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Re: [PATCH] Windows PV drivers fail to set up RSS when vCPU index >= 8

  • To: win-pv-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • From: "Durrant, Paul" <xadimgnik@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 17:59:11 +0100
  • Delivery-date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 16:59:18 +0000
  • List-id: Developer list for the Windows PV Drivers subproject <win-pv-devel.lists.xenproject.org>

On 23/03/2022 17:24, Durrant, Paul wrote:
On 23/03/2022 11:33, Martin Harvey wrote:
The driver only supports at most 8 queues, however Windows
can decide to assign vCPU numbers starting from a non-zero
offset. E.g. vCPU 8,9,10,11 could get assigned to a device
if you have more than one NIC. The total number of vCPUs
used by a single device is still less than 8, but the vCPU
indexes themselves can be greater than 8. The code
previously incorrectly assumed that individual vCPU
indexes cannot exceed 8, however a 1:1 mapping between
vCPU indexes and queues seems to only exist when using
a single NIC.

Signed-off-by: Martin Harvey <martin.harvey@xxxxxxxxxx>

Acked-by: Paul Durrant <paul@xxxxxxx>

... with the following observations...

  src/xenvif/receiver.c | 161 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
  1 file changed, 141 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/xenvif/receiver.c b/src/xenvif/receiver.c
index 10ac6f5..fae9b31 100644
--- a/src/xenvif/receiver.c
+++ b/src/xenvif/receiver.c
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ typedef struct _XENVIF_RECEIVER_RING {
      PLIST_ENTRY                 PacketQueue;
      KDPC                        QueueDpc;
      ULONG                       QueueDpcs;
+    PROCESSOR_NUMBER            TargetProcessor;
      LIST_ENTRY                  PacketComplete;
      XENVIF_RECEIVER_HASH        Hash;
@@ -2498,6 +2499,9 @@ __ReceiverRingInitialize(
      KeInitializeThreadedDpc(&(*Ring)->QueueDpc, ReceiverRingQueueDpc, *Ring); +    status = KeGetProcessorNumberFromIndex((*Ring)->Index, &(*Ring)->TargetProcessor);
+    ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(status));
      return STATUS_SUCCESS;
@@ -2550,6 +2554,41 @@ fail1:
      return status;
+    IN  PPROCESSOR_NUMBER       Processor
+    )
+    PXENVIF_RECEIVER            Receiver;
+    PXENVIF_FRONTEND            Frontend;
+    NTSTATUS status;

misalignment here... I can fix

+    if ((Ring == NULL) || (Processor == NULL))

extra brackets not needed... I will fix

Actually this check can go away. This function is static with a single caller where both of these arguments can't be NULL.

+        goto fail1;
+    Receiver = Ring->Receiver;
+    Frontend = Receiver->Frontend;
+    __ReceiverRingAcquireLock(Ring);
+    Ring->TargetProcessor = *Processor;
+    /* Don't rebind event channel at this point. */
+    KeSetTargetProcessorDpcEx(&Ring->PollDpc, &Ring->TargetProcessor);
+    KeSetTargetProcessorDpcEx(&Ring->QueueDpc, &Ring->TargetProcessor);
+    __ReceiverRingReleaseLock(Ring);
+    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    Error("fail1 (%08x)\n", status);
+    return status;
@@ -2560,7 +2599,6 @@ __ReceiverRingConnect(
      PFN_NUMBER                  Pfn;
      CHAR                        Name[MAXNAMELEN];
      ULONG                       Index;
-    PROCESSOR_NUMBER            ProcNumber;
      NTSTATUS                    status;
      Receiver = Ring->Receiver;
@@ -2637,16 +2675,17 @@ __ReceiverRingConnect(
      if (Ring->Channel == NULL)
          goto fail6;
-    status = KeGetProcessorNumberFromIndex(Ring->Index, &ProcNumber);
-    ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(status));
-    KeSetTargetProcessorDpcEx(&Ring->PollDpc, &ProcNumber);
+    status = XENBUS_EVTCHN(Bind,
+                           &Receiver->EvtchnInterface,
+                           Ring->Channel,
+                           Ring->TargetProcessor.Group,
+                           Ring->TargetProcessor.Number);
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
+        Warning("Could not set initial receiver ring affinity: 0x%x for ring %u\n", status, Ring->Index); +    /* Ring affinity not yet changed from initial CPU number, so just warn. */

comment is not well placed... I'll fix

-                         &Receiver->EvtchnInterface,
-                         Ring->Channel,
-                         ProcNumber.Group,
-                         ProcNumber.Number);
+    KeSetTargetProcessorDpcEx(&Ring->PollDpc, &Ring->TargetProcessor);
+    KeSetTargetProcessorDpcEx(&Ring->QueueDpc, &Ring->TargetProcessor);
      (VOID) XENBUS_EVTCHN(Unmask,
@@ -2665,11 +2704,6 @@ __ReceiverRingConnect(
      if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
          goto fail7;
-    status = KeGetProcessorNumberFromIndex(Ring->Index, &ProcNumber);
-    ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(status));
-    KeSetTargetProcessorDpcEx(&Ring->QueueDpc, &ProcNumber);
      return STATUS_SUCCESS;
@@ -3917,6 +3951,56 @@ fail1:
      return status;
+static NTSTATUS

still inconsistent so I'll make this FORCEINLINE

+    IN  PXENVIF_RECEIVER        Receiver,
+    IN  PPROCESSOR_NUMBER       QueueAffinities,
+    IN  ULONG                   Count
+    )
+    PXENVIF_FRONTEND        Frontend;
+    ULONG                   Index;
+    NTSTATUS                status;
+    KIRQL                   Irql;
+    Frontend = Receiver->Frontend;
+    if (QueueAffinities == NULL)
+        goto fail1;
+    if (Count > FrontendGetNumQueues(Frontend))
+        goto fail2;
+    KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &Irql);
+    for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
+        PXENVIF_RECEIVER_RING   Ring = Receiver->Ring[Index];
+        status = __ReceiverRingSetAffinity(Ring, &QueueAffinities[Index]);
+        if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
+            goto fail3;
+    }
+    KeLowerIrql(Irql);
+    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    KeLowerIrql(Irql);
+    Error("fail3\n");

the error message should go immediately after the label... I will fix

+    Error("fail2\n");
+    Error("fail1 (%08x)\n", status);
+    return status;
      IN  PXENVIF_RECEIVER    Receiver,
@@ -3926,7 +4010,10 @@ ReceiverUpdateHashMapping(
      PXENVIF_FRONTEND        Frontend;
      PULONG                  QueueMapping;
+    PPROCESSOR_NUMBER       QueueAffinities;
      ULONG                   NumQueues;
+    ULONG                   QueuesDetermined;
+    ULONG                   QueueIndex;
      ULONG                   Index;
      NTSTATUS                status;
@@ -3939,26 +4026,60 @@ ReceiverUpdateHashMapping(
          goto fail1;
      NumQueues = FrontendGetNumQueues(Frontend);
+    QueuesDetermined = 0;
+    QueueAffinities = __ReceiverAllocate(sizeof(PROCESSOR_NUMBER) * NumQueues);
+    if (QueueAffinities == NULL)
+        goto fail2;
+    /* N^Squared-ish, but performed infrequently */
      for (Index = 0; Index < Size; Index++) {
-        QueueMapping[Index] = KeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber(&ProcessorMapping[Index]);
-        if (QueueMapping[Index] >= NumQueues)
-            goto fail2;
+        BOOLEAN MapEntryDone = FALSE;

blank line needed here... I will fix

+        /* Existing queue meets affinity requirement for the mapping at this index? */

I'll fix this to be a proper sentence

+        for (QueueIndex = 0; QueueIndex < QueuesDetermined; QueueIndex++) { +            if ((QueueAffinities[QueueIndex].Group == ProcessorMapping[Index].Group) && +                (QueueAffinities[QueueIndex].Number == ProcessorMapping[Index].Number)) {
+                QueueMapping[Index] = QueueIndex;
+                MapEntryDone = TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!MapEntryDone) {
+            /* New queue "allocation", with new affinity, if possible */
+            if (QueuesDetermined >= NumQueues)
+                goto fail3;
+            QueueIndex = QueuesDetermined;
+            QueueAffinities[QueueIndex] = ProcessorMapping[Index];
+            QueueMapping[Index] = QueueIndex;
+            QueuesDetermined++;
+        }
      status = FrontendSetHashMapping(Frontend, QueueMapping, Size);
      if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
-        goto fail3;
+        goto fail4;
+    status = __ReceiverSetQueueAffinities(Receiver, QueueAffinities, QueuesDetermined);
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
+        goto fail5;
+    __ReceiverFree(QueueAffinities);
      return STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    Error("fail5\n");
+    Error("fail4\n");
+    __ReceiverFree(QueueAffinities);



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