albana0] 144381 [host=albana1] 144463 [host=albana0] 144481 [host=albana1] 144430 [host=huxelrebe0] 144545 [host=albana0] 144723 [host=godello1] 144758 [host=godello1] 146075 [host=godello1] 146097 [host=albana0] 146139 fail 8db85532cbb80c6396e5dab8809feb7b7b0d5c45 146188 !! flight 146188 no revisions or trees 146181 !! flight 146181 no revisions or trees 146189 !! flight 146189 no revisions or trees 146191 !! flight 146191 no revisions or trees 146187 !! flight 146187 no revisions or trees Searching for interesting versions Result found: flight 129461 (pass), for basis pass Result found: flight 146139 (fail), for basis failure Need to reproduce basis pass (pass); had 1 already. Should test dee593780213a4997ae6206cc4d103e608613098. pnmtopng: 102 colors found Revision graph left in /home/logs/results/bisect/xen-4.9-testing/build-amd64-prev.xen-build.{dot,ps,png,html,svg}. Populating 146192... Need 146192.build-amd64-prev (like 146139) Creating 146192.build-amd64-prev (copying from 146139) Checking for flail (since 129461)... *** Flailing - >=5 identical flights to no useful effect *** Bisector is flailing: >=5 identical flights generated. Problem occurs when attempting to test this revision: dee593780213a4997ae6206cc4d103e608613098 Identical previous flights on this branch: 146191 started 2020-01-17 09:52:34 Z blessed real-bisect 146189 started 2020-01-17 09:44:45 Z blessed real-bisect 146188 started 2020-01-17 09:41:56 Z blessed real-bisect 146187 started 2020-01-17 09:25:10 Z blessed real-bisect 146181 started 2020-01-17 05:07:19 Z blessed real-bisect 146192 just generated _______________________________________________ osstest-output mailing list osstest-output@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.xenproject.org/mailman/listinfo/osstest-output
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