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[win-pv-devel] Windows 10 upgrade to new build with testsigning on -> FAIL

Dear all.

I'm using several Windows 10 HVM DOMU-s with XEN4.6. I'm using
xen-winpv-devel drivers (latest ones, from November). Previously on the
xen-users and on the xen-winpv-development list several users inlcuding
me was wishing for signed develoment drivers.

Now it seems, that the time has come to tell you, that it is now a
blocking condition.

Upgrading windows 10 build to the latext 15xxx build automatically turns
off testsigning: this cause that upon next reboot during the upgrade
procedure, the windows 10 machines fail to start (due to xenbus is not
signed). The F8 is offered, I can select "turn off the requirement for
digital signature of the drivers", and reboot. Unfortunately the upgrade
realizes, that "something did not go well", and immediately starts
uninstalling the upgrade package.

And I'm stuck here. May I get any response about the signed drivers?
Thank you!


Éliás Tamás
Thomas Elias

ETIT[nwpro] KFT, Ügyvezető-Hálózatbiztonsági specialista
ETIT[nwpro] Ltd, General Manager-Network security specialist

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