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Re: [Wg-test-framework] Network Di8agram

Paul L. George(Office) writes ("Network Di8agram"):
> Here is my attempt at putting the network diagram on paper.

Thanks, that looks good.  I have committed it to the git repo.
(It would be nice to have the source file - hopefully done in some
kind of FLOSS program...)

I made some notes of our call yesterday - see below.

Can you perhaps please put together a one-page project plan overview ?

We need to know for all of the hardware and software installation:
  - what is going to be done
  - who is going to do it
  - when is going to be done

I realise we haven't spoken in detail yet about the software
requirements, but I hope the list of VMs and networking information I
suggested in my `plumbing.txt' will be sufficient for an outline plan.


== notes from the call ==

The equipment has all been ordered by All-net.

Most on the critical path are:
  - the two main servers
  - the PDUs
  - the internal switch
  - th serial equipment
because until we have all that delivered and hardware-tested and done
with basic setup we can't start on the proper operating system
installation and software configuration.

Initial operating system and Xen installation, on the main servers,
will be done on the bench at All-net's office.  (Along with switch and
PDU configuration.)

We are currently expecting delivery of this equipment by the middle of
next week, although we don't have a formal timescale defined with the

The main servers will have dual PSUs, at no additional expense, which
will hopefully improve reliability in case of PDU failure.  This is on
Paul's initiative.  The ASCII-art network diagram needs to be updated
for the dual server PSU, or replaced.

The PDUs will be connected to the inside network only.

There will be no UPS or battery backup in the rack.  We will rely on
the datacentre power.

There will be two Comtrol 32-port RJ45 panels.  This will allow one
panel to be connected to each of the two 32-port PCI cards so that we
can cross-connect the two servers' main serial ports.

Paul has produced a version of Ian's ASCII-art diagram with some
edits.  [ Now emailed to Ian -iwj ]


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