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Re: [PATCH 0/3][XenVbd] Change Copyright statement

  • To: win-pv-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • From: Paul Durrant <xadimgnik@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2023 13:18:47 +0000
  • Delivery-date: Wed, 08 Mar 2023 13:18:53 +0000
  • List-id: Developer list for the Windows PV Drivers subproject <win-pv-devel.lists.xenproject.org>

On 23/02/2023 09:51, Owen Smith wrote:
From: Owen Smith <owen.smith@xxxxxxxxxx>

Due to a transfer of copyright ownership from Citrix to Cloud Software Group,
the copyright notices in all source files should be updated. This patch
series includes some minor functional changes to allow setting a particular
copyright string in the embedded resources, and a scripted change to
source files.

Powershell script that was used to generate the source file copyright changes:

Function Multiline-Replace {

     $content = Get-Content $Filename
     $replace = $false
     $output = ""
     $content | ForEach {
         $line = $_
         if ($line.Contains($ToReplace)) {
             $replace = $true
             $ReplaceWith | ForEach {
                 $output += $line.Replace($ToReplace, $_) + "`n"
         } else {
             $output += $line + "`n"
     if ($replace) {
         Write-Host "Replacing: " $Filename
         $output | Set-Content $Filename
     } else {
         Write-Host "Ignoring:  " $Filename

Function Replace-Filestrings {

     $FileTypes | ForEach {
         Get-ChildItem $_ -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
             $filename = $_
             if (($ExcludeList | %{ $filename -Like $_ }) -Contains $True) {
                 Write-Host "Excluding: " $filename
             } else {
                 Multiline-Replace $_ $ToReplace $Replacements

$ExcludeList = @("*include\xen\*", "*\obj\*")
$Replace = "Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc."

$Replacements = @("/* Copyright (c) Xen Project.", " * Copyright (c) Cloud Software 
Group, Inc.")
$FileTypes = @("*.c", "*.h", "*.rc")
Replace-Filestrings $FileTypes ('/* ' + $Replace) $Replacements $ExcludeList

$Replacements = @("; // Copyright (c) Xen Project.", "; // Copyright (c) Cloud 
Software Group, Inc.")
$FileTypes = @("*.mc")
Replace-Filestrings $FileTypes ('; // ' + $Replace) $Replacements $ExcludeList

$Replacements = @("; Copyright (c) Xen Project.", "; Copyright (c) Cloud Software 
Group, Inc.")
$FileTypes = @("*.inf", "*.def")
Replace-Filestrings $FileTypes ('; ' + $Replace) $Replacements $ExcludeList

$Replacements = @("Copyright (c) Xen Project.", "Copyright (c) Cloud Software Group, 
$FileTypes = @("LICENSE")
Replace-Filestrings $FileTypes $Replace $Replacements $ExcludeList

Owen Smith (3):
   [XenVbd] Allow rebranding file copyright string
   [XenVbd] Add resource file to coinstaller
   [XenVbd] Scripted replacement of Copyright notices in source

  LICENSE                                    |  4 +-
  build.ps1                                  |  4 ++
  include/cache_interface.h                  |  4 +-
  include/debug_interface.h                  |  4 +-
  include/emulated_interface.h               |  4 +-
  include/evtchn_interface.h                 |  4 +-
  include/gnttab_interface.h                 |  4 +-
  include/names.h                            |  6 ++-
  include/store_interface.h                  |  4 +-
  include/suspend_interface.h                |  4 +-
  include/unplug_interface.h                 |  4 +-
  include/version.tmpl                       |  1 +
  include/xen-errno.h                        |  4 +-
  include/xen-types.h                        |  4 +-
  include/xen-version.h                      |  4 +-
  include/xen-warnings.h                     |  4 +-
  include/xen.h                              |  4 +-
  include/xencdb.h                           |  4 +-
  include/xencrsh_interface.h                |  4 +-
  include/xenvbd-ntstrsafe.h                 |  4 +-
  include/xenvbd-storport.h                  |  4 +-
  scripts/genfiles.ps1                       |  1 +
  src/coinst/coinst.c                        |  4 +-
  src/coinst/xenvbd_coinst.def               |  4 +-
  src/coinst/xenvbd_coinst.rc                | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++
  src/common/util.h                          |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/assert.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/austere.c                      |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/austere.h                      |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/buffer.c                       |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/buffer.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/driver.c                       |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/driver.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/evtchn.c                       |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/evtchn.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/fdo.c                          |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/fdo.h                          |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/frontend.c                     |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/frontend.h                     |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/gnttab.c                       |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/gnttab.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/hvm.c                          |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/hvm.h                          |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/hypercall.h                    |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/hypercall_stub.c               |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/log.c                          |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/log.h                          |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/pdo.c                          |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/pdo.h                          |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/pdoinquiry.c                   |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/pdoinquiry.h                   |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/queue.c                        |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/queue.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/ring.h                         |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/srbext.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/store.c                        |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/store.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/xencrsh.def                    |  4 +-
  src/xencrsh/xencrsh.rc                     |  6 ++-
  src/xendisk/assert.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/debug.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/driver.c                       |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/driver.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/fdo.c                          |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/fdo.h                          |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/mutex.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/pdo.c                          |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/pdo.h                          |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/registry.c                     |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/registry.h                     |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/thread.c                       |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/thread.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/types.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xendisk/xendisk.rc                     |  6 ++-
  src/xenvbd.inf                             |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/adapter.c                       |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/adapter.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/assert.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/base64.c                        |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/base64.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/debug.h                         |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/driver.c                        |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/driver.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/frontend.c                      |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/frontend.h                      |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/granter.c                       |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/granter.h                       |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/registry.c                      |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/registry.h                      |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/ring.c                          |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/ring.h                          |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/srbext.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/target.c                        |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/target.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/thread.c                        |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/thread.h                        |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/types.h                         |  4 +-
  src/xenvbd/xenvbd.rc                       |  6 ++-
  vs2015/xenvbd_coinst/xenvbd_coinst.vcxproj |  3 ++
  vs2017/xenvbd_coinst/xenvbd_coinst.vcxproj |  3 ++
  vs2019/xenvbd_coinst/xenvbd_coinst.vcxproj |  3 ++
  vs2022/xenvbd_coinst/xenvbd_coinst.vcxproj |  3 ++
  102 files changed, 362 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 src/coinst/xenvbd_coinst.rc


Acked-by: Paul Durrant <paul@xxxxxxx>



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