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[Publicity] FOSDEM talk on CentOS SIGs

Below is a draft of my submission to FOSDEM for a main track talk on CentOS SIGs. Let me know what you think -- the deadline for submission is tomorrow.


* CentOS SIGs: Community packages on an immutable core

CentOS is a "distribution" with a rather unique description: it is a free (gratis) clone of a commercially-supported distribution with all the branding removed. Being enterprise-grade distribution means solid, well-tested, and slow-moving; but it also means not having the latest functionality. It also means having a small enough feature set to provide commercial support in a viable manner: and that typically means choosing one technology and sticking with it.

But what if you wanted your entire system to be solid, well-tested, and slow-moving, *except* for one particular package or program? Or what if you really wanted an enterprise system, but wanted to use one of the alternate technoloies that were not selected?

This is where CentOS SIGs come in. The new CentOS is still at its core a clone of an upstream enterprise distribution. But having had success with the Xen4CentOS project, which provided a version of Xen to run on CentOS 6, they have now generalized the process.

This talk will talk about CentOS SIGs, and compare and contrast them to other community distro development models like Fedora, OpenSuSE, Debian, Ubuntu, and so forth.

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