[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] [qemu-mainline bisection] 149281: testing test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64
branch xen-unstable xenbranch xen-unstable job test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 testid debian-hvm-install Tree: linux git://xenbits.xen.org/linux-pvops.git Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git Tree: ovmf git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/ovmf.git Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git Tree: qemuu git://git.qemu.org/qemu.git Tree: seabios git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/seabios.git Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git For bisection revision-tuple graph see: http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/results/bisect/qemu-mainline/test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64.debian-hvm-install.html Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above. ---------------------------------------- Running cs-bisection-step --graph-out=/home/logs/results/bisect/qemu-mainline/test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64.debian-hvm-install --summary-out=tmp/149281.bisection-summary --basis-template=144861 --blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=149281 qemu-mainline test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 debian-hvm-install Searching for failure / basis pass: 149236 fail [host=huxelrebe1] / 147546 [host=chardonnay1] 147482 [host=chardonnay1] 147415 [host=chardonnay1] 147325 [host=chardonnay1] 147241 [host=chardonnay1] 147161 [host=chardonnay1] 147088 [host=chardonnay1] 147032 [host=chardonnay1] 146978 [host=chardonnay1] 145664 [host=chardonnay0] 145649 [host=chardonnay0] 145624 [host=chardonnay0] 145592 [host=chardonnay0] 145573 [host=chardonnay0] 145547 [host=chardonnay0] 145535 [host=chardonnay0] 145518 [host=chardonnay0] 145502 [host=chardonnay0]\ 145486 [host=chardonnay0] 145472 [host=chardonnay0] 145463 [host=chardonnay0] 145449 [host=chardonnay0] 145438 [host=chardonnay0] 145425 [host=chardonnay0] 145413 [host=chardonnay0] 145401 [host=chardonnay0] 145388 [host=chardonnay0] 145373 [host=chardonnay0] 145358 [host=chardonnay0] 145343 [host=chardonnay0] 145328 [host=chardonnay0] 145313 [host=chardonnay0] 145301 [host=chardonnay0] 145287 [host=chardonnay0] 145270 [host=chardonnay0] 145255 [host=chardonnay0] 145242 [host=chardonnay0] 14522\ 1 [host=chardonnay0] 145206 [host=chardonnay0] 145195 [host=chardonnay0] 145176 [host=chardonnay0] 145162 [host=chardonnay0] 145140 [host=chardonnay0] 145124 [host=chardonnay0] 145102 [host=chardonnay0] 145079 [host=chardonnay0] 145062 [host=chardonnay0] 145046 [host=chardonnay0] 145006 [host=chardonnay0] 144984 [host=chardonnay0] 144964 [host=chardonnay0] 144940 [host=chardonnay0] 144925 [host=chardonnay0] 144911 [host=chardonnay0] 144891 [host=chardonnay0] 144880 [host=chardonnay0] 144861 [hos\ t=pinot1] 144805 [host=italia0] 144791 [host=debina1] 144769 [host=albana1] 144671 [host=godello0] 144591 [host=godello1] 144514 [host=fiano1] 144507 [host=baroque0] 144495 [host=chardonnay0] 144414 [host=italia0] 144396 [host=chardonnay1] 144331 [host=pinot1] 144316 [host=godello0] 144305 [host=albana1] 144297 [host=huxelrebe0] 144250 [host=debina1] 144243 [host=elbling0] 144236 [host=godello1] 144229 [host=elbling1] 144218 [host=debina0] 144209 [host=baroque0] 144202 [host=fiano1] 144197 [host\ =chardonnay0] 144154 ok. Failure / basis pass flights: 149236 / 144154 (tree with no url: minios) Tree: linux git://xenbits.xen.org/linux-pvops.git Tree: linuxfirmware git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git Tree: ovmf git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/ovmf.git Tree: qemu git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git Tree: qemuu git://git.qemu.org/qemu.git Tree: seabios git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/seabios.git Tree: xen git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git Latest c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 d671d1fa48dbb3f22b68c1d67914c55ba1d58454 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 83019e81d1002650947c3e992508cdab7b89e3f5 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a e19b4b3b55f84e0cfcc02fe5d66965969a81c965 Basis pass b98aebd298246df37b472c52a2ee1023256d02e3 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 6fe77f347ed820c5924f2ac6ddc43aa869cdbd5e d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 19bef037fe096b17edda103fd513ce6451da23c8 0594486b639849b47d762c76f28730edbf648dc7 a458d3bd0d2585275c128556ec0cbd818c6a7b0d Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator git://xenbits.xen.org/linux-pvops.git#b98aebd298246df37b472c52a2ee1023256d02e3-c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/linux-firmware.git#c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860-c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/ovmf.git#6fe77f347ed820c5924f2ac6ddc43aa869cdbd5e-d671d1fa48dbb3f22b68c1d67914c55ba1d58454 git://xenbits.xen.org/qemu-xen-traditional.git#d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484\ fe09f50876798-d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 git://git.qemu.org/qemu.git#19bef037fe096b17edda103fd513ce6451da23c8-83019e81d1002650947c3e992508cdab7b89e3f5 git://xenbits.xen.org/osstest/seabios.git#0594486b639849b47d762c76f28730edbf648dc7-066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git#a458d3bd0d2585275c128556ec0cbd818c6a7b0d-e19b4b3b55f84e0cfcc02fe5d66965969a81c965 adhoc-revtuple-generator: tree discontiguous: linux-pvops Use of uninitialized value $parents in array dereference at ./adhoc-revtuple-generator line 465. Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./adhoc-revtuple-generator line 465. Use of uninitialized value $parents in array dereference at ./adhoc-revtuple-generator line 465. Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./adhoc-revtuple-generator line 465. Use of uninitialized value $parents in array dereference at ./adhoc-revtuple-generator line 465. Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./adhoc-revtuple-generator line 465. Use of uninitialized value $parents in array dereference at ./adhoc-revtuple-generator line 465. Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./adhoc-revtuple-generator line 465. Loaded 39019 nodes in revision graph Searching for test results: 144154 pass b98aebd298246df37b472c52a2ee1023256d02e3 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 6fe77f347ed820c5924f2ac6ddc43aa869cdbd5e d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 19bef037fe096b17edda103fd513ce6451da23c8 0594486b639849b47d762c76f28730edbf648dc7 a458d3bd0d2585275c128556ec0cbd818c6a7b0d 144229 [host=elbling1] 144209 [host=baroque0] 144197 [host=chardonnay0] 144202 [host=fiano1] 144250 [host=debina1] 144218 [host=debina0] 144236 [host=godello1] 144243 [host=elbling0] 144297 [host=huxelrebe0] 144305 [host=albana1] 144316 [host=godello0] 144331 [host=pinot1] 144396 [host=chardonnay1] 144414 [host=italia0] 144507 [host=baroque0] 144495 [host=chardonnay0] 144514 [host=fiano1] 144591 [host=godello1] 144671 [host=godello0] 144769 [host=albana1] 144805 [host=italia0] 144791 [host=debina1] 144861 [host=pinot1] 144880 [host=chardonnay0] 144891 [host=chardonnay0] 144925 [host=chardonnay0] 144911 [host=chardonnay0] 144940 [host=chardonnay0] 144964 [host=chardonnay0] 144984 [host=chardonnay0] 145079 [host=chardonnay0] 145006 [host=chardonnay0] 145046 [host=chardonnay0] 145062 [host=chardonnay0] 145102 [host=chardonnay0] 145195 [host=chardonnay0] 145124 [host=chardonnay0] 145140 [host=chardonnay0] 145162 [host=chardonnay0] 145176 [host=chardonnay0] 145206 [host=chardonnay0] 145270 [host=chardonnay0] 145242 [host=chardonnay0] 145221 [host=chardonnay0] 145255 [host=chardonnay0] 145287 [host=chardonnay0] 145301 [host=chardonnay0] 145313 [host=chardonnay0] 145328 [host=chardonnay0] 145343 [host=chardonnay0] 145358 [host=chardonnay0] 145388 [host=chardonnay0] 145373 [host=chardonnay0] 145401 [host=chardonnay0] 145413 [host=chardonnay0] 145425 [host=chardonnay0] 145438 [host=chardonnay0] 145486 [host=chardonnay0] 145463 [host=chardonnay0] 145449 [host=chardonnay0] 145472 [host=chardonnay0] 145502 [host=chardonnay0] 145518 [host=chardonnay0] 145547 [host=chardonnay0] 145535 [host=chardonnay0] 145573 [host=chardonnay0] 145592 [host=chardonnay0] 145624 [host=chardonnay0] 145698 [] 145664 [host=chardonnay0] 145649 [host=chardonnay0] 145692 [] 145681 [] 145685 [] 145716 [] 145722 [] 145707 [] 145730 [] 145736 [] 145743 [] 145750 [] 145777 [] 145756 [] 145795 [] 145759 [] 145765 [] 145782 [] 145770 [] 145808 [] 145802 [] 145789 [] 145816 [] 145823 [] 145829 [] 145834 [] 145845 [] 145852 [] 145859 [] 145908 [] 145866 [] 145895 [] 145871 [] 145923 [] 145877 [] 145884 [] 145915 [] 145888 [] 145900 [] 145930 [] 145939 [] 145934 [] 145947 [] 145954 [] 145959 [] 145964 [] 145975 [] 145980 [] 146010 [] 146012 [] 146031 [] 145985 [] 146013 [] 146033 [] 146015 [] 145990 [] 146046 [] 145996 [] 146034 [] 146017 [] 146000 [] 146049 [] 146036 [] 146022 [] 146003 [] 146023 [] 146037 [] 146025 [] 146060 [] 146027 [] 146052 [] 146029 [] 146040 [] 146042 [] 146062 [] 146053 [] 146043 [] 146054 [] 146045 [] 146055 [] 146057 [] 146063 [] 146070 [] 146067 [] 146095 [] 146073 [] 146085 [] 146160 [] 146109 [] 146185 [] 146204 [] 146216 [] 146235 [] 146261 [] 146268 [] 146284 [] 146295 [] 146302 [] 146307 [] 146343 [] 146349 [] 146322 [] 146363 [] 146336 [] 146372 [] 146382 [] 146356 [] 146400 [] 146388 [] 146387 [] 146375 [] 146403 [] 146415 [] 146416 [] 146397 [] 146409 [] 146418 [] 146432 [] 146422 [] 146453 [] 146496 [] 146439 [] 146481 [] 146483 [] 146448 [] 146465 [] 146529 [] 146497 [] 146485 [] 146473 [] 146499 [] 146488 [] 146507 [] 146475 [] 146491 [] 146493 [] 146502 [] 146527 [] 146516 [] 146506 [] 146522 [] 146513 [] 146519 [] 146515 [] 146520 [] 146525 [] 146540 [] 146538 [] 146532 [] 146541 [] 146550 [] 146547 [] 146643 [] 146553 [] 146582 [] 146556 [] 146617 [] 146558 [] 146602 [] 146561 [] 146583 [] 146566 [] 146570 [] 146572 [] 146591 [] 146608 [] 146576 [] 146579 [] 146595 [] 146622 [] 146598 [] 146613 [] 146638 [] 146631 [] 146627 [] 146637 [] 146647 [] 146652 [] 146658 [] 146669 [] 146673 [] 146722 [] 146702 [] 146677 [] 146707 [] 146710 [] 146680 [] 146727 [] 146688 [] 146711 [] 146729 [] 146692 [] 146696 [] 146731 [] 146717 [] 146752 [] 146742 [] 146734 [] 146758 [] 146736 [] 146747 [] 146738 [] 146770 [] 146755 [] 146749 [] 146766 [] 146764 [] 146773 [] 146774 [] 146779 [] 146782 [] 146794 [] 146784 [] 146789 [] 146793 [] 146795 [] 146800 [] 146802 [] 146807 [] 146836 [] 146892 [] 146840 [] 146844 [] 146875 [] 146978 [host=chardonnay1] 146922 [] 147088 [host=chardonnay1] 147032 [host=chardonnay1] 147241 [host=chardonnay1] 147161 [host=chardonnay1] 147325 [host=chardonnay1] 147415 [host=chardonnay1] 147546 [host=chardonnay1] 147482 [host=chardonnay1] 147641 [host=chardonnay1] 147710 [host=chardonnay1] 147758 [host=chardonnay1] 147821 [host=chardonnay1] 148010 [host=chardonnay1] 148184 [host=chardonnay1] 148120 [host=chardonnay1] 148261 [host=chardonnay1] 148421 [host=chardonnay1] 148340 [host=chardonnay1] 148483 [host=chardonnay1] 148545 [host=chardonnay1] 148578 [host=chardonnay1] 148616 [host=chardonnay1] 148637 [host=chardonnay1] 148599 [host=chardonnay1] 148661 [] 148693 fail irrelevant 148723 fail irrelevant 148783 fail irrelevant 148763 fail irrelevant 148807 fail irrelevant 148879 fail irrelevant 148835 fail irrelevant 148937 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 0c8ea9fe1adbbee230ee0c68f28b68ca2b0534bc d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 c532b954d96f96d361ca31308f75f1b95bd4df76 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a 60d6ba1916dce0622a53b00dbae3c01d0761057e 148987 fail irrelevant 149039 fail irrelevant 149075 fail irrelevant 149127 fail irrelevant 149156 fail irrelevant 149236 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 d671d1fa48dbb3f22b68c1d67914c55ba1d58454 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 83019e81d1002650947c3e992508cdab7b89e3f5 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a e19b4b3b55f84e0cfcc02fe5d66965969a81c965 149189 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 6e9bd495b38e05ece5f53872df62d66052f29bb6 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 5acad5bf480321f178866dc28e38eeda5a3f19bb 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a e19b4b3b55f84e0cfcc02fe5d66965969a81c965 149256 pass b98aebd298246df37b472c52a2ee1023256d02e3 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 6fe77f347ed820c5924f2ac6ddc43aa869cdbd5e d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 19bef037fe096b17edda103fd513ce6451da23c8 0594486b639849b47d762c76f28730edbf648dc7 a458d3bd0d2585275c128556ec0cbd818c6a7b0d 149257 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 6e9bd495b38e05ece5f53872df62d66052f29bb6 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 5acad5bf480321f178866dc28e38eeda5a3f19bb 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a e19b4b3b55f84e0cfcc02fe5d66965969a81c965 149258 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 0c8ea9fe1adbbee230ee0c68f28b68ca2b0534bc d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 5f29856b852d055960a772d372ffe1bb2321b3f5 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a 60d6ba1916dce0622a53b00dbae3c01d0761057e 149259 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 0c8ea9fe1adbbee230ee0c68f28b68ca2b0534bc d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 9b26a610936deaf436af9b7e39e4b7f0a35e4409 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a 60d6ba1916dce0622a53b00dbae3c01d0761057e 149263 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 d671d1fa48dbb3f22b68c1d67914c55ba1d58454 d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 83019e81d1002650947c3e992508cdab7b89e3f5 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a e19b4b3b55f84e0cfcc02fe5d66965969a81c965 149265 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 0c8ea9fe1adbbee230ee0c68f28b68ca2b0534bc d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 a0e7c2d8ed6f0d594dbf5380790bcf851c84140e 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a 60d6ba1916dce0622a53b00dbae3c01d0761057e 149267 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 0c8ea9fe1adbbee230ee0c68f28b68ca2b0534bc d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 3d0ac346032a1fa9afafcaedc979a99f670e077e 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a f18f8d9d63822279618b69debd4d6b26d69da98d 149269 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 0c8ea9fe1adbbee230ee0c68f28b68ca2b0534bc d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 f3949284da77529c68da8be71f182bac1bcc7c3e 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a f18f8d9d63822279618b69debd4d6b26d69da98d 149274 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 4dd6517e369828171290b65e11f6a45aeeed15af 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a 85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 149276 fail c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 ce73691e2588950a854b8b63a8ecd81f69eda458 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a 85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for interesting versions Result found: flight 144154 (pass), for basis pass Result found: flight 149236 (fail), for basis failure Repro found: flight 149256 (pass), for basis pass Repro found: flight 149263 (fail), for basis failure 2.08212165130507e+33 revisions at c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 f57587c7d47b35b2d9b31def3a74d81bdb5475d7 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a 85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 6.07498359180676e+29 revisions at c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 7d0776ca7f853d466b6174d96daa5c8afc43d1a4 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a 85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Looking 9223372036854775807 below c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 f57587c7d47b35b2d9b31def3a74d81bdb5475d7 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a 85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40. Should test c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a 85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40. dot: graph is too large for cairo-renderer bitmaps. Scaling by 0.192697 to fit pnmtopng: 81 colors found Revision graph left in /home/logs/results/bisect/qemu-mainline/test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64.debian-hvm-install.{dot,ps,png,html,svg}. Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Searching for build-amd64 (like 149236) to reuse... Creating 149281.build-amd64 (copying from 149236) DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during write. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " INSERT INTO jobs (flight, job, recipe, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, 'queued') "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Creating 149281.build-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64-pvops (like 149236) revision_linux=c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 149236) to reuse... DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::db selectrow_hashref failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during conflict out checking. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " SELECT * FROM flights JOIN jobs j USING (flight) WHERE j.job=? AND j.status='pass' AND (blessing='real' OR blessing='real-bisect') AND (TRUE) AND 0 = ( SELECT count(*) FROM ( SELECT name,val FROM runvars WHERE runvars.flight = flights.flight AND job=? AND synth='f' ) o FULL OUTER JOIN bisection_runvars want USING (name) WHERE (o.val = want.val) IS NOT TRUE ) ORDER BY flights.started desc LIMIT 1 "] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Creating 149281.build-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64-pvops (like 149236) revision_linux=c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Searching for build-amd64-pvops (like 149236) to reuse... Can reuse build-kern 149253.build-amd64-pvops. DB confict (err=7 state=40001): DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during write. HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried. [for Statement " UPDATE runvars SET val=? WHERE flight=? AND job=? AND name=? " with ParamValues: 1='149253.build-amd64-pvops', 2='149281', 3='test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64', 4='kernbuildjob'] DB conflict (messages above may refer); retrying... Populating 149281... Need 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (like 149236) Creating 149281.test-amd64-amd64-xl-qemuu-debianhvm-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64 (like 149236) revision_ovmf=1b6b4a83e1d85e48837068dfe409f5557b50d71d revision_qemu=d0d8ad39ecb51cd7497cd524484fe09f50876798 revision_qemuu=0a4833b3b4bce181834d4c736ceba78434dfd471 revision_seabios=066a9956097b54530888b88ab9aa1ea02e42af5a revision_xen=85b01220fe4629fcc450896e588100fb8516ad40 Creating 149281.build-amd64 (copying from 149236) Need 149281.build-amd64-pvops (like 149236) revision_linux=c3038e718a19fc596f7b1baba0f83d5146dc7784 revision_linuxfirmware=c530a75c1e6a472b0eb9558310b518f0dfcd8860 Can reuse build-kern 149253.build-amd64-pvops. Already created build-amd64 Checking for flail (since 144154)... Flight 149281 ready to go. _______________________________________________ osstest-output mailing list osstest-output@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.xenproject.org/mailman/listinfo/osstest-output
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