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[win-pv-devel] [XENVIF-PATCH] Add clean.ps1 and build.ps1 powershell scripts

  • To: <win-pv-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Owen Smith <owen.smith@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 15:18:18 +0000
  • Cc: Owen Smith <owen.smith@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 15:18:55 +0000
  • Ironport-data: A9a23:3CBClaJRHV4yneKfFE//H55yE8tLeRNeAxD0tnCnJc0poRaAVRh+vt PpBHphYnMzwBrrFO3MPJFAedKU9fdbgGHhq1Argn19XyNRJ26MRB5FLZYA8JcjERAuG2hiIk LR0cWCgFz6uDY4qI3j4KnE3bo3Ie0xhUIl8POeRwClO/ZAgtUNSBCSXB5pwgm6SEJNsqFOph L8r+9VCCWx7TfE8ziu+Hx+JwKLcm12tnVBmPnAWJ/6rdJaw9QF5txTBASHsDlQA/V8yu3JyK XCExMbGd5i40ncp8M7y3UK9Q5HjvSyckgk05gadWmlc9lS7b0U+9LOv0QN1IS8t1RzbyTeXG OSTwNIMEjoudjL8NyE8ULjEUy/NOdgnzm6QwZC2d5hjgaVA6yIROah1GWYtXlh2bICKnDE54 soO0XA6dJ+2GkuHg0TqCE1FjMBVT9NOqOLU3iU9fZyAJFwxhFPbugKYavHZqnIqW3VXBxX9s eJ2ftZUofmcIBc5lBFqQBdoXuBDSNtHFx/w2hh0ylREd2Rlisk0wNus1ljpmO81SdW80XXEP vztwon2Dg7O7Hfh8ZFDv8KbgEnX5KTiUwTX2DzLWLsEfI4GQlZ14IxNXxrI5Iea7PrMlF3Ej wx4naH7V66ZTgvhM1wwQg9PkBgjG3SR0fiQoZk8S6MhRwUNZfNbJ1KtmNjjaZkmtZiKlB78W pW8iApRkZztWghKm0g1vk8kEHIP+7jhQo99IT7jkGqj3TiqQctEhNWYonyKMlqIU46WOPnFY U9u73gkvGVXmGByTZhySUHOsT6dR2C9KnSpps6aB9424iOehsLgrI0WF+sSMNzI+fneewfKu 2aC1dGNBzuJG0n9h9ZeRZ2PsMFwn0HULfRZ1+ReGVdpO0M5GJyV/hb2fejFDmHPKfONNJ8Y+ RWG9oVvdtQdFShgAblbL7J+0MG7HU4CjqjfaY2rqMossmvMLnOS/LOiSV2OU7uMH+ovjWam0 2/Ym7/7awDQ9f+qH+tCz0pblYsl4tppPa+0eUkrDGC+npXFCg+ab3Nbjeehle9QLlJafNcxE V6bKceGREDZ1uPXJPv5i4UAbHDW50zs/2g9u3j2brc84HqvzVu5oIgL6G7kzNfVbvhGE+ff0 CDrk1jHLORCwkkwCzfd/gQ5dzfivlp886c551/VoOroHJHcz7kSQvvvH0ZKc65F9VUbZVhoK iFXB4LIUyUTjzQEBilckJPxTqzgyUtB1gObLD2eFIvk3h0LBq8cHru0Sn2Ml6cafdlbHwyB6 IZFVTxFLU6yS1FlG1mj/tLFCUtiJEqehyP8lodF7RVEzJ9tNTJc7SM/m+22sbiAhBsPkwOup foWVk48FdecHj9r02zgGmTwx9AVLt+gkEDhQ7Jh0GVYkW7a6vmHLc30ImeEWUwOfdRsjXT8Y BBZgrz5qwNFFFMUP85DtX2uQtZGM0bTUi1LVJ2gCrLA0RzHD/XTKwPZt3LES2ifginl8MRi5 WaQs7Gkq/wtihT4lFtuohw8ncvPl5QbqLK29QejtO/W9fwgCJsRjA96/4aZLHpxMyuzu/Crv DGIbSwTzNoz8B6I+ZkUB7ElxsxyHrAlXJi4iLeefjlsVp05WHVgmLfloS6i4R43VlSL4ndu9 R8HzVXgQEHRuVdtLUY9W99xn6tQKe2ae19wlhfDkMcD1wawcaBPJkcINvjCQhARnvRZPThdm dqmP4DE1HOqnV7Ob6FszSMjjACs4442/4v0FwRrUpRbaXb58dYytelNcTuI0mkbddLObDD9F Jtku9QuHnY1+QXZLOsKZn4s1/cmkJrkUraiLmqULgCymEA91HRTnaCfApgww==
  • List-id: Developer list for the Windows PV Drivers subproject <win-pv-devel.lists.xenproject.org>

Add powershell scripts to clean and build the driver project.
./clean.ps1 will delete any files not under source control, and will
return the working folder to a fresh state.
./build.ps1 will build the project and create 2 output zip files
(xenvif-source.zip and xenvif-[free|checked].zip). Contents of the
driver package zip will also include a WiX merge module .wxs file that
can be included in a driver installer.
Scripts have been designd to use a minimal install situation, where only
git and VCRedist packages are required, by using the Enterprise WDK ISO
and its provided build environment.

Signed-off-by: Owen Smith <owen.smith@xxxxxxxxxx>
 BUILD.md            |  34 ++++++-
 build.ps1           | 273 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 clean.ps1           |  16 +++
 include/version.inc |  22 +++++
 src/xenvif.wxs      |  30 ++++++
 5 files changed, 374 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 build.ps1
 create mode 100644 clean.ps1
 create mode 100644 include/version.inc
 create mode 100644 src/xenvif.wxs

diff --git a/BUILD.md b/BUILD.md
index 7a56ba7..e2502bf 100644
--- a/BUILD.md
+++ b/BUILD.md
@@ -1,15 +1,46 @@
 Building the XenVif Package
+Simplified Build Process using the EWDK
+* Access to source (git)
+* Visual C Redistributables (for SDV)
+* Enterprise WDK ISO
+Simple Install Procedure using Chocolatey (https://chocolatey.org)
+From a PowerShell Prompt,
+PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object
+    System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
+PS> choco install git.install vcredist-all -y
+* Mount the EWDK iso
+PS> D:\LaunchBuildEnv.cmd
+* change to source/build path
+* acquire source (git clone...)
+PS> .\build.ps1
+    build.ps1 takes several optional parameters:
+    [string]$VsVersion = "vs2017" (valid "vs2017", "vs2015")
+    [string]$Configuration = "free" (valid "free", "checked")
+    [switch]$RunSdv (optional, absent indicates SDV will not be run)
+Python Build Process
 First you'll need a device driver build environment for Windows 10.
 This means:
 *   Visual Studio 2015 (Any SKU, including Express or Community)
 *   Windows Driver Kit 10
-Install Visual Studio first (you only need install MFC for C++) and then
 the WDK. Set an environment variable called VS to the base of the Visual
 Studio Installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0) and
+Install Visual Studio first (you only need install MFC for C++) and then
 a variable called KIT to the base of the WDK
 (e.g. C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10). Also set an environment variable
 called SYMBOL\_SERVER to point at a location where driver symbols can be
@@ -43,3 +74,4 @@ verifier then you can add the 'nosdv' keyword to the end of 
your command
     build.py free nosdv
diff --git a/build.ps1 b/build.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37ce9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# Build Driver Package
+# Steps:
+#      build list of replacement values
+#      clean output folder
+#      generate xenvif\revision
+#      generate xenvif\version
+#      generate include\version.h
+#      generate xenvif.inf
+#      generate xenvif\xenvif.wxs
+#      call msbuild (x64)
+#      call msbuild (Win32)
+#              call msbuild (sdv)
+#      create source archive
+#      create output archive
+       [string]$VsVersion = "vs2017",
+       [string]$Configuration = "free",
+       [switch]$RunSdv
+$Config="Windows 10 Release" # default value - overridden by VsVersion and 
+Write-Host "======================================================="
+Write-Host "Building Driver:           " $Driver
+Write-Host "Visual Studio Project Dir: " $VsVersion
+Write-Host "Release/Debug Mode:        " $Configuration
+Write-Host "Run SDV:                   " $RunSdv
+Write-Host "======================================================="
+# Define Global Variables
+$GitDate = & "git.exe" "show" "-s" "--format=%ci" "HEAD"
+$GitYear = (Get-Date -date $GitDate).Year
+$GitMonth = (Get-Date -date $GitDate).Month
+$GitDay = (Get-Date -date $GitDate).Day
+$GitRevision = & "git.exe" "rev-list" "--max-count=1" "HEAD"
+$GitBuildNum = & "git.exe" "rev-list" "HEAD" "--count"
+$Replacements = [ordered]@{
+       "@MAJOR_VERSION@"="9";
+       "@MINOR_VERSION@"="0";
+       "@MICRO_VERSION@"="0";
+       "@BUILD_NUMBER@"=$GitBuildNum
+       "@VENDOR_PREFIX@"="XP";
+       "@VENDOR_DEVICE_ID@"=$null;
+       "@VENDOR_NAME@"="Xen Project";
+       "@PRODUCT_NAME@"="Xen";
+       "@YEAR@"=$GitYear;
+       "@MONTH@"=$GitMonth;
+       "@DAY@"=$GitDay;
+       "@GIT_REVISION@"=$GitRevision;
+       "@WIX_PREFIX@"="XENVIF"
+Function Replace-Strings {
+       Param(
+               [string]$infile,
+               [string]$outfile,
+               $list
+       )
+       Process {
+               Write-Host $infile " -> " $outfile
+               (Get-Content $infile) | 
+               ForEach-Object {
+                       $line = $_
+                       $list.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
+                               if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) -and 
($line.Contains($_.Name))) {
+                                       Write-Host "Skipping Line Containing " 
+                                       $line = $null
+                               }
+                               $line = $line -replace $_.Key, $_.Value
+                       }
+                       $line
+               } |
+               Set-Content $outfile
+       }
+Function Build-Solution {
+       Param(
+               [string]$Name,
+               [string]$Configuration = "Windows 10 Release",
+               [string]$Platform = "x64",
+               [string]$VsVersion = "vs2017"
+       )
+       Process {
+               $c=[string]::Format("/p:Configuration=`"{0}`"", $Configuration)
+               $p=[string]::Format("/p:Platform=`"{0}`"", $Platform)
+               $t="/t:`"Build`""
+               $s=[string]::Format(".\{0}\{1}.sln", $VsVersion, $Name)
+               Write-Host "msbuild.exe" "/m:1" $c $p $t $s
+               & "msbuild.exe" "/m:1" $c $p $t $s
+               $platlist=@{ "x64"="x64"; "Win32"="x86" }
+               $src = [string]::Format("{0}\Windows10Release\{1}\package\*.*", 
$VsVersion, $Platform)
+               $dst = [string]::Format("xenvif\{0}", $platlist[$Platform])
+               New-Item -Name $dst -ItemType "directory"
+               Copy-Item $src -Destination $dst
+       }
+Function Build-Project {
+       Param(
+               [string]$Name,
+               [string]$Project,
+               [string]$Target = "Build",
+               [string]$Inputs = "",
+               [string]$Configuration = "Windows 10 Release",
+               [string]$Platform = "x64",
+               [string]$VsVersion = "vs2017"
+       )
+       Process {
+               $cwd = (Get-Location).path
+               $proj = [string]::Format("{0}\{1}\{2}", $cwd, $VsVersion, $Name)
+               Set-Location -Path $proj
+               Write-Host $proj
+               $c=[string]::Format("/p:Configuration=`"{0}`"", $Configuration)
+               $p=[string]::Format("/p:Platform=`"{0}`"", $Platform)
+               $t=[string]::Format("/t:{0}", $Target)
+               $i=[string]::Format("/p:Inputs=`"{0}`"", $Inputs)
+               $s=[string]::Format("{0}.vcxproj", $Project)
+               if ($Inputs) {
+                       Write-Host "msbuild.exe" $c $p $t $i $s
+                       & "msbuild.exe" $c $p $t $i $s
+               } else {
+                       Write-Host "msbuild.exe" $c $p $t $s
+                       & "msbuild.exe" $c $p $t $s
+               }
+               Set-Location -Path $cwd
+       }
+Function Build-Sdv-Logs {
+       Param(
+               [string]$Name,
+               [string]$Project,
+               [string]$Configuration = "Windows 10 Release",
+               [string]$VsVersion = "vs2017"
+       )
+       Process {
+               $cwd = (Get-Location).path
+               Build-Project $Name $Project
+               Build-Project $Name $Project "sdv" "/clean"
+               Build-Project $Name $Project "sdv" "/check:default.sdv"
+               Build-Project $Name $Project "dvl"
+               $sdv=[string]::Format("{0}\{1}\*.DVL.XML", $VsVersion, $Project)
+               $dst=[string]::Format("{0}\{1}\", $cwd, $Project)
+               Copy-Item $sdv -Destination $dst
+       }
+Function Create-Archive {
+       Param(
+               [string]$Filename,
+               $FileList,
+               [string]$BaseDir
+       )
+       Process {
+               if ($BaseDir -ne ".") {
+                       $cwd = Get-Location
+                       Set-Location $BaseDir
+               }
+               Write-Host "Creating Archive" $Filename
+               if (Test-Path -Path $Filename) { Remove-Item $Filename }
+               ForEach ($file in $FileList) {
+                       Compress-Archive -Path $file -DestinationPath $Filename 
+               }
+               if ($BaseDir -ne ".") {
+                       Set-Location $cwd
+               }
+       }
+Function Copy-ArchiveSrc {
+       Param(
+               $FileList,
+               [string]$BasePath
+       )
+       Process {
+               New-Item -Path $BasePath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction 
Ignore | Out-Null
+               ForEach ($file in $FileList) {
+                       $itempath = Split-Path -Path $file
+                       $dest = Join-Path -Path $BasePath -ChildPath $itempath
+                       New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dest -ErrorAction 
Ignore | Out-Null
+                       Copy-Item $file -Destination $dest -Recurse | Out-Null
+               }
+       }
+# Build Process...
+$configlist = @{ "free"="Release"; "checked"="Debug" }
+$targetoslist = @{ "vs2017"="Windows 10"; "vs2015"="Windows 8" }
+$Config=[string]::Format("{0} {1}", $targetoslist[$VsVersion], 
+# Override branding with env vars (if present)
+if (Test-Path env:VENDOR_PREFIX)       { $Replacements["@VENDOR_PREFIX@"] = 
+if (Test-Path env:VENDOR_DEVICE_ID)    { $Replacements["@VENDOR_DEVICE_ID@"] = 
+if (Test-Path env:VENDOR_NAME)         { $Replacements["@VENDOR_NAME@"] = 
+if (Test-Path env:PRODUCT_NAME)                { 
$Replacements["@PRODUCT_NAME@"] = $env:PRODUCT_NAME }
+if (Test-Path env:WIX_PREFIX)          { $Replacements["@WIX_PREFIX@"] = 
+# Show Variables Used
+Write-Host "----"
+# set version variables
+# Clean Output Path
+if (Test-Path -Path $Driver) {
+       Remove-Item $Driver -Recurse | Out-Null
+New-Item -Name $Driver -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null
+# Generate xenif\revision
+$revision = [string]::Format("{0}\revision", $Driver)
+Add-Content -Path $revision -Value $GitRevision
+# Generate xenif\version
+$version = [string]::Format("{0}\version", $Driver)
+$versionvalue = [string]::Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", 
$Replacements["@MAJOR_VERSION@"], $Replacements["@MINOR_VERSION@"], 
$Replacements["@MICRO_VERSION@"], $Replacements["@BUILD_NUMBER@"])
+Add-Content -Path $version -Value $versionvalue
+# Generate include\version.h
+Replace-Strings "include\version.inc" "include\version.h" $Replacements
+# Generate vs2017\xenvif.inf
+$InfSrc=[string]::Format("src\{0}.inf", $Driver)
+$InfDst=[string]::Format("{0}\{1}.inf", $VsVersion, $Driver)
+Replace-Strings $InfSrc $InfDst $Replacements
+# Generate xenif\xenvif.wxs merge module
+$WxsSrc=[string]::Format("src\{0}.wxs", $Driver)
+$WxsDst=[string]::Format("{0}\{1}.wxs", $Driver, $Driver)
+Replace-Strings $WxsSrc $WxsDst $Replacements
+# Execute MSBuild.exe
+Build-Solution $Driver $Config "x64"
+Build-Solution $Driver $Config "Win32"
+# Execute MSBuild.exe for SDV
+if ($RunSdv) { Build-Sdv-Logs $Driver "xenvif" }
+$cwd = Get-Location
+# Archive Source       (xenvif-source.zip)
+$SourceFiles = & "git.exe" "ls-tree" "-r" "--name-only" "HEAD"
+$SourceZip = [string]::Format("{0}/{1}-source.zip", $cwd, $Driver)
+$ArchiveTemp = Join-Path -Path $cwd -ChildPath "temp"
+Copy-ArchiveSrc $SourceFiles $ArchiveTemp
+$ArchiveFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $ArchiveTemp).Name
+Create-Archive $SourceZip $ArchiveFiles $ArchiveTemp
+Remove-Item $ArchiveTemp -Recurse
+# Archive Driver       (xenvif-[checked|free].zip)
+$DriverFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Driver).Name
+$DriverZip = [string]::Format("{0}/{1}-{2}.zip", $cwd, $Driver, $Configuration)
+$DriverPath = Join-Path -Path $cwd -ChildPath $Driver
+Create-Archive $DriverZip $DriverFiles $DriverPath
diff --git a/clean.ps1 b/clean.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16dccb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clean.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Delete all files not under source control
+$files = & "git.exe" "status" "-u" "--porcelain"
+ForEach ($line in $files) {
+       $type = $line.Split(" ")[0]
+       if ($type -eq "??") {
+               $file = $line.Split(" ")[1]
+               Write-Host $file
+               if (Test-Path -Path $file -PathType Container) {
+                       Remove-Item $file -Force -Recurse
+               } else {
+                       Remove-Item $file -Force
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/include/version.inc b/include/version.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..316a115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/version.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#define VENDOR_NAME_STR                "@VENDOR_NAME@"
+#define BUILD_NUMBER           @BUILD_NUMBER@
+#define YEAR                           @YEAR@
+#define MONTH                          @MONTH@
+#define DAY                                    @DAY@
+#define YEAR_STR                       "@YEAR@"
+#define MONTH_STR                      "@MONTH@"
+#define DAY_STR                                "@DAY@"
diff --git a/src/xenvif.wxs b/src/xenvif.wxs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..949c630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/xenvif.wxs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252' ?>
+<Wix xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi'
+     xmlns:difx='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/DifxAppExtension'>
+<Module Id='@WIX_PREFIX@_XENVIF' Language='1033' 
+    <Package Id='31EE53DC-F692-460F-BE31-CE16EDA08605' 
Keywords='@PRODUCT_NAME@PVDriver' Description='@PRODUCT_NAME@ PV Driver 
+        Comments='@PRODUCT_NAME@ PV Driver' Manufacturer='@VENDOR_NAME@'
+        InstallerVersion='200' Languages='1033' 
+        SummaryCodepage='1252' />
+    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
+      <Directory Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_XENVIF" Name="xenvif">
+        <Directory Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_XENVIF_X86" Name="x86">
+          <Component Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_XENVIF_X86" Guid="">
+            <File Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_X86_XENVIF_INF" Name="xenvif.inf" 
DiskId="1" Source="x86/xenvif.inf" />
+            <File Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_X86_XENVIF_CAT" Name="xenvif.cat" 
DiskId="1" Source="x86/xenvif.cat" />
+            <File Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_X86_XENVIF_SYS" Name="xenvif.sys" 
DiskId="1" Source="x86/xenvif.sys" />
+            <File Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_X86_XENVIF_COINST_DLL" 
Name="xenvif_coinst.dll" DiskId="1" Source="x86/xenvif_coinst.dll" />
+          </Component>
+        </Directory>
+        <Directory Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_XENVIF_X64" Name="x64">
+          <Component Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_XENVIF_X64" Guid="">
+            <File Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_X64_XENVIF_INF" Name="xenvif.inf" 
DiskId="1" Source="x64/xenvif.inf" />
+            <File Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_X64_XENVIF_CAT" Name="xenvif.cat" 
DiskId="1" Source="x64/xenvif.cat" />
+            <File Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_X64_XENVIF_SYS" Name="xenvif.sys" 
DiskId="1" Source="x64/xenvif.sys" />
+            <File Id="@WIX_PREFIX@_X64_XENVIF_COINST_DLL" 
Name="xenvif_coinst.dll" DiskId="1" Source="x64/xenvif_coinst.dll" />
+          </Component>
+        </Directory>
+      </Directory>
+    </Directory>

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