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Re: [RFC PATCH 1/3] [XenFilt] Asynchronous power handling

On 10/01/2024 13:42, Owen Smith wrote:
From: Martin Harvey <Martin.Harvey@xxxxxxxxxx>

XenFilt requires minimal IRP_MN_SET_POWER/IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER interactions.
No IoWorkItems are required as operationsperform no significant work.
Power handlers are is limited to tracking state changes and calling 

Signed-off-by: Martin Harvey <martin.harvey@xxxxxxxxxx>

Refactored and limited to XenFilt changes

Signed-off-by: Owen Smith <owen.smith@xxxxxxxxx>
  src/xenfilt/fdo.c | 498 +++++++++++----------------------------------
  src/xenfilt/pdo.c | 503 +++++++++++-----------------------------------
  2 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 759 deletions(-)

Acked-by: Paul Durrant <paul@xxxxxxx>



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