And also in-lined below
= Attendees =
Xen: Lars Kurth
Credativ: Felix Geyer, Michael Sprengel, Yogesh Patel
= New things / Input required / Blocked Items =
65862 BACKUP:
we will very probaly need to decide what to back-up - goal: find out how much space we need
- Create a ticket with host and directory information - and
then get Ian to respond
- ACTION: Felix to create ticket and prod Ian for input
65862 Rackspace
Volume: How much can we use from the free RAX infrastructure
- Would we be able to create a large volume (up to 1 TB) for
backup under the existing agreement (comp'ed account) with Rackspace
- ACTION: Felix to provide information on how much disk space
we have now, account ID and the number of VMs we use + have retired
- ACTION: Lars to take up with Rackspace, after receiving
missing information
- Updated ticket 65862 with a request for
more information, such that I can target the request better
- Have a contact at Rackspace to ask the question
71794 DNS
- Have the contact from both on Citrix and LF, which are part
of th eticket
- Issue: and ... - Citrix does not seem to manage
the two domains, but DNS records show that Citrix is managing these
- ACTION: Ian to poke Citrix
- Issue: LF wanted more detailed instructions
- ACTION: Felix to follow up with LF to figure out what they
need to do
- Need to agree a new date+time once all the issues are sorted
(Citrix & LF are based in the US; morning may not work for them)
- ACTION Lars: Agree a time and date with all stakeholders
that works for everyone, once the other two actions have been closed
71972 List
- Lars: Happy with the proposal
- ACTION: Credativ to progress
70806 New
rails for ARM crate
- Updated the ticket : best assessment without going to the
COLO. Next steps: Order
- ACTION Lars/Ian to confirm and then order rails
== Back-ups and Monitoring ==
Note that some actions were closed
The urgent actions are tracked under New things/Input required/Blocked Items
== New: Xen Project CI Loop ==
The Xen Project is also operating a CI Loop that tests every OpenStack change against the CI Loop
This infrastructure is part of a separate set of VM's that were set up by Bob Ball
There is one control VM, which runs Ubuntu which needs to a) be monitored for bandwidth (and other issues) and b) we
need to regularly apply security patches. May need to look at back-ups also in futire
All the other VMs are throwaway VMs and get created on demand. So only the control VM needs to monitored
Lars asked whether the fact that this is a Ubuntu VM
Felix stated that it wouldn't be an issue if it is a newer Ubuntu version
Lars: there is a password manager dependency, as all the log-in credentials are different from existing
Felix stated that the minitoring tools don't do bandwidth monitoring
Lars: Bob stated that Rackspace provides some tooling via their control panael
Longer term: I would also want to investigate whether we can get better global coverage to be easily to take the CI Loop
off-line. Right now, we have timezone coverage for Europe and the US, but not Asia.
ACTION (Lars): Create a a ticket
= Open / Ongoing / Unkown =
== Other itty-bitty bits ==
ACTION: Felix to ensure that Jan & Feb reports are sent
- Note from Lars: this looks sensible, but need to check how
much we spend, such that we can stay within budget
- Felix: next report to be sent in the next few days
== Open Tickets ==
- Send mail to
- creates a new ticket.
- Creating tickets via the web front-end causes issues
- Add CC'ed people from web front-end
Note that we should close tickets which are completed. Need to respond whether these are good.
ACTION: All please mark tickets which require sign-off by adding a comment here. Maybe just mark the tickets with a *
after the ticket number
65862 Xen Project test colo and rackspace VMs have no backups
67662 Xen test colo software/OS setup needs looking at
69131 Servers to be moved back to rack (elbling0, elbling1,
69583 Server(s) (oseleta0/oseleta1) to visited by Dell
70045 Upgrade Debian Squeeze VMs to Debian Jessie (xenbits)
70055 Handover Rackspace VMs
70714 Please re-obtain DSETs from oseleta0
70801* Web access to ticket system
70806* Verify Rails for ARM Box
71794 jessie upgrade [
71972 Lost/unarchived e-mails on xen-devel (when sent from
72038* Create few aliases on the mail server
- ACTION LARS (Done): Add the 2 missing mails to the log of
the ticket, after checking they have not been deleted accidentially