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[Wg-test-framework] Minutes from Sept 1 Xen Project - Credativ call


= Attendees =
Ian Jackson
Lars Kurth
Yogesh Patel
Michael Sprengel
Martin Zobel-Helas
Kevin Nowara

== Actions from previous meeting ==

ACTION: Ian J to boot new-www VM into rescue mode and investigate whether
anything needs saving
new-www can also be deleted.  (Currently it is active, which I don't think
is really right...)
ACTION: Ian to search his inbox for reply from Michael Young (for #70055)
centos-build-mayoung can be deleted.
ACTION: Kevin to delete the VMs - DONE

Q: would creating a new VM to replace bits.xensource.com hit our RAX limit?
ACTION: Felix check whether we will have an issue
Last invoice : about $400 per month left
Ian: Should be careful, but likely won't make a difference
Ian: Should we create a new VM or host it on xenbits
Felix: VM should be able to handle this
Ian: it should have its own DNS name
ACTION: Ian to talk to Lars and produce instructions and create ticket
All we need is a set of instructions to move bits.xensource.com to
ftp.xenproject.org (alternatively we may also re-use downloads.xen.org)
downloads hosted on mail VM: if this is a problem we can move into its own
65G free on disk for downloads
CDS tree is 3.4 gigs

ACTION: Ian to sort that out and copy tree from bits.xensource.com across
and file follow-up ticket with Credativ

ACTION: Lars to propose name for tarball download site: ftp.xenproject.org
(internal URLs) - DONE

== Open Tickets ==

70055 Handover Rackspace VMs (centos-build-mayoung and new-www) (BLOCKED)
- Once these 2 items above are complete -> close
77635 Migrating Xen Project websites from http to https (BLOCKED)
- Open issue: ssh - git caching
79871 Please add Yogesh to password manager for test-lab.asc
- Yogesh will provide missing info
80587 Please check whether we have enough power, ports and space for the
following HW
- I can start ordering the machines: should I have these delivered to
Yogi's home address or the COLO?
- Advisory board approved purchase of 4x 1U machines
- Credativ: Find a supplier for serial to serial concentrator cables to
order - Yogesh will follow up re cables

80567 Dell Oseleta TRouble Ticket SR# 909346000 / Server(s)
(oseleta0/oseleta1) to be replaced by Dell
- Close: if something wrong, then re-open - DONE

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