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[xen-4.10-testing bisection] unreproducible build-i386-prev

branch xen-4.10-testing
xenbranch xen-4.10-testing
job build-i386-prev
testid xen-build

Tree: xen prev git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git

*** Not reproducible - supposed basis failure ***
  Could not reproduce problem, or could not reproduce basis pass.
  Unexpected test results; at this revision (supposed basis failure):
   flight 150941 (blessed real) result fail

For bisection revision-tuple graph see:
Revision IDs in each graph node refer, respectively, to the Trees above.

Running cs-bisection-step 
 --summary-out=tmp/150954.bisection-summary --basis-template=150039 
--blessings=real,real-bisect --flight=150954 xen-4.10-testing build-i386-prev 
Searching for failure / basis pass:
 150941 fail [host=albana0] / 150039 [host=elbling1] 149676 [host=huxelrebe1] 
149650 [host=debina0] 146101 [host=huxelrebe1] 146076 [host=pinot1] 144798 
[host=elbling1] 144772 [host=elbling1] 144728 [host=fiano1] 144324 
[host=huxelrebe1] 144315 [host=baroque0] 143854 [host=huxelrebe1] 143729 
[host=elbling1] 139091 [host=albana1] 138376 [host=albana1] 138226 
[host=debina0] 137854 [host=albana1] 137727 [host=debina0] 137381 
[host=italia0] 137277 [host=albana1] 136692 [host=albana1] 136552 [host=ch\
 ardonnay0] 136391 [host=albana1] 136232 [host=elbling1] 135813 
[host=chardonnay0] 135675 [host=pinot1] 135478 [host=albana1] 135435 
[host=albana1] 135082 [host=baroque0] 134997 [host=baroque0] 133617 
[host=baroque0] 133594 [host=elbling0] 133487 [host=merlot0] 133456 
[host=italia1] 133278 [host=joubertin0] 132966 [host=albana1] 132922 
[host=albana1] 132815 [host=albana1] 132762 [host=baroque1] 132700 ok.
Failure / basis pass flights: 150941 / 132700
(tree in latest but not in basispass: ovmf prev)
(tree in latest but not in basispass: seabios prev)
Tree: xen prev git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git
Latest 93cc305d1f3e7c6949a8f4116446624fa2dbfdf4
Basis pass 7f01558d9b3fc4011741e9f469c96fd93dd8454e
Generating revisions with ./adhoc-revtuple-generator  
Loaded 5002 nodes in revision graph
Searching for test results:
 130820 [host=joubertin0]
 130854 [host=debina0]
 130893 pass irrelevant
 131108 [host=italia0]
 131061 [host=italia0]
 131151 pass 7f01558d9b3fc4011741e9f469c96fd93dd8454e
 131191 [host=italia0]
 131223 [host=baroque1]
 131257 [host=fiano1]
 132485 [host=baroque1]
 132577 [host=pinot1]
 132630 [host=albana1]
 132700 pass 7f01558d9b3fc4011741e9f469c96fd93dd8454e
 132762 [host=baroque1]
 132815 [host=albana1]
 132966 [host=albana1]
 132922 [host=albana1]
 133278 [host=joubertin0]
 133487 [host=merlot0]
 133456 [host=italia1]
 133594 [host=elbling0]
 133617 [host=baroque0]
 134997 [host=baroque0]
 135082 [host=baroque0]
 135435 [host=albana1]
 135478 [host=albana1]
 135675 [host=pinot1]
 135813 [host=chardonnay0]
 136232 [host=elbling1]
 136391 [host=albana1]
 136552 [host=chardonnay0]
 136692 [host=albana1]
 137277 [host=albana1]
 137381 [host=italia0]
 137727 [host=debina0]
 137854 [host=albana1]
 138226 [host=debina0]
 138376 [host=albana1]
 138852 fail 54aa382cbcdc1e2ba75d6734151ca6e53104e2f2
 138787 [host=albana1]
 138814 fail 54aa382cbcdc1e2ba75d6734151ca6e53104e2f2
 138854 !! flight 138854 no revisions or trees
 138866 !! flight 138866 no revisions or trees
 138869 !! flight 138869 no revisions or trees
 138870 !! flight 138870 no revisions or trees
 138871 !! flight 138871 no revisions or trees
 138880 [host=albana1]
 138903 [host=albana1]
 138961 [host=albana1]
 138929 fail 54aa382cbcdc1e2ba75d6734151ca6e53104e2f2
 138996 fail 54aa382cbcdc1e2ba75d6734151ca6e53104e2f2
 139022 fail 54aa382cbcdc1e2ba75d6734151ca6e53104e2f2
 139056 [host=albana1]
 139091 [host=albana1]
 143729 [host=elbling1]
 143854 [host=huxelrebe1]
 144315 [host=baroque0]
 144324 [host=huxelrebe1]
 144772 [host=elbling1]
 144728 [host=fiano1]
 144798 [host=elbling1]
 146076 [host=pinot1]
 146101 [host=huxelrebe1]
 149650 [host=debina0]
 149676 [host=huxelrebe1]
 150039 [host=elbling1]
 150941 fail 93cc305d1f3e7c6949a8f4116446624fa2dbfdf4
Searching for interesting versions
 Result found: flight 131151 (pass), for basis pass
 For basis failure, parent search stopping at 
7f01558d9b3fc4011741e9f469c96fd93dd8454e, results HASH(0x55564caae4d0) 
*** Not reproducible - supposed basis failure ***
  Could not reproduce problem, or could not reproduce basis pass.
  Unexpected test results; at this revision (supposed basis failure):
   flight 150941 (blessed real) result fail

pnmtopng: 134 colors found
Revision graph left in 
No revision to test.



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