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Re: [Wg-test-framework] linux 3.14.34 failure to detect disks on C600 storage controller


Sorry I've been a little silent (family problems & trips).  I see you posted a 
patch to enable SAS/SATA disks, does this mean you've solved this problem?

Don Dugger
"Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse." - D. Gale
Ph: 303/443-3786

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Jackson [mailto:Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 7:52 AM
To: Dugger, Donald D
Cc: Ian Campbell; wg-test-framework@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [Wg-test-framework] linux 3.14.34 failure to detect disks on C600 
storage controller

Dugger, Donald D writes ("RE: [Wg-test-framework] linux 3.14.34 failure to 
detect disks on C600 storage controller"):
> So you have two config files for 3.14, one the original that doesn't 
> work and one that was based upon the Debian 3.16 kernel that does.  
> Can you send me a copy of those two config files,

Not exactly.  What we have is:

  3.14.36 fails with osstest config
    failing config here
    which I have copied here so that it survives the osstest log expiry
    (This is very similar to the 3.14.34 osstest config which I
    supplied a URL for previously.)

  3.14.36 success with config based on Debian's 3.2.0-4 [1]
    successful config in my previous email but I have saved a copy
    here too in case that's more convenient.

> it should be possible to identify the difference that is causing the problem.

iwj@xenbits:~/public_html/2015$ diff -u 50472.build-amd64-pvops.config 
chardonnay-debian-based-config | egrep '^\+CONFIG' | wc -l
iwj@xenbits:~/public_html/2015$ diff -u 50472.build-amd64-pvops.config 
chardonnay-debian-based-config | egrep '^\-CONFIG' | wc -l

Good luck.


[1] This kernel was generated as follows:
  1. clone 3.14.36
  2. copy Debian's 3.2.0-4 out of /boot into .config
  3. run the osstest enable-xen-config script to adjust options
     that osstest thinks it wants
  4. yes '' |make oldconfig
This is very similar to the osstest config generation process; the difference 
is that osstest uses `make defconfig' for step 2, which of course is very 
different from Debian's setup.

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