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Re: Driver compatibility (was: [jes.ed.gar.ma@xxxxxxxxx: Compatibility with Windows])

On 26/09/2022 09:12, Roger Pau Monné wrote:

Please ask your questions related to Windows PV drivers to
win-pv-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, that's the most likely place to get
the correct answer.

Regards, Roger.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 07:56:46PM -0500, Jesús Eduardo García Márquez wrote:
Sorry, but you didn't answer my question. We're moving out VMs to XEN but
we have problems with a machine with Windows 7 Pro. I want to know what
version of PV Drivers are compatible with that SO version

I answered the question last week, but for some reason it didn't go to the correct address:

Any of them should be compatible. I suggest you use the latest signed set from https://xenbits.xen.org/pvdrivers/win/9.0.0/


El vie, 23 sept 2022 a las 2:37, Roger Pau Monné (<roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx>)

Forwarding to the relevant list.

----- Forwarded message from Jesús Eduardo García Márquez <
jes.ed.gar.ma@xxxxxxxxx> -----

Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2022 21:15:03 -0500
From: Jesús Eduardo García Márquez <jes.ed.gar.ma@xxxxxxxxx>
To: community.manager@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Compatibility with Windows
Message-ID: <CAJ8+_8L-w79NBq+vpk7Gfrc=

Good evening. I wanted to know what version of PV Drivers is compatible
with Windows 7 Professional? I expect your answer. Greetings

----- End forwarded message -----



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