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[Wg-test-framework] Project update


I meeting is absolutely called for I was going to suggest it in my next
status report update.

We have 3 outstanding problems.
1 - The Gateshead COMTROL system is not working  I am not even getting a
power light on the Serial Patch Panel.  It was fine before the move to the
COLO.  I repackaged it as  originally got it and connected it but it did not
come up.  I will go back to the COLO and power down the server, disconnect
the cables and check the pins, then reconnect  and try again.   If it still
failed to come up I will contact COMPTROL tech support.

2 - Server Item 10 - The DELL Poweredge R220 will not boot Debian (i386), it
hangs because of a boot loader problem acpi=off is missing from the loader.
It is a known problem, but Debian AMD64 loads fine..  I will attach the
comments and research we did to figure this out.

Notes form Ray (he is my office manager and motherboard guy)
I have looked at the Dell Servers:
They both have the latest bios (non-windows).
They both Load a windows server 2012 64bit without a problem.
I have loaded a Version of Ubuntu Server 64bit. Appears to load fine!
I believe that the Debian i386 OS we are trying to install is 32 bit?
The attached pdf states that acpi must be turned off in the boot loader for
Debian to load (appears to be a known problem?).
Take a look at the threads.

Not sure if this work around will work (I don?t know how to modify the
Debian boot loader) but it certainly sounds like the problem we are having.


3. Item 13 - AMD FX-6300 system had an MSI BIOS that does not allow Serial

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Jackson [mailto:Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 11:05 AM
To: Lars Kurth
Cc: Paul George
Subject: Re: Just wanted to check in to see whether we are on in 15 Minutes
- I think it would make sense to do a quick sync before Xmas as all of us
are out for 2 weeks

Lars Kurth writes ("Just wanted to check in to see whether we are on in 15
Minutes - I think it would make sense to do a quick sync before Xmas as all
of us are out for 2 weeks"):

Lars, Paul just got back to me by phone and says he'll be in the office in
~10 mins.  Shall we try then - are you available ?


Attachment: acpi problem research.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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