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Re: [Wg-openstack] [ACTION] Review of OpenStack documentation

On 01/14/2016 05:31 AM, Lars Kurth wrote:
> Hi all,
> as we agreed yesterday, it would make sense to
> review 
> http://docs.openstack.org/liberty/config-reference/content/xen_libvirt.html in
> light of any new information and changes. In particular
>   * Update baselines and information related to issues

The existing info looks good and is still valid, although I'm not qualified to
review the Ubuntu paragraph.

>   * Update known issues section

It would be cool if Xen+libvirt now worked with Neutron. I haven't followed
development close enough to know.

>   * Add anything new we want to highlight (e.g. Libguestfs and libvirt qemu
>     driver dependency, …)

I don't know the details well enough to articulate a thorough description of the
issue, but as a start:

OpenStack compute nodes can use libguestfs to inject files in an instance's
image prior to launching the instance. libguestfs uses libvirt's qemu driver to
start a qemu process, which is then used to inject files into the image. When
using libguestfs for file injection, the compute node must have the libvirt qemu
driver installed, in addition to the Xen driver. In most distributions, the qemu
driver is provided by the libvirt-daemon-qemu package.


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