* Aravind Gopalakrishnan (AMD)
* Marcos Matsunaga (Oracle)
* Ian Jackson (Citrix)
* Chris Shepherd (Citrix)
* Lars Kurth (Citrix)
* Don D Dugger (Intel)
* Don Slutz (Verizon)
ONGOING 12 March - Ian to make a proposal for a quality metric around the elapsed time between a test failure and a fix being made.
NEW 12 March - Aravind to chase Paul from AllNet on the procurement of the needed AMD server motheboards.
NEW 12 March - Chris to find out via Lars whether we have contingency remaining in AWB budget to pay for the new motherboards (total cost approx. USD500 for 2), or whether we need to get AWB to re-approve.
RESPONSE: Lars can sign this off, please send him the proposal with costing.
==COLO status==
Hw finally handed to Ian some 10 days ago. Some to’ing and fro’ing but now have 4/24 machines working with sw running etc. 2 machines are out having hw problems fixed. 5 more given back to Ian yesterday and
not tested yet. Ian working through the backlog of machines to get sw going. ARM crate has been installed and is largely working – 4/8 dev boards largely working, the other 4 had serial connectors mis-connected but believe that to be fixed now. Another set
of machines incl the AMD pair did not have the BIOS set up. Aravind is helping Paul procure new server motherboards to help with this, and will send the needed chipsets to Paul. Aravind to chase Paul vigorously on the procurement. Estimated cost is 2 * USD220.
Advise Aravind not to send the chips to Paul until we have confirmed what motherboard we have. Lars Kurth has secured physical access to the colo and Xen Project’s Russel Pawlicek will visit the colo on Friday (he lives in the area).
Status of xen project OpenStack CI project will be posted onto Wg-test.