Hi everybody,
Happy New Year to you. I wanted to give you a quick heads-up, that the Advisory board approved nearly $200K worth of funds to build a shared test infrastructure for the project. This means that
We need to start to making this happen
I will want to ensure that someone from within this group chairs the test framework WG (I was going to do this temporarily only). If you are on this group, please consider whether you would want to step up.
I do have a number of concrete questions/requests BEFORE the next meeting. Please vote +1 (in favour), 0 (abstain), -1 (reject) … requires starting a reason
[Vote1] I would like to invite a community representative to join the WG. The process is to ask for a volunteer on the mailing lists and for that volunteer to be confirmed by a community vote. The rep would have an equal vote to
all of you.
[Vote2] Linux Foundation Collab Summit is from March 26-28 in NAPA. This is an opportunity for a face-2-face meeting. Please vote +1, if you are planning to attend
My personal votes are
[Vote1] Allow Community REP onto WG
[Vote2] I will be AT Collab Summit
Best Regards