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[Xen-API] [PATCH] start moving http-client code to api-libs

# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1282568183 -3600
# Node ID fb54e065e83269c2784802516c75a5ecfe9ba941
# Parent  815d0a9b3661be23e76be25b95e9b0d7fd9641c9
Add some HTTP client code

Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 815d0a9b3661 -r fb54e065e832 http-svr/Makefile
--- a/http-svr/Makefile Fri Jul 23 17:46:18 2010 +0100
+++ b/http-svr/Makefile Mon Aug 23 13:56:23 2010 +0100
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 OCAMLLIBDIR := $(shell ocamlc -where)
-OBJS = server_io buf_io http http_svr
+OBJS = server_io buf_io http http_svr http_client
 INTF = $(foreach obj, $(OBJS),$(obj).cmi)
 LIBS = http_svr.cma http_svr.cmxa
@@ -60,6 +60,6 @@
 .PHONY: doc
 doc: $(INTF)
        python ../doc/doc.py $(DOCDIR) "http-svr" "package" "$(OBJS)" "." 
"log,stdext" ""
        rm -f *.o *.so *.a *.cmo *.cmi *.cma *.cmx *.cmxa *.annot $(LIBS) 
diff -r 815d0a9b3661 -r fb54e065e832 http-svr/http.ml
--- a/http-svr/http.ml  Fri Jul 23 17:46:18 2010 +0100
+++ b/http-svr/http.ml  Mon Aug 23 13:56:23 2010 +0100
@@ -118,6 +118,13 @@
                 mutable close: bool;
                 headers: string list} with rpc
+module Response = struct
+       type t = {
+               content_length: int64 option;
+               task: string option;
+       }
 let string_of_method_t = function
   | Get -> "GET" | Post -> "POST" | Put -> "PUT" | Connect -> "CONNECT" | 
Unknown x -> "Unknown " ^ x
 let method_t_of_string = function
@@ -149,21 +156,15 @@
     | _ -> UnknownAuth x
   else UnknownAuth x
+let string_of_authorization = function
+| UnknownAuth x -> x
+| Basic(username, password) -> "Basic " ^ (Base64.encode (username ^ ":" ^ 
 exception Malformed_url of string
 let print_keyvalpairs xs = 
   String.concat "&" (List.map (fun (k, v) -> k ^ "=" ^ v) xs)
-let http_request ?(version="1.0") ?(keep_alive=false) ?cookie ?length 
~user_agent meth host path = 
-  let cookie = default [] (may (fun x -> [ "Cookie: " ^ (print_keyvalpairs x) 
]) cookie) in
-  let content_length = default [] (may (fun l -> [ "Content-Length: 
"^(Int64.to_string l)]) length) in
-  [ Printf.sprintf "%s %s HTTP/%s" (string_of_method_t meth) path version;
-    Printf.sprintf "Host: %s" host;
-    Printf.sprintf "Connection: %s" (if keep_alive then "keep-alive" else 
-    Printf.sprintf "%s :%s" user_agent_hdr user_agent;
-  ] @ cookie @ content_length
 let urldecode url =
     let chars = String.explode url in
     let rec fn ac = function
@@ -209,11 +210,12 @@
            | k :: vs -> ((urldecode k), urldecode (String.concat "=" vs))
            | [] -> raise Http_parse_failure) kvpairs
+let parse_uri x = match String.split '?' x with
+| [ uri ] -> uri, []
+| [ uri; params ] -> uri, parse_keyvalpairs params
+| _ -> raise Http_parse_failure
 let request_of_string x = 
-  let parse_uri x = match String.split '?' x with
-    | [ uri ] -> uri, []
-    | [ uri; params ] -> uri, parse_keyvalpairs params
-    | _ -> raise Http_parse_failure in
   match String.split_f String.isspace x with
   | [ m; uri; version ] ->
       (* Request-Line   = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF *)
@@ -223,6 +225,7 @@
        version = version; cookie = []; auth = None; task = None; subtask_of = 
None; content_type = None; user_agent = None; close=false; headers=[] } 
   | _ -> raise Http_parse_failure
 let pretty_string_of_request x =
   let kvpairs x = String.concat "; " (List.map (fun (k, v) -> k ^ "=" ^ v) x) 
   Printf.sprintf "{ method = %s; uri = %s; query = [ %s ]; content_length = [ 
%s ]; transfer encoding = %s; version = %s; cookie = [ %s ]; task = %s; 
subtask_of = %s; content-type = %s; user_agent = %s }" 
@@ -237,9 +240,35 @@
     (default "" x.content_type)
     (default "" x.user_agent)
+let http_request ?(version="1.0") ?(keep_alive=false) ?cookie ?length 
~user_agent meth host path = 
+  let cookie = default [] (may (fun x -> [ "Cookie: " ^ (print_keyvalpairs x) 
]) cookie) in
+  let content_length = default [] (may (fun l -> [ "Content-Length: 
"^(Int64.to_string l)]) length) in
+  [ Printf.sprintf "%s %s HTTP/%s" (string_of_method_t meth) path version;
+    Printf.sprintf "Host: %s" host;
+    Printf.sprintf "Connection: %s" (if keep_alive then "keep-alive" else 
+    Printf.sprintf "%s :%s" user_agent_hdr user_agent;
+  ] @ cookie @ content_length
+let string_list_of_request x = 
+       let kvpairs x = String.concat "&" (List.map (fun (k, v) -> urlencode k 
^ "=" ^ (urlencode v)) x) in
+       let query = if x.query = [] then "" else "?" ^ (kvpairs x.query) in
+       let cookie = if x.cookie = [] then [] else [ "Cookie: " ^ (kvpairs 
x.cookie) ] in
+       let transfer_encoding = Opt.default [] (Opt.map (fun x -> [ 
"transfer-encoding: " ^ x ]) x.transfer_encoding) in
+       let content_length = Opt.default [] (Opt.map (fun x -> [ Printf.sprintf 
"content-length: %Ld" x ]) x.content_length) in
+       let auth = Opt.default [] (Opt.map (fun x -> [ "authorization: " ^ 
(string_of_authorization x) ]) x.auth) in
+       let task = Opt.default [] (Opt.map (fun x -> [ task_id_hdr ^ ": " ^ x 
]) x.task) in
+       let subtask_of = Opt.default [] (Opt.map (fun x -> [ subtask_of_hdr ^ 
": " ^ x ]) x.subtask_of) in
+       let content_type = Opt.default [] (Opt.map (fun x -> [ "content-type: " 
^ x ]) x.content_type) in
+       let user_agent = Opt.default [] (Opt.map (fun x -> [ "user-agent: " ^ x 
]) x.user_agent) in
+       let close = [ "Connection: " ^ (if x.close then "close" else 
"keep-alive") ] in
+       [ Printf.sprintf "%s %s%s HTTP/%s" (string_of_method_t x.m) x.uri query 
x.version ]
+       @ cookie @ transfer_encoding @ content_length @ auth @ task @ 
subtask_of @ content_type @ user_agent @ close
+       @ x.headers
 let escape uri =
        String.escaped ~rules:[ '<', "&lt;"; '>', "&gt;"; '\'', "&apos;"; '"', 
"&quot;"; '&', "&amp;" ] uri
 (* For transfer-encoding: chunked *)
 type 'a ll = End | Item of 'a * (unit -> 'a ll)
diff -r 815d0a9b3661 -r fb54e065e832 http-svr/http.mli
--- a/http-svr/http.mli Fri Jul 23 17:46:18 2010 +0100
+++ b/http-svr/http.mli Mon Aug 23 13:56:23 2010 +0100
@@ -42,14 +42,28 @@
     headers: string list;
+(** Parsed form of the HTTP response *)
+module Response : sig
+       type t = {
+               content_length: int64 option;
+               task: string option;
+       }
 val rpc_of_request : request -> Rpc.t 
 val request_of_rpc : Rpc.t -> request
 val nullreq : request
 val authorization_of_string : string -> authorization
+val parse_uri : string -> string * ((string * string) list)
 val request_of_string : string -> request
 val pretty_string_of_request : request -> string
+(** Marshal a request back into wire-format *)
+val string_list_of_request : request -> string list
 val http_request : ?version:string -> ?keep_alive:bool -> 
?cookie:((string*string) list) -> ?length:(int64) -> user_agent:(string) -> 
method_t -> string -> string -> string list
 val http_403_forbidden : string list
diff -r 815d0a9b3661 -r fb54e065e832 http-svr/http_client.ml
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/http-svr/http_client.ml   Mon Aug 23 13:56:23 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *)
+(* A very simple HTTP client *)
+open Stringext
+exception Connection_reset
+(** Thrown when no data is received from the remote HTTP server. This could 
happen if
+    (eg) an stunnel accepted the connection but xapi refused the forward 
causing stunnel
+    to immediately close. *)
+exception Empty_response_from_server
+(** Thrown when we get a non-HTTP response *)
+exception Http_request_rejected
+(** Thrown when we get a specific HTTP failure *)
+exception Http_error of string
+let http_rpc_send_query fd request body =
+       try
+               let writeln x = 
+                       Unixext.really_write fd x 0 (String.length x);
+                       let end_of_line = "\r\n" in
+                       Unixext.really_write fd end_of_line 0 (String.length 
end_of_line) in
+               List.iter writeln (Http.string_list_of_request request);
+               writeln "";
+               if body <> "" then Unixext.really_write fd body 0 
(String.length body)
+       with
+       | Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNRESET, _, _) -> raise Connection_reset
+(* Internal exception thrown when reading a newline-terminated HTTP header 
when the 
+   connection is closed *)
+exception Http_header_truncated of string
+(* Tediously read an HTTP header byte-by-byte. At some point we need to add 
+   but we'll need to encapsulate our file descriptor into more of a 
channel-like object
+   to make that work. *)
+let input_line_fd (fd: Unix.file_descr) = 
+       let buf = Buffer.create 20 in
+       let finished = ref false in
+       try
+               while not(!finished) do
+                       let buffer = " " in
+                       let read = Unix.read fd buffer 0 1 in
+                       if read < 1 then raise (Http_header_truncated 
(Buffer.contents buf));
+                       if buffer = "\n" then finished := true else 
Buffer.add_char buf buffer.[0]
+               done;
+               Buffer.contents buf
+       with
+       | Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNRESET, _, _) -> raise Connection_reset
+(* Read the HTTP response and if a 200 OK, return (content_length, task_id 
option). Otherwise 
+   throw an exception. *)
+let http_rpc_recv_response fd =
+       let ok = ref false in
+       let task_id = ref None in
+       let content_length = ref None in
+       (try
+               (* Initial line has the response code on it *)
+               let line = 
+                       try input_line_fd fd 
+                       with 
+                       | Http_header_truncated "" ->
+                               (* Special case the error when no data is 
received at all *)
+                               raise Empty_response_from_server        
+               in
+               match String.split_f String.isspace line with
+               | _ :: "200" :: _ ->
+                       ok := true;
+                       (* Skip the rest of the headers *)
+                       while true do
+                               let line = input_line_fd fd in
+                               (* NB input_line removes the final '\n'.
+                                  RFC1945 says to expect a '\r\n' (- '\n' = 
'\r') *)
+                               match line with       
+                               | "" | "\r" -> raise Not_found
+                               | x -> 
+                                       begin
+                                               let (k,t) = match String.split 
':' x with
+                                               | k :: rst -> (k, String.concat 
":" rst) 
+                                               | _ -> ("","") in
+                                               let k' = String.lowercase k in
+                                               if k' = String.lowercase 
Http.task_id_hdr then begin
+                                                       let t = String.strip 
String.isspace t in
+                                                       task_id := Some t
+                                               end else if k' = 
"content-length" then begin
+                                                       let t = String.strip 
String.isspace t in
+                                                       content_length := Some 
(Int64.of_string t)
+                                               end 
+                                       end
+                       done
+               | _ :: (("401"|"403"|"500") as http_code) :: _ ->
+                       raise (Http_error http_code)
+               | _ -> raise Not_found
+       with Not_found -> ());
+       if not(!ok) 
+       then raise Http_request_rejected
+       else { Http.Response.content_length = !content_length;
+              task = !task_id }
+(** [rpc request body f] marshals the HTTP request represented by [request] 
and [body]
+    and then parses the response. On success, [f] is called with an HTTP 
response record.
+    On failure an exception is thrown. *)
+let rpc (fd: Unix.file_descr) request body f = 
+       http_rpc_send_query fd request body;
+       f (http_rpc_recv_response fd) fd
diff -r 815d0a9b3661 -r fb54e065e832 http-svr/http_client.mli
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/http-svr/http_client.mli  Mon Aug 23 13:56:23 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *)
+(* A very simple HTTP client *)
+(** Thrown when we get a non-HTTP response *)
+exception Http_request_rejected
+(** Thrown when we get a specific HTTP failure *)
+exception Http_error of string
+(** [rpc fd request body f] marshals the HTTP request represented by [request] 
and [body]
+    through file descriptor [fd] and then applies the response to [f]. On 
failure an 
+    exception is thrown. *)
+val rpc : Unix.file_descr -> Http.request -> string -> (Http.Response.t -> 
Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> 'a
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 815d0a9b3661 -r fb54e065e832 xapi-libs.spec
--- a/xapi-libs.spec    Fri Jul 23 17:46:18 2010 +0100
+++ b/xapi-libs.spec    Mon Aug 23 13:56:23 2010 +0100
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
+   /usr/lib/ocaml/http-svr/http_client.cmi
+   /usr/lib/ocaml/http-svr/http_client.cmx
 http-svr/Makefile        |    4 +-
 http-svr/http.ml         |   57 ++++++++++++++++-----
 http-svr/http.mli        |   14 +++++
 http-svr/http_client.ml  |  121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 http-svr/http_client.mli |   25 +++++++++
 xapi-libs.spec           |    2 +
 6 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

Attachment: xen-api-libs.hg.patch
Description: Text Data

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